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The sad first month of the Islamic calendar during which the family of the Holy Prophet were faced with a great ordeal and tragedy.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT FROM MAJAALIS: Yazeed (laanatullah)of past period had to snatch Hijab/covering of women of household of Holy Prophet but todays Yazeeds have found an easier way as they have directly targeted the faith and ghayrat/hayaa of women of today so the Yazeeds of today don’t have to snatch the veils of women as women themselves are removing their veils. The worst part is that even Muslim women of today have become their target.

People say if my daughter/wife/sister/mother don’t wear hijab then its their wish what has that to do with society? The answer is that if your daughter/wife/sister/mother dont wear hijab then as long as they are within the walls of your house fine, I have no right to interfere but when they step out of the boundaries of their homes and come out without hijab in the society then my daughter/wife/sister/mother are affected too and this evil spreads in the society hence it becomes compulsory on us to do amr bil maarof and nahi anil munkar.

STORY WITH A LESSON: People were travelling in a boat when one person began making a hole on his side in the boat, others stopped him and asked him what he was doing, the person said its none of your business as this is my side and I have paid for it hence I can do whatever I like on my side.The other passengers said though this is your side but you have no right to do what you are doing as by doing so we also will be affected as we all will drown with you.. In the same way behijabi affects not only the person related to it but affects the whole society. That’s the reason that those who commit open sins (fasiq) will be punished more severely as by openly committing sins they are tempting other to do the same.

Miserliness, Harboring jealousy,and having rancour (bugz/kina) in ones heart.

Holy Prophet (pbuh) said that at least once in 24 hours do have mercy on someone e.g on parents,slave,animal or if you find none of these, then have mercy on plants (by watering them) so that your heart doesn’t get hardened/sakht.

Once Ayatullah Jawaahiri who was hungry for 3 days found means to buy 2 rotis ,as he was returning with his rotis he saw a hungry dog with her children,Ayatullah felt pity on them and gave them one of his roti,as he began walking the mother dog began following him.Ayatullah felt pity on her and fed her his second roti too.

After some time Ayatullah got to know that a rich person whom he didn’t even know had died and had left his entire property to the Ayatullah. Ayatullah was much surprised when he got this good news. How and when did this happen thought the Ayatullah? After looking into the dead man’s will they found out that it was written on the same day when Ayatullah had fed the dog and her children while being in need of the food.

SUBHANALLAH this is how abundantly Almighty rewards those who prefer others over themselves and are generous[not forgetting the rewards these type of selfless people will get in aakhirat which will be more abundant and lasting.]

If one wants ones business to flourish one should make The present Imam his partner in the business.


Well, Whatever amount you invest in business do niyyat/intention of making Imame zamana your partner and allocate some % as his share from the profit. When you get profit then first of all take out the % of Imam’s share and give that amount to any tabligh work,charity,helping in cause of Imam e.t.c. InshaAllah you will get abundant blessings in your rizq.

NOTE: The hadith of our Aimmah says that when you make any gain then before using it for your needs, give some of it in charity as then Almighty will grant much abundance to your gain by multiplying it 70,000 times.
Our 7th Imam (as) has said that when A PERSON PRAYS/ASKS DOAS FOR OTHERS FIRST BEFORE ASKING FOR HIMSELF then the angels of the first heaven ask the same doa for the above person (i.e one who prays for others) 100,000 times, the angles in the second heaven ask it for 200,000 times, angels in third heaven ask for 300,000 times,the angels in forth heaven 400,000 times, angels in fifth heaven 500,000 times, angels in sixth heaven 600,000 times and the angels in the seventh heaven ask for 700,000 times the same doa for the above person.

Hence one should always pray for others before praying for oneself and it is much emphasized to always pray for ones parents and for the Imam of our time.
Reyhana wrote:Our 7th Imam (as) has said that when A PERSON PRAYS/ASKS DOAS FOR OTHERS FIRST BEFORE ASKING FOR HIMSELF then the angels of the first heaven ask the same doa for the above person (i.e one who prays for others) 100,000 times, the angles in the second heaven ask it for 200,000 times, angels in third heaven ask for 300,000 times,the angels in forth heaven 400,000 times, angels in fifth heaven 500,000 times, angels in sixth heaven 600,000 times and the angels in the seventh heaven ask for 700,000 times the same doa for the above person.

Hence one should always pray for others before praying for oneself and it is much emphasized to always pray for ones parents and for the Imam of our time.
The purpose of praying for others is to instill a sense of brotherhood and selflessness in oneself. If one prays for others however so that 700,000 times worth of prayers are done for us then that is a selfish prayer. Isnt it? :confused:
I think it all depends on ones niyyat/intention while praying for others.

If one prays for others just superficially as you mentioned then I dont think he deserves the above mentioned merits but if one prays for others sincerely from the depths of ones heart then he certainly deserves the above merits for the same reason u mentioned (giving preference to others before oneself).

