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Our communities and daily lives are ridden with many unIslamic temptations and deviations. Yet plenty are practiced openly.
By peaceful_soul
Actually I ave question
Well I dont listen 2 music coz since I was a kid my parents were very strict with me n the thing my parents r very much in 2 azadar mataam n all so some time even wen we r eating dinner the mataam tape will b running
But the thing is wen we do mataam it has a rhythm 2 it (so I dotn understand how that’s different from music )
n also @ mosk haven’t u noticed that if one persons mataam is just a few secs off ppl notice
so their is definitely a rhythm 2 it

so how is mataam different from music ? I m confused

this some what ties in 2 the question I asked in the help n advise form I will post it here just incase u guys dint c it yet

4.Tragedy of kerballa
I know that Imam Hussein (a.s) n his family / companies scarified their lives 2 save islam ……
n I know that 1 hadith that says we shai's were created to mourn 4 imam Hussein
(was just wondering is there any thing in the quran about mourning 4 imam Hussein) I know tawala n tabara but dose that include mourning?
Every muhram wen I listen 2 the majlises I always get something new 2 learn not only from the majlis but also from the gum part
But then I don't understand y we mourn n do mataam
Of course as a human being it is natural 2 cry wen we hear about such atrocities n some times I cry bcoz I feel that my imam gave up everything 4 me n I still commit sins
But then I think about the hours of my life I ave spent doing mataam (half the time I don't understand what the reciter is saying coz I don't understand urdu so I dont know y I m doing mataam)
Could u plz explain
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By Muhammad Mahdi
I would just like to comment
I know.. going off the topic

Imam gave his life not so that we should feel pity for him and cry but for the sake of realizing things.
peaceful soul wrote:some times I cry bcoz I feel that my imam gave up everything 4 me n I still commit sins
that is the reason Imam gave up his life. it is the reason to cry for.
(I hope I make sense) :oops:
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By qarrar
Reciting something with a rhythm doesn’t make it haraam. Please refer to the music forum in this very section and take a look at the various posts which outline what makes music haraam.

On your second point of azadari being mentioned in the Quran, take a look at this pdf file below. Though the file is primarily concerned with rebutting sunni arguments against azadari, it does also address your point. I hope this is helpful.

http://www.answering-ansar.org/answers/ ... _flyer.pdf
By peaceful_soul
thank u all 4 ur input
alhanmdullaih I now understand y I should mourn 4 imam husssein n do mattam
also if any one is interested plz visit
it really helped me understand the concept of azadari
n Qarrar the site u shared was very helpful
Thank you
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By Muntazir Manji

Just a little note for the music listeners...

I used to be an addict! and i mean mega by that! i would have earphones through out the day, while studying especially! but alhamdulillah, it took jsut one second for me to stop! I jsut heard onehadith from Sayyid Mahdi al Mudarrasi and it sent the chills down my spine.. at that veryn moment i went and threw away all my music tapes!

The hadith is from Imam Ali (as) who said that when you listen to music, it is as if you have slapped amir al momineen (as) on the face!

Imagine my brothers and sisters, that same person whose praises you sing day and night, when you have any needs you ask him for intersession, the guradian of your faith, the one who will intercede for us on judgment day! would you ever slap him on the face?.. would you ever dare?... its easy for me write this, but the state of heart that i am in even right now is difficult to describe!

PLease remember tis hadith every time you swith on that music device! whether its a ringtone on the phone or mp3!

TIP: If you keep saying its hard, it aint ever gonna happen! DIVE IN! make a FIRM resolution NOW! do away wit all your music... and nevre turn back! its just as easy as that!

If you just take one step, Allah (swt) will make the rest easier, becase he is the kind lord who loves us 80 times more than our own mothers!

May Allah (swt) give us all the tawfiq to remain on the right path!

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By abuali
Muntazir Manji wrote:Salaams.

The hadith is from Imam Ali (as) who said that when you listen to music, it is as if you have slapped amir al momineen (as) on the face!
Thats enough reason for any shian-e-ali to stop.

its especially easy to stop any bad habit during this holy month since we are actively avoiding even those things that are normally haraam.

any other hadith's about music?


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