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Birth Dates, Dates of Martydom, Causes of Martydom and the place of their graves. Not merely factual, but also discussions on their exemplary lives.
By fsl96
sorry, i got this question from a site. dint find any satisfying answer even i had a feeling to put this up. this was posted up in 2007 as i was going through the forums on the site http://eaglespearlsofwisdom.wordpress.com is it really true?

When I saw this discussion I knew you would want to see it too, since we are on the subject of the Mahdi. It is completely out of order, I know, but couldn’t resist putting it up. It was taken from a Shiite chat room. At the bottom of the post will be some questions for my Muslim readers.


OK people, not sure about exactly what will happen after Imam Mehdi arrives, but it is said that Imam Mahdi will eventually be a shaheed. Imam Mehdi will be killed by a women with a moustache.
I have been told that Ayatollah Behjat has said that the women has been born few weeks ago. Can anyone confirm this? Ayatollah Behjat has a reputation of seeing the unknown, and has great respect.
Is the time coming near for the arrival?!?

Anyone with info reply to this post.
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By abuali
fsl96 wrote:hard Question. there are a lot of riwayats stating that imam did not have a wife. but some other do say he had. we still don't know do we?
Imam (atfs) definitely lives a married life, following the sunnah of his grandfather, the Holy Prophet (pbuh).

And since his wife (wives) and children are not necessarily granted the long life that he has been granted, it would mean that his wives and children pass away to the eternal abode while Imam (atfs) continuous living. He therefore would marry several wives.

He is also given the title Abu Swalah. As per Arab customs this would indicate that his first born is called Swalah.

I have not come across any details about his wife/wives though.
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By abuali
fsl96 wrote:can i ask some questions going arnd mind?
how is the rise of the sufiyani going to help the imam of the time?
Interesting question. Perhaps by the miraculous defeat of the sufyani people will have no doubt about the truthfulness of the claim of the Imam (atfs)
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By Reyhana
I think the rise of sufyani will be one of the causes of the appearance of the Imam of our time.

''The period of Sufyani’s rule and his oppression shall last for eight months. In this brief time span he would exceed all limits in wreaking havoc and terror. He shall slay the righteous and during his tenure the hope of the weak, the deprived and the oppressed, His Eminence, Imam Mahdi (a.s) shall reappear''. (The life of Imam Al-Mahdi pg. 348)

This book is online on:
http://www.maaref-foundation.com/englis ... /index.htm
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By Reyhana
The Holy Imam (may Allah hasten his reappearance) is endowed with numerous titles.
Give the meanings of his titles given below:
3. Muntazar
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By Reyhana
Here are the answers:

AL-MAHDI means The Guided one
Al Qaim means The established one ,(It is due to the fact that he would arise for truth.And he is also reffered to as Qaim of the progeny of Muhammad [pbuh]).
Al Muntazar means The awaited one ,(The believers are patiently waiting for his reappearance.)
Al Hujjat means The Proof ,(He is the proof of Almighty God upon his creatures and Servants.)
Khalaf-e-Salih means The best and the righteous Successor


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