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By kulsham
So i have come across a Sunni brother and a Shia brother... we were discussing (online) about the term Ya ALi Madad..... When we are stuck or are in problems, we say Ya ALi Madad...

According to how i grew up, seeing similar around and since never had anybody saying its wrong to me... i have always called YA ali madad and ofcourse Allah swt.

Sunni's say its SHIRK.

Shia brothers (online) think it is SHirk too...

in such a way....

We can't ask for Help to any Living or Dead except Allah swt.
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By kulsham
Views by....

(By a Shia brother.)
However, unfortunately many other of our brothers believe in directly addressing Duas to the Ahlul-Bayt (a.s)
for example:
"O Prophet Help Me", "O Ali Help me", (Ya Ali Madad )etc.
And we are against this direct addressing of Duas.
by a Sunni Brother
Hazrat Ali r.a is resting in his grave and he cant hear if you call him. Only ask Allah for help. Only Allah and Allah alone can hear and answer our prayers.
What are you views?
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By kulsham
during Muharram....
WHen the Alam comes out.......or the Laash
Women and Men run towards it and start praying asking for their haajats, and dua's.
They pray for their personal needs.

WOmen cry over the Alams, tying the green threads and handkerchief, making hajats andwishing for their help.... is this all SHIRK?

since Shirk = Kaafir

women cry cry cry with tears over the ALam and pray for their problems and yeah, the Shafat for the Ill person....

these are asking for HELP to the Imams etc....
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By kulsham
Sunni Saint Worshippers?

Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Why are you so-called traditionals [sic.] saint worshippers? Why do you claim to be sticking to the Sunnat of Muhammad [Allah bless him and give him peace] and then worship so-called saints who don't want your worship because they are busy with their Rabb [Lord]?

http://qa.sunnipath.com/issue_view.asp? ... 41&CATE=24
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By kulsham
ok i didnt mean to be rude.....
I will read that for sure... so if i am on adebate/arguement with sunni brothers i hope i can clear things out peacefully inshallah...
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By Syed Kazim
Well, it is a nice article, i read a paragraph or two!
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By kulsham
Syed Kazim wrote:its too looooooooong! :wink:
yeah. but very interesting... Im gonaread slowly slowly until it is all over.
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By abuali
Its an article that has been compiled by a brother (member of Ask) for the purpose of leaving no doubt in mind about Tawassul. (may Allah reward the brother for his work).

A hadeeth comes to mind...when during one of the battles, the Holy Prophet called Imam Ali by saying 'Ya Ali Madad'

Can't recall the citation...if any of you know please post it. This will remve doubts about its permisibility atleast.


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