From my point of view,this hadith is for the purpose of instilling selflessness and sense of brotherhood in us.

Hzt Fatimah (as) used to pray for others in/after her tahajjud prayers soo much that once Imam Hassan (as) (who used to watch her praying) asked her why she always prayed for others first ,Bibi (as) answered that one should always pray for ones neighbours and others first and then for oneself.

'If a Muslim prays for his brother-in-faith in his absence, then a voice from the Arsh announces - you will get 1 lakh (1,00,000) times what you have asked for your brother. If the Muslim asks only for himself, he gets it only once. And the 1 lakh (1,00,000) that he is guaranteed by the Arsh is certainly better than the supplication for himself, acceptance of which is not certain.'

(Man la Yahzarul Faqih pg. 2,185)
Last edited by Reyhana on 14 Aug 2012, 19:11, edited 1 time in total.

(1) Whenever we teach our children worldly knowledge we are so careful so as to make them understand what they learn e.g when we teach a small toddler the alphabets A for apple B for ball e.t.c we show them the pictures of Apple, ball e.t.c so as to make them understand ALAS when we teach them salaat, doas ,Holy quran e.t.c we teach them verbally only without teaching their meanings which is very important as merely verbal recitation without understanding gradually leads to losing of interest in that activity.

(2) During a game when one team wins and other loses , we come to know which team is more stronger then others, even during contest between individuals we observe that when faced with the challenge of his opponent the contestor who was seen as weak by the society overpowers and proves his strength/salaahiyat to his opponent who was seen as strong by the society hence only when a person is faced with a challenge and an opponent who is trying to defeat him then only his inner strength comes to light.

In the same way if mankind were left alone without any opponent(shaytan) trying to misguide them then mankind wouldn’t have ever known their inner strength/power/capability they possess . That’s the reason that when men overcome their base desires and overpower their adversary they rise to a station more higher then the angels.

(3) These were the words of Habil to his brother Qabil who wanted to kill him . (Suratul Maidah verse 28)

لَئِنْ بَسَطْتَ إِلَيَّ يَدَكَ لِتَقْتُلَنِي مَا أَنَا بِبَاسِطٍ يَدِيَ إِلَيْكَ لِأَقْتُلَكَ ۖ إِنِّي أَخَافُ اللَّهَ رَبَّ الْعَالَمِينَ

[Shakir 5:28] If you will stretch forth your hand towards me to slay me, I am not one to stretch forth my hand towards you to slay you surely I fear Allah, the Lord of the worlds:

The part ‘’ إِنِّي أَخَافُ اللَّهَ رَبَّ الْعَالَمِينَ’’,which means (surely I fear Allah,the lord of the worlds.) teaches us that this should be our answer to those who invite us to join them in sinning or whenever we are inclined to sins.

E.g whenever a friend tells a muslim girl ,you are so cute,why are you hiding your beauty? She should recite the above verse in answer, whenever a muslim boy is invited by his friends to places where haram takes place,he should decline and answer quoting this verse e.t.c
Last week saturday after maghribain, i heard Shk Shomali (visiting scholar) gave a very nice talk on how to prepare for Mahe Ramadhan. Can anyone summarize the points mentioned if they heard the talk?

Mawlana Sadiq Hassan has talked a lot about hijab in his majalises, including the practice of mixed gatherings.

In our weddings, cake ceremonies, dinner/walimas, dudh pinu's and birthday parties, several times we observe that men and women sit in the same area and at times share tables.

Both men and women in attendence are dressed in their best attire. Ladies are wearing their best ornaments and make-up minus the hijab covering. Some of these ladies do wear the hijab covering otherwise, but choose to abandon it at such functions.

Their men, if not encouraging this, bring them to such gatherings, some feeling pride about the beauty of their women.

What would happen if we were to boycott such gatherings, be it at family level or jamaat level or any other level?

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In todays majlis at Mehfil-e-Abbas (as) Sheikh Mois Raza reminded us about Backbiting.

Quotes from the Aimmah (as) are plenty on this topic.

One ahadith from the Aimmah (as) says that backbiting is worse than adultery since it can only be forgiven by Allah (SWT) if the one who was talked about forgives first.

The sheikh said that the Aimmah (as) have also shown the way to seek pardon for such a grievous sin. And that is to seek forgiveness for the person whose gheebaah was done by you.
Some points from Zakira Najma Karimi of Pakistan:

For childless couple who wish to have a child:

The wife should keep 7 fasts and at the time of breaking each fast should recite 21 times YA-BARRU and blow on water and drink that water in Iftar. (In some riwaayat it says to recite YAA-MUSAWWIRU and YAA-KHALIQU together with YAA-BARRU.)

Cure form epilepsy

For a period of 40 days the patient should drink the water on which SURA ALHAMD is recited 70 times ( shouldnt drink any other water).InshaAllah he/she will be cured from epileptic disorder.


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