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By abuali
This forum is dedicated to discussions related to the 'Contemporary Issues' section of each issue. This section shall be the responsibility of ?.

?: Please put forward your ideas and topics for next two issues and anything else that you want to share in relation to the 'Contemporary Issues'
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By Muhammad Mahdi

As we all know the mutual emotional interdependence between man and woman is a basic human need-a natural interdependence that could ensure the healthy continuation of human race and grant peace and serenity to the hearts.

These natural needs are best satisfied within an institution called marriage,the foundation of which is based on love,affection,understanding and sacrifice.The nature of this institution is such that it cannot function powerfully merely under force, strict and due legalities and pressure and if values like compassion, support, adjustment and understanding are not its foundation.The values that make it sweet and powerful are love, tenderness, care, kindness.

Early marriage is something that is not given its due importance nowadays.People have considered it to be an old custom and are being brainwashed by the western culture that first a boy/girl must get his /her degree then only he/she can marry. They claim that studies cannot be compatible with marriage.

This is just a created problem by us because studies are not different from any other profession, infact it is a profession. Therefore, I would like to question these westerners
that married people who are non-students are not on job and married? Is there incompatibility? No! then why in studies you bring this problems? In the same way there is no problem with studies, infact marriage adds power to the profession i.e. studies. Marriage is a factor of greater performance in studies. This is because:
a)Marriage is a booster of maturity.
b)Responsibilities: When a person steps into marriage, he sides towards love and closeness and gets a new sense of responsibility.
c)The aim of marriage is peace and tranquility as mentioned in the Holy Qur`an chapter 30 verse 21.Therefore, if you are married and study, you will get to study in peace-not thinking about any other girl/boy. No girlfriend/boyfriend business! Therefore we have seen that marriage is compatible with studies.

Another issue that may be raised by those who object early marriages is that how will couples support themselves after getting married. Allah (swt) mentions in the Holy Qur`an sura e Nur verse 32:``And marry ye those among you who are singles….if they are needy God will make them free from want and God is all bounteous ,all knowing, so we should have trust in Allah(swt).Apart from that there can be support of parents from both sides until the young couple becomes independent. Special planning should be made for the progress of the newly married couples. A tradition from the 6th holy imam(as)reads as follows :``Whosoever plans and helps for the marriage of a bachelor, Allah(swt)will descend His blessings upon him on the day of resurrection.

Ayatullah Ibrahim Amini,a scholar in Qum, despite of the power of brainwashing of the west but when asked :``What is the ideal age for marriage?” Ayatullah replies:``For girls 14 to 16 years and for boys 17-19yrs.” This is the age which nature has decided. Moreover, marriage should not be delayed unnecessarily, as delaying marriage has many bad effects, some of which are :
-delaying marriage may cause indulgence in prohibited acts, as a thirty person can quench his/her thirst with harmful liquids. With early marriage the basic material needs of man are taken care of and an individual is well equipped to resist getting involved in degrading acts like adultery. The most important and necessary thing in this respect is to teach our youth s the basic religious concepts , the merits of a virtuous life and the chastisement of sins that lasts after committing sins.
-Delaying marriage may also cause some trouble in the case of women such as in pregnancy, delivery, blood pressure, sugar, womb’s capacity to hold a child etc….these affects the new borns health and brain. For these reasons ;the prophet of Allah gave more emphasis on marriage of daughters and said ``Verily, maidens are like fruits of a tree; when its fruit ripen and are not reaped , sunshine ruins them and the wind scatters them. Maidens are in the same situation. When they comprehend what the women perceive, there is no remedy for them save a husband. If they are not given in marriage, they will not be secured from corruption because they are human beings too.(they have the same human instincts and temperament as others)
-Delaying marriage may cause desperation due to increase in sexual potency as a result opposing the domestic system.
-Delaying marriage may cause an increase in the conditions of the spouse selection due to increase in levels of perception and finally selection of an ideal partner becomes difficult.

Marriage is not just a simple affair and should not under any circumstances be taken for granted. Purposeless marriages which are based only on whims, fancies and infatuations are hollow and lack the required warmth. Their foundation is very shaky and weak and since the designers(the couple) of such an institution are ignorant about the secrets of marriage, they fail to enjoy a happily married life. Therefore, the role of purposefulness and having goals in life should not be taken for granted and under-estimated at the time of marriage. For marriage, is a deep emotional tie and bond that leads to social changes and development of human virtues.

Thus, when a youth intends to enter into marriage, he is fully aware of his goals in life and tends to work hard in attaining those goals. If he knows that life is not limited to eating, sleeping, and reproduction he is bound to select sacred goals and his/her approach to marriage would be constructive and useful.

