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What do you feel about the cameras installed in the ladies imambargah?

I dont see any problem with them even if men can use them to see the ladies
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As long as the media room team is reliable, they wont abuse the cameras. So no problem
I am ok with one camera fixed on the mimbar accessible only by the ladies from the ladies side. Anything more is unacceptable
Why have cameras in the ladies side at all. No cameras, no opportunity given to shaitan to encourage abuse
2. Approach and discuss the issue with the LMC to assess if they or any ladies have any issues with the current system
We were told that because the Jamaat has so far not received any 'official' complaints about the cameras on the ladies side and therefore are not convinced that the jamaat members have any problems with it.

I am very much surprised by the above answers.

I mean, how can the ladies who dont even know that the cameras can be abused ,complain of anything?

What I mean to say is can any lady ''SEE'' that she can be watched?

So ,how do they conclude that no ''official complaints'' from the ladies side means nothing should be done about it???
I agree with the above ''Insaan'', most of the ladies dont even know how these cameras work and most dont even realise that there is a rotating camera on the ladies side, and those ladies who know, dont realise that the cameras can be abused and let us suppose that if majority of ladies dont care, does that justify the presence abusable camera on the ladies side ???
Its like saying that if majority of muslim women dont care of observing proper hijab as per shariah then the muslim society (instead of making efforts to bring about a positive change) should turn a blind eye towards it and encourage the abuse.
abuali wrote:(bismillah)

5 concerned members (Br. Muhammad Mahdi, Br, Muhamad Shabbir, Br. Ahmad Chagani, Br. Mohammedraza Panjwani & myself) met with the KSI Jamaat board members yesterday (Friday 24 Aug 2012), including an expert in CCTV solutions.

The board members were very cordial and kind and received us very well.

We tabled our motion that a separate control room be established inside the ladies imambargah from where the rotating camera on the ladies side can be controlled. In this way, the weakness and risk of abuse of the current system will be eliminated.

After due deliberations including:

1. Vulnerability of the current system
2. Technical, practical and financial viability of making a separate control room to control the ladies cameras

There was general consensus that :

1. The current systems were prone to abuse should anyone decide to take advantage of its weaknesses.

2. A separate media room would be technically (thanks to expert advice of the cctv professional present), practically and financially viable.

The office bearers however requested time so that they could

1. Approach and discuss the matter with Sheikh Alidina (to find out if with its current weakness the system is sharia-compliant or not).

2. Approach and discuss the issue with the LMC to assess if they or any ladies have any issues with the current system.

3. Deliberate the matter among themselves before reaching a decision and informing us.

Upon requesting a time frame we were assured they would deal with the matter as fast as possible but they can not give a time-line as the jamaat has many other things to deal with as well. However we were told that we would be kept up to date an be informed of progress in 2 weeks time. However, Azimbhai assured us that the Jamaat will come to a speedy resolution after taking into considerations the weakness of the system and religious sensitivities of the members they are serving.

We informed the board that the chairman of media room team had also recommended a separate control room for ladies.

We were told that because the Jamaat has so far not received any 'official' complaints about the cameras on the ladies side and therefore are not convinced that the jamaat members have any problems with it.

I would therefore like to request all those who are concerned about the potential abuse of the cameras to personally approach/email any of the office bearers (listed below) to 'officially' register their concern. This way jamaat will be able to know if the members are truly concerned or not.

President: Shirazbhai Walji
Vice President: Azimbhai Dewji
Secretary: Zulfikarbhai Chandoo
Jt. Secretary: Kauserbhai Jeraj

[Please send a copy of your email to petition[at]ask.or.tz so that we can also be aware of your email. If you contact any of the jamaat officials in person or by phone, please also inform us via email or post in this forum]

Ladies can also contact any member of the LMC, so that the LMC can 'officially' register their concerns to the Jamaat office bearers.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the office bearers for their time and attentive ears which they kindly accorded us.

Jazakallah khair.

despite agreeing its a problem they need to check with others before making a decision????????????
Its almost three weeks since we had our meeting with the office bearers of jamaat.

Frankly i was optimistic that with the concern shown by the office bearers about the problem, they would speedily resolve the issue.

Unfortunately i am being proven wrong. I emailed the secretary last week requesting an update and then met with him. He assured me he would reply by last friday. I have yet to hear from him or any other office bearer yet.

Posted with TouchBB on my iPhone
(bismillah) (salam)

I wrote to the secretariat of the jamaat requesting updates.

The secretariat replied saying:
We have engaged Sheikh Alidina on this matter and he has assured us he will look into it and advise the course of action if any required. He has not reverted to us, and whenever he does, his recommendations will be acted upon.

Some of us who had attended the meeting with the jamaat officials had also attended a meeting with Dr. Alidina to discuss the same issue. A technical expert on cctv systems was also present in this meeting.

Dr. Alidina after listening to the explanations of how the current system works and our proposal of making a separate media room for ladies, he gave the following inputs, based on the Islamic point-of-view:

1. Systems based on trust are ok only as long as the trust is absolute. So for example if we trust Mr. A and Mr. B to jointly handle the system (therefore be present at all times and trusted enough to deal with any abuse promptly) without abusing it, then apart from this being the view of all those who know Mr. A, it should also be established that Mr. A and Mr. B do not then entrust what they are trusted with to Mr. X, Y or Z.

2. Since the above is very hard to achieve, it is necessary to have systems that can match the Islamic law of separation of the sexes especially since ladies in their imambargah remove their hijab's.

3. If the above is not possible then at least the ladies should be informed about how the current systems work so that they can observe hijab accordingly.
I spoke to the Jamaat secretary today and he updated me that there has been some progress. They have met with Dr. Alidina and he has recommended changing the system so that the media room does not have direct access to the rotating camera on the ladies side.

The secretary informed me that they are working on a solution that involves a cut-of-switch that shall be located in the ladies side which when switched on will allow the signal from the camera on the ladies side to be relayed to the media room. Hence when switched off, the media room will not be able to access the camera in the ladies side.

He said that the system should be in place before Muharram inshallah.
Since our brothers and sisters are based on assumptions.

I have one more assumption to add:

We can now think that even if the cut-off switch is present in the ladies side, there MAY BE a POSSIBILITY of the gents being in the media room during the ladies program.

So in short, why don't we just remove the media room for the ladies side and just go back in time by using the audio only :)
And I have one more note to any new reader of this blog.

since this blog is more based and is more active by the people who are on one side of the coin.

pls be just and listen to the people on the other side of the coin. and then evaluate yourself and make decisions accordingly.

do not be make judgements by listening to people who speak what they barely know of.

make decisions using your brain's evaluations and not that of other peoples'.
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