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By abuali
Alaykum Salaam

Thanks for volunteering Fatemah and Sayyeda.

I ahve given the posters to FTC management. They shall let me know on Tuesday if they can put them up on their notice boards.

How can I deliver posters for Almis to you Fatemah? And how many posters will you need?

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By Aliyah
Assalamun alaykum,

Well..... just an advice to all moderaters especially brother Hasin. This forum mashallah is very worth it but to shape it in a more better way rules should be enacted inorder to run this forum in an islamic way.

Secondly posters and advertisements should not only be acessable here in Dar-es salaam but should be advertised internationally.

May God bles you all
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By abuali
Alaykum Salaam Aliyah

Thank you for your kind words and support.

The site is definitely alive and active due to all its wonderful and responsible members who use it day in and day out.

I do agree with you that the discussions should be run in an organized, logical manner, with ethics and respect.

Did you have any specific rules in mind? If so, please do not hesitate to share the ideas. You can also PM me.

The posters are available for download by brothers and sisters who live abroad, so that they can also help put the posters up in their localities.

Unfortunatel, Ask does not have any funds yet to print posters in mass and mail them to other places around the world.

Inshallah, we shall be able to do that very soon as well.
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By abuali
Salaams All

A new version of Ask has dawned upon us...So, we need to publicize it...yet once more.

I am in the process of making a new poster....however this time I want the poster to have input from you, the member

How do you perceive Ask? If you were to make a poster promoting Ask, what text would you put in it? What graphics would you use? In simple terms, what would your concept be?

Put your thoughts and ideas here, and I will try and include them in the new poster that will be put up in as many places as possible.

Hey, maybe we can even make a tshirt...what do you think?

Let those 'brains' start 'storming'. If you are confident, go ahead and make a poster and let us see it.
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By kulsham

thirts - for those who make the posters? or for the top 10 best posters?
how about this idea?
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By kulsham
about the posters let me sit with calm mind *ahem* and design.. will let u know... give me some good lines to put on them will ya?
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By abuali
tshirts for sale promoting Ask

We can produce a number of tshirts which members and non-members can buy to either wear or give as gifts.

These tshirts then act as a promotion for Ask.

Your idea is good too...maybe the tshirts can be given away as presents to individuals who contribute and help....say to the person whose logo is chosent to be used for Ask and for the person whose poster Ask utilises and so on.

As for the posters...i beieve the best posters are the most simple with as few words as possible. The big question is, as you asked, what words to use?
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By Sayyeda
:o Good ideaas!

Tshirts look great! :)
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By kulsham

his one looks so Smart.

i will buy :)
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By kulsham
we can put some wise sayings at the back for Muharram
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By kulsham
we can have 5 sponsors. and we can make 50 pcs in the beginning.

We can sale door to door or... in the mosque.
We can Sale by making a poster announcing that we are selling such shirts.

The wise sayings will attract more as Muharram is going to come soon.

The plain ones can be sold easily too from Madressa to Al miss School.

Nothing is Impossible in this world.
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