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Anything and everything about the greatest miracle, The Holy Qur'an.


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It’s Surprisingly Scientific

It’s easy to associate religion with a backwards way of life—after all, belief in the supernatural necessarily foregoes the scientific process. But the Quran is surprisingly scientific in its claims, historically describing the world in ways that wouldn’t be confirmed for hundreds of years.

One of these descriptions lies in Quran 51:47, which says that “it is We who have built the Universe with power and keep expanding it.” The expansion of the universe was a fact not discovered until the 20thcentury—long after this verse was written. Although up for interpretation, this statement seems to agree with what we know today about the universe’s movement.

Not only this, but the Quran also seems to acknowledge the motion of the sun and planets, the fact that all living things are comprised mostly of water, that the atmosphere protects the earth, and that the mountains have roots in plate tectonics.

Each of these claims is suspiciously similar to what we now know of our modern world, seemingly refuting the idea that to believe in the words of the Quran is to forego modernity

Last bumped by MaysamHussein on 01 Jul 2020, 17:06.

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