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By Muhammad Mahdi
Muntazir wrote:
Answer: Songs (al-ghinã’) are harãm absolutely. However, singing praise [of the Prophet or the Ahlul Bayt] that is sung with a good tune but is not in ghinã’ form is without problem.

Thank you
How do I know what is ghina and what is not?
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By Muntazir

As Salaamu ‘aleykum

Thank you for “the six million dollar question...” as brother Hasin writes.

It is a very good question that you have asked brother Mahdi, but I think I answered the very question earlier if you look at the answers properly.

Ghinã: means – Haraam Music. (Music that is suitable for entertainment and amusement places or gatherings).

Answers from my previous post:

536. Music that is permissible is the music that does not entail entertainment in gatherings held for that purpose. Forbidden music is the music that is suitable for entertainment and amusement gatherings (Ghinã).

537. The expression “the music or the song that is suitable for entertainment and amusement gatherings” does not mean that the music or the song’s tune amuses the heart or changes the mental state because there is nothing wrong in it. The expression actually means that the person listening to the music or the song’s tune —especially if he is an expert in these matters— can distinguish that this tune is used in the entertainment and amusement gatherings or that it is similar to the tunes used therein.

The following question and answer was taken from Sistani’s website – http://www.sistani.org

“548. Question: Is it permissible to listen to religious songs in praise of Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) that are accompanied with music?

Answer: Songs (al-ghinã’) are harãm absolutely. However, singing praise [of the Prophet or the Ahlul Bayt] that is sung with a good tune but is not in ghinã’ form is without problem.

As for the music, it would be allowed, if it is not suitable for entertainment and amusement gatherings.”

Let me add another question and answer which explains the meaning of Ghinã.

Question : What is your ruling on Ghina or song?

Answer : Singing (al-ghinã’) is harãm: doing it, listening to it, or living of it. By “singing — al-ghinã’,” I mean an amusing statement expressed in the tunes that are suitable for those who provide entertainment and amusement.

Question : Some people recite salaams on the tune of some songs. Is it haram or halal ?

Answer : If the recitation is not in a Lahvi manner, it is not haram. (Lahvi means something that is provocative and suitable for revelry).

In simple words, if you can identify the type of music used in discos, pubs and bars, by the first moment you listen to Music and the first thing that comes to your mind is the same type of music used in those places, then the music is of a Haraam type and therefore it becomes Haraam for you to listen to.

Using the same method, if you listen to music and it doesn’t give you a corrupt feeling in your head, it is then permissible for you to listen.

This is the best way to identify the type of the Music played. I had the same problem of identifying the haraam/ Halaal music until one of my friends in Hawza (Qum) explained it to me, and since I use the same method to identify the music (Halaal Music) I listen to.

If you are still having problems with these questions, I recommend you to buy books on Music which you will definitely find them at the Tabligh Center opposite the Shia Masjid.

One of the recent published book that I find it useful is “180 Questions (Enquiries about Islam Vol. 1: The Practical Laws” Complied by a group of Muslim. Scholars Under the Supervision of Ayatullah al-‘Uzma Hajj Shaykh Nasir Makarim Shirazi. Translated by Shahnawaz Mahdavi. You can as well purchase this book from the World Federation website – http://www.world-federation.org

There are many books on Music that you may find useful. Try some research and you will find many answers to all your questions. In that way you will be able to share more with us from what you came across.

Anyway, please let me know if this was any useful to you.

Thank you.

“And those who do not give false evidence; and when they pass by what is vain, they pass with dignity.” (25:72)
By zafar
Just to be sure of this, can you please provide us with a ruling from Ayatullah Sistani, allowing of dancing with the Musical tunes?
562. Question: Is it permissible for a wife to dance for her husband with music or without music?

Answer: It is allowed as long as dancing is not accompanied with harãm music
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By Muhammad Mahdi
Muntazir wrote:Music that is permissible is the music that does not entail entertainment in gatherings held for that purpose.

“548. Question: Is it permissible to listen to religious songs in praise of Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) that are accompanied with music?

Answer: Songs (al-ghinã’) are harãm absolutely. However, singing praise [of the Prophet or the Ahlul Bayt] that is sung with a good tune but is not in ghinã’ form is without problem.

As for the music, it would be allowed, if it is not suitable for entertainment and amusement gatherings.”
Religious songs accompanied by music, halal?

I dont undertstand. Aimmah have made clear that music is HARAAM!

Here are some tradtions

Imam Jafer Sadiq (as) has said,"I prohibit for you dancing and playing flute, drums and tabla."
(Al Kafi)

Most nasheeds, qasida with music contain flutes and drums, whch makes them all haraam.

The prophet (saw) has said,"... And he (Allah) ordered me to eradicate the playing of flute and other instruments of music, all games of vice, ..."
(Mustadrakul Wasael Chapter 79)

Imam Jafer Sadiq (as) has said," A person who has received blessings from Allah and while having thses blessings he plays flute, it is as if he has been thankless for the blessings."
(Wasaelush Shia)

The sixth Imam (as) has stated,"The playing of violin promotes hypocrisy in the heart like water assits the growth of algae."
(Wasaelush Shia)

The imam also says,"If drums and cymbals are played at one's house for forty days, Allah will impose a satan by the name of 'FAQANDIR'. The satan will infiltrate into every cell of the person's body. With the spread of this evil, the person loses all sense of dignity and self esteem. he will then not care as to what he says or what is said about him. Then, this satan blows into this person. As a result,he becomes utterly shameless. So much that he is not concerned or affected even if his women are dishonoured." (Wasaelush Shia)

Imam Ali (as) has said," Angels do not even enter a house that has wine, drum, tambourine or a flute.Even the prayers of the inhabitants of this house are unacceptable. They are deprived of barakat." (Wasaelush Shia)

Imam Ridha (as) says," A person invites divine wrath when in his house instruments like flute, drum and chess are played for forty days. If this man dies within these forty days, his daeth would be of a sinner and a transgressor. His place shall be in hell and what a dreadful place that is."
(Mustanad al Taraqi)

Another tradition states ," And you shall see that music will be so prevalant that no one will dissuade others nor will he find in himself the need to do so. And you shall see that music would be openly played even in the two sanctuaries.( Makkah and Madinah)"
(Mustanad naraqi)

What do you understand from these tradtions? Is music halal?
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By Muntazir

As Salaamu ‘aleykum

Thank you for providing us with these beautiful ahadiths.

If you study the ancient Islamic History, you will find a lot that you haven’t come across and it’s wide, wide enough to answer all your questions OR to leave you “mad-confused” (and this is the reason we have Scholars for answering to all our questions). They study the History; they go through each and every Hadith and authenticate them by searching the truth from all corners. They use the help of the Holy Qur’an as well and that’s how they give rulings.

I’m not arguing on this subject, nor am I being against with the teachings of our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.w) and Imams (a.s), no, I’m simply trying to explain the other meaning that I understand from these ahadith.

If playing of Drum was completely Haraam, then why is it used in War Songs and Scholars allow it? If Drums are Haraam