Young people should know that man and woman have been created for one another and they attract one another like the opposite poles of a magnet. If they want/intend to stay away from anxiety, emotional as well as psychological distress and if they want to have a sense of security they should be each others confidants, counselors, and support each other at the time of difficulties, rather than trying to get superiority in life. Marriage and family institution is a natural and at the same time delicate and important development in the life of every youth.. It requires both sides be prepared and equipped before stepping into it. There are various ways and means of acquiring this preparedness. For example, observation of the attitude of parents in family environment, both positive and negative. Parents should prepare their young sons and daughters as well in advance for the challenges and responsibilities of a strongly – married life. They should extend all possible healthy support to the young couple and at the same time not interfere unduly into their lives.

However, I would like to mention here opinions of physicians and doctors on the harms of child- marriages. They opine that the progenies of child marriages lack vitality and hence their lives are proportionately short. Pregnancy in childhood weakens the health of women and their precious are cut short-Child marriages therefore be abolished and unless proper age is attained, marriage should not be contracted

Now let us see some of the traditions of our Infallible masumeen(as) on hastening to marry.

The Holy Prophet(saww) has said ``Marry and marry those who are singles. Doing this act is a sign of a good Muslim.”

``Get married because I will honor your numerous numbers on the day of resurrection.”

``Oh young people! Each of you who are able to do so should marry in order to remain pure.”

``Marry the single men so that God will give them a good temper, increase their daily bread and also their generosity.”

``Any young man who marries at the beginning of his youth his Satan moans and intensively regrets that he has protected two-thirds of his faith from Satan.”

``Get married and give your daughters in a marriage, because it is from good fortune of any Muslim man that gives his(matured) daughter (or sister) in marriage.”

Imam Ridha(as) has said that,``Even if God and the prophet(as)had not encourages marriage, the social benefits which God has places in it like being good to relatives or foreigners, is enough to encourage wise people to get married.

To conclude, marriage is an institution in which the married couple has to spend their whole lives together. For this reason, it should be well planned and spouse selection should be done with utmost care. We need to be practical in implementing the right ways of marriage, discard all un-islamic customs and make every effort to prosper our future generations.

By: Hasnain Mohamedali
All About Weed

Marijuana, commonly known as weed, has become an undeniable part of our lives. I bet we all know at least one person who does weed. To get to know more about weed and weed-users, I interviewed a couple of people who use weed.

Most teenagers start using weed just to try it out. They continue using it because they like it. They smoke just to fit in with friends, to have fun while partying and many times- to counter stress.

One former user said he smoked when he could not bear the problems he had. He smoked to get away from the real world. He claims it “opened” his mind and he found solutions to his problems when he was high. Yet, there is no scientific evidence that indicates that Marijuana improves the senses and perception. On the contrary, studies have proved that the drug can impair short term memory and reduce the ability to judge sensibly. Users said they felt more daring, and would do new things they do not normally do. These new things could be other more dangerous drugs like cocaine.

When asked why he chose to do weed over all the other drugs available, a user said it was the least dangerous and was not chemically processed so it had the least chemicals. That is a convincing statement but one that shows that the user is in denial. Weed contains over 400 known chemicals (and many unknown ones), which alter the body’s mechanism. Smoking one joint (a weed cigarette) harms the lungs as much as 4 normal cigarettes.

Many users also think that weed is not addictive. They claim that they can stop anytime they like. It is known that long-time users may have a hard time limiting their use. They may need more to get the same high. They may also develop problems in school and in personal relationships. All this spells one thing- addiction.


è Weed kills your brain cells and cells once lost are lost forever.

è It impairs your judgment

è It impairs your memory

è It slows down your reproductive system

è It can cause cancer and give you a heart attack

è It reduces your overall immunity, which means you get sicker for longer, more frequently

è You can be fined $100 and/or spend 6 months in jail if caught with it

è What you smoke is not always pure marijuana. Some times sellers mix it (with rat/cockroach faeces or tobacco) to give you a greater high. [One user suggested you have sugar, sugarcane or a glass of cold milk if you want get back to normal after a high.]

After reading all this, if you want to get over your addiction, congratulations. The first step in solving a problem is identifying it. (Maths teachers say that) Now that you know where your problem lies, try to solve it. You can visit http://www.marijuana-anonymous.com for more information. The site does not charge for membership and it helps people get over their marijuana addiction.
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By Muhammad Mahdi
The author talked to an addict from a international school. The addict said that he was fined 60K but the fine can be around $100.

We could replace the $ with 100K shillings instead.


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