- 26 Apr 2021, 19:50
• Avoid Haraam Deeds: Fasting begins with avoiding eating and drinking but does not stop on them. It is expected from a fasting person to control his tongue from all types of verbal sins such as gossiping, swearing, lying etc. Similarly, he is expected to avoid any Haram food. A fasting person is not expected to break his fast at a restaurant that its Halal food is not confirmed. He should also avoid the invitation of people whom he is not sure about their Halal meal.
A fasting person should also observe all his/her prayers on time. Girls and ladies are expected to observe the Islamic dress code of Hijab. Muslims who fast without refraining from sins may not fain more than mere thirst and hunger. I have elaborated more on this etiquette of fasting in ‘The Intermediate Stage of Fasting’.
• Recitation of the Holy Qur’an: the month of Ramadhan is a month in which the Holy Qur’an was revealed. According to a Prophetic Narration “Everything has a best season and the best season of Qur’an is Ramadhan.”
• Nightly Supplications (Du’a): The nights of Ramadhan are the best time for supplication and invocating Allah. There is a unique Ayah in the Qur’an with reference to the significance of Du’a which is revealed amidst the Ayaat of Ramadhan.
Paying Charity
• Napping: The month of Ramadhan changes our sleeping patterns. For those who are not used to being awake at dawn, their sleeping hours feel interrupted. Many fasters suffer from fatigue more than hunger or thirst. A short nap during the day regenerates the body and also helps the faster for night supplication. It is narrated from the Prophet of Islam (S): “The sleeping of a faster is worshipping and his breathing is glorification.”
• It is narrated from Imam Kadhim (a.s): “Take a nap, for surely, Allah will feed and satisfy the faster in his sleep.”
https://www.al-islam.org/fasting-and-ra ... -awareness
A fasting person should also observe all his/her prayers on time. Girls and ladies are expected to observe the Islamic dress code of Hijab. Muslims who fast without refraining from sins may not fain more than mere thirst and hunger. I have elaborated more on this etiquette of fasting in ‘The Intermediate Stage of Fasting’.
• Recitation of the Holy Qur’an: the month of Ramadhan is a month in which the Holy Qur’an was revealed. According to a Prophetic Narration “Everything has a best season and the best season of Qur’an is Ramadhan.”
• Nightly Supplications (Du’a): The nights of Ramadhan are the best time for supplication and invocating Allah. There is a unique Ayah in the Qur’an with reference to the significance of Du’a which is revealed amidst the Ayaat of Ramadhan.
Paying Charity
• Napping: The month of Ramadhan changes our sleeping patterns. For those who are not used to being awake at dawn, their sleeping hours feel interrupted. Many fasters suffer from fatigue more than hunger or thirst. A short nap during the day regenerates the body and also helps the faster for night supplication. It is narrated from the Prophet of Islam (S): “The sleeping of a faster is worshipping and his breathing is glorification.”
• It is narrated from Imam Kadhim (a.s): “Take a nap, for surely, Allah will feed and satisfy the faster in his sleep.”
https://www.al-islam.org/fasting-and-ra ... -awareness