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By smak786110
Dear my brothers and sister !
Salaamun Alaykum !
I hereby start with praising the Lord who is Rahman and Rahim !!

I am not an active member in Ask... But I felt the need to write , and to awaken our community members especially our youths !!

I would like to know your opinion and views regarding ALLY REMTULLAH and his fashion designing works.

Is it halaal ?
Has anyone tried in talking and guiding him ?
Where are our elders sleeping ?.. isnt this danger to our community youths, who after seeing his example will follow in his steps ?
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By Insaan
Astaghfirullah :o
[edit:removed image due to it being inappropriate]
Last edited by abuali on 01 Sep 2012, 16:00, edited 2 times in total. Reason: removed image due to it being inappropriate
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By Insaan
Supported by Raha!? Shia company!!!
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By Insaan
raha is also providing the broadband connection needed to stream the show (called the enchanted jungle) live on the net. "if you cant make it into the jungle, our broadband partners RAHA are going to bring the jungle to you!!" says ally himself on his facebook.

anyone have this dharsee dude's number/email id so we can request him to cancel this commitment and save him and others from this sin?
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By Insaan
I think entities that are technology partners or providing logistics for this show should be left out as they have no concern what so ever. This is just an advertisement for them. Person who should be targeted in this forum would be Ally Remtulla and none but him. We all know how holier then though attitude most of us have when we comment on these issues. I would personally ask this person who is mentioning Raha to guage himself or herself first. what sin is he talking about? we all know first line namazis taking interest in the name of service charge. so shut your tramp. You might be aware that people who were involved in the killing of Imam Hussein included the very first liners. on top of it all the Meccan ulemas said they wont leave mecca because they felt it was more important to finish Hajj and protect the Haram. we all know what befell them. I believe you do fly in aeroplanes and they offer alcohol in them, do you boycot those? Do you boycot zion products? do you avoid goign to places where you arent supposed to? although you arent doing haraam acts. We all know many tansras spend their weekends with the familes at many popular spots in dar that are famous with alcohol being sold.. i wouldnt deem necessary to mention those places, because we dont go to these places for the Haram things. simple.

The second problem with khojas and tansras is to always answer and justify things before understanding what is being demanded. the forum is regarding Ally Remtulla and his profession. so lets discuss on this. Ally Remtulla is spreading corruption in the society. PERIOD! he should be stopped. we have to look for softer stance. if that fails move to harsher tones.

I thank Br Sadiq for raising this issue and bringing it to our attention.

It is worth discussing the legality (from a sharia point of view) of fashion shows. Is it halal to:
a. Design clothes
b. Organize event
c. Take pictures
d. Publicize the event
e. Sponsor / facilitate the event

In my opinion, every sin can be judged on the criteria the Holy Prophet mentioned for alcohol.

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: "God’s curse falls on ten groups of people who deal with alcohol. The one who distills it, the one for whom it has been distilled, the one who drinks it, the one who transports it, the one for whom it has been brought, the one who serves it, the one who sells it, the one who utilizes money from it, the one who buys it and the one who buys it for someone else."

Going by that criteria, since it is sinful to design and make such clothes and fashion shows, then sponsoring it, broadcasting it and attending it would all carry sin.

I ask that Ally Rehmtullah be alerted to this so he can defend himself should he wish to do so.
I think the last but one Insaan has a point. One of the advertisers is a vodka company. Directly or indirectly, Raha will be facilitating the advertisement of alcohol AND the promotion of the indecency that Ally is working on. What's the sin, you ask? Let's break it down, shall we?

1. It is narrated by Anas bun Malik from the Holy Prophet (saww) cursed ten people in connection with alcohol:
The one who makes it
The one who has it made
The one who drinks it
The one who conveys it
The one to whom it is conveyed
The one who serves it
The one who sells it
The one who benefits from the price paid for it
The one who buys it
And the one for whom it is bought.

I would say Raha is conveying the alcohol to the masses; would you not?

