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(The following was actually a speech in ‘’food for thought program’’, and has been made into text for the benefit of all believers.)


• Before I start my speech I would like to make it clear that my aim is not Facebook’s well known Pros and Cons…….NO, I don’t want to get into that.
• In fact, today we will see Facebook from a critical angle which is extremely important but it is completely being overlooked.
• Alas ,We have been so much intoxicated by Facebook, that we don’t even have a spare minute to reflect that : all the updates & uploads we post …OR……… all the postings we like & share ……OR…………..all the encouraging feedback we give ……….OR … all the personal &family problems we discuss in it………. ARE FROM AN ISLAMIC AND MORAL STANDPOINT VALID OR NOT???


• There is one very popular and interesting button of Facebook, without which Facebook users feel totally helpless, you have guessed it right! ''THE LIKE BUTTON''.
• With the help of this button we like all the worthy posts, no doubt; BUT we also like the unworthy posts too :

• Some examples of unworthy posts:
- Posts that have beautiful quotes, but are accompanied with dirty (vulgar) pictures.
- Wrong photos e.g those photos in which a muslimah is without Hijab, or In which a muslimah is in the ‘’SO CALLED HIJAB” i.e improper Hijab.
- Crude & vulgar posts.
- Fan pages of haram activities, e.t.c e.t.c

Let us keep in mind that when we LIKE any postings, what does it actually mean?
It means that:
1. We are encouraging the uploader to continue with this kinds of postings.
2. We are in agreement with his posts…..we liked it, didn’t we???
3. We are helping in the post circulation…Right? We like it, it shows in the newsfeed of our friends , they like it and it goes on and on……

Most of the times, we also tend to compromise our precious values and principals for few likes ….….HOW???
We LIKE our friends’ unworthy postings so that in exchange, they also like OURS….. JUST FOR THE SAKE OF FEW LIKES.

Thus, by liking something wrong and unworthy…we are actually encouraging it…aren’t we???

In other words, we are “pleasing people at the cost of displeasing Allah[swt].”


• Lets see what the Holy Qur’an says:

 In { Sura AL Maidah verse no 2} Allah says:
“Help one another in righteousness and piety, but do not help one another in sin and transgression.”

What are we helping each other in ???

Uploading photos on Facebook has become our favorite pastime activity.
Do we realize the risks ???

Risk no1: our photos can be permanently saved in anyone’s mobile, PC, tablet, etc e.t.c so once we have uploaded them , its out of our hands.

Risk no 2: Our pics can be viewed by hundreds and thousands of people.

Risk no 3: whenever we delete our pics, its visibility link gets removed but the pic remains in the facebook server; server holders will always have access to our pics.

Risk no 4: and now comes the most dangerous part! With the help of different kinds of softwares, ex: photoshop, anyone can save and misuse our photos. Many cases have come up in which normal photos of females have been transformed and presented in vulgar clothings, and displayed on the internet with or without fake profiles………. FOR ALL TO SEE.
Just imagine, by posting our photos, we are giving these psychos a chance to abuse us.
Aren’t we being very smart?!?!?


• On one hand our liked pages consist of Qur’an, Nahjul Balagha, Aimmahs’ pages and the likes, while on the other hand, we have musical albums, pop singers, actors fan pages and the likes…
A combination of saviors of Islam and enemies of Islam.


• Are we trying to confirm that it’s really easy for a believer to be holding HUSSAINIYYAT IN ONE HAND AND YAZIDIYYAT ON THE OTHER?

• By literally advertising our SINS do we feel no remorse ???

Don’t we realize that by doing so we are not only exposing our wrong deeds but we are also encouraging others to follow in our footsteps???

Lets see what the Qur’an says about this:

 {Sure Ankabut verse no 13:}

“And certainly they shall carry their own burdens, and (other) burdens with their own burdens…”

In the commentary of this verse, The Prophet of Allah [pbuh] says:
Whoever invites people to misguidance, he will bear a burden of sin like that of those who follow him, without diminishing their burden in the least.
(A hadith not to be taken lightly..…)

So, overall we can conclude that Facebook is a tool in our hands….we use it rightly and we gain……we use it wrongly and we lOOSE……. ..WITH THAT THOUGHT…… Assalam alaykum warahmatullah
shukran sister for such a knowledgeable post.
You have hinted on ''providing encouraging feedback'' in the start of the article and i am quiet sure you mean all the encouraging comments we post on wrong posts like photos of na mahram e.g wow u look so pretty, wow he is so cute, u r looking so beautiful and u r so handsome and all those rubbish comments which has become norm of the day.
Its a shame to see muslim people doing the same .Its more shameful to see muslim ladies whom god has given 9 out of 10 parts of ''hayya', and they are also into this. its a shame no doubt we r making fun of our values.....we r making fun of Islam by doing all this stupid things
I totally agree with you. It is really a shame that this kind of immoral behavior is being practised on such a large scale amongst believers and its not happening because of ignorance, every believer knows that its unislamic and wrong just like we know our right hand from the left but still nobody cares.........and that makes it more painful

I meant any kind of postive feedback on wrong posts/photos even if they are of ones mahram e.g if ones sister posts her photo then she shouldnt be encouraged.
Many a times we see some believing women who are very careful not to post their photos but at the same time they give positive feedback or LIKE the photo of their believing female friends hence encouraging them.


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