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The decision to marry is one of great importance. How early should this decision be made? How early is too early? And everythign else about marriage
By keenfarhan
Whatz people's take on the use of using websites such as shaadi.com to find a suitable spouse... is it appropriate?
By keenfarhan
*on the use of websites* pardon for the mistake in language... i know some people are senstitive to such mistakes so i thought i should correct it
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By qarrar
We also have https://www.khojamatch.com/ our own website with regards to the above, though I doubt it falls under the same pretences.

Preamble to the site states: “Welcome to the KhojaMatch website, an ethical World Federation initiative to help with spouse selection within the Khoja Shia Ithna-asheri Community. The site is designed to be used by those seeking partners for marital purpose and is strictly confidential. Members will be asked to register (free of charge) with their personal details as well as details of their ideal prospective partner. Our team will then try to find suitable partner and then engage on a reputable local match maker to facilitate and arrange a face to face meeting. As always suggestions and comments are welcome to further improve the site”.
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By Zaheer
is this website for each and every member of ask . as some members like me are too small to get married in this age!! :oops: :roll:
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By qarrar
When I said our own website I meant Khoja match making website. It has nothing to do with ask; also if you are too young to marry then you shouldn’t be looking at these pages. :twisted: Control yourself, teenage hormones :!:
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By Zaheer
By keenfarhan
lol... these days there is nothing like that ... there is nothing like too young to marry all thanks to our media and western ideality ...
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By qarrar
keenfarhan wrote:these days there is nothing like that ... there is nothing like too young to marry all thanks to our media and western ideality ...
Yes there is no marriage under 18 in most jurisdictions, so just hang in there till you turn 18… :twisted:
By keenfarhan
I meant mentally qaraar... mentally no one is too young to marry lol these days...
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By qarrar
keenfarhan wrote:I meant mentally qaraar... mentally no one is too young to marry these days...
Most marriages that end up in divorce is because the spouses were not mentally mature enough to handle a cohabiting relationship.
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By Amreen
I dunt think divorces end up because of the the people r not mentallly matured but i think its because of ego tht is there....n abt early marriage i think islam encouranges early marriages because then people shud not do gunahz...
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By qarrar
Amreen wrote:I dunt think divorces end up because of the the people r not mentallly matured but i think its because of ego tht is there....n abt early marriage i think islam encouranges early marriages because then people shud not do gunahz...
Now don’t you think the best way to counter someone’s ego apart from therapy is letting them mature and see the world and their own self worth :?:
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By Amreen
no reallii....some people are realli egoistic...even if they r maturee...


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