In addition, even if the alcohol were not involved in any way, the show itself is haraam based on the presence of scantily dressed women, if at all, you'd call them dressed. Now, if Raha does not provide the technology to broadcast the show, I understand the show is invitees only, so the haraam is limited to invited guests. If they do, however, decide to broadcast, the haraam reaches the masses and affects a greater number of people. This also happens in the privacy of people's homes, and people who wouldn't otherwise attend such events might also be drawn to watch it.

The last Insaan has tried to make us think that if we commit one sin, it is okay to commit them all, or that if we do not fulfill one obligation, it is okay to forgo all of them. This is clearly not the case. Two wrongs don't cancel each other out and make a right.

I would like to conclude with a verse from Sura Aali Imraan, verse 110. Allah says, "You are the best nation brought forth to mankind because you enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil..." So that's all we're tryna do here, folks. Because if we stop doing those two things, we're no longer the best nation. The community deteriorates...
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By Insaan
We appreciate Fatimah Zahra Karim for such a unique and detailed explanation.
That other insaan seems to be employee or relative of Raha.....!

Anyway, the main topic if ALLY REMTULLA....
What actions can our youths take ?
Can someone form a committee with 1 alim or a community leader to go to Ally Remtulla and explain him ?

WE NEED HASIN here PLZ !... I know he can help us !
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By Insaan

I just heard news from a reliable source that RAHA.COM has withdrawn its sponsorship for the fashion show.
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By Insaan
aah well tansaras and their difficult to leave culture of dragging in family members. we r muslims first and then khojas...

the other insaan say's that the previous insaan could be an employee or relative of raha.com. so what if someone is backing raha... does it make them relatives. and what if someone is opposing someone.... we all know even 2 brothers would agree to disagree. the Point here the other insaan already raised is "ALY REMTULA"
To some extent, I agree. Raha may be wrong but we should focus on Ally. Why is he doing this and how can we persuade him not to.

BTW, if raha has dropped sponsorship, I applaud their wise decision. May Allah bless them
True. So, today's the day... Has anyone managed to talk to Ally?
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By qamar
thanks 4 starting this discussion.
apart from raha i think there are other muslim sponsors such as MOBlog (isn't that mohamed dewjis blog) monster energy drink, farm plant
aren't the owners of these companies aware what they are sponsoring and that their sponsorship is promoting alcohol as well
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By qamar
this is what the sponsors and ally are supporting
Belvedere to enchant Tanzania fans of fashion!

Belvedere, the world’s first luxury vodka, partners with designer Ally Rehmtullah to present The Enchanted Jungle!

By Staff Reporter

Dar Es Salaam - Belvedere has announced a partnership with leading Tanzanian fashion designer Ally Rehmtullah for the launch of his 2013 fashion collection entitled The Enchanted Jungle. This super exclusive and highly anticipated event is to occur this Saturday, September 8th at the Serena Hotel in Dar Es Salaam.

Belvedere is expected to wow the VIP guests with the creation of the exclusive Belvedere Lounge [size=150]where guests can sample the world’s finest vodka with drinks created exclusively by Belvedere mixologist’s for guests of The Enchanted Jungle[/size].

Ally Rehmtullah is recognized as a fashion leader not only in Tanzania but throughout the Continent of Africa and beyond. His 2013 collection is by far one of the most anticipated fashion events in Tanzania and for sure has East Africa buzzing.

" The decision to partner with Ally was an easy and obvious one.” Said QWay International Marketing Manager, Omar Salisbury. QWay is the exclusive agent for the Moet|Hennessy portfolio which Belvedere is a member of. “Belvedere is a strong supporter of fashion and fabulous and in this event there is an abundance of both” said Salisbury who added “Ally very much like Belvedere represents a clear vision for quality, craftsmanship, excellence, and execution, we are very proud to support this endeavor which will undoubtedly work towards developing the overall fashion environment in Tanzania and throughout East Africa.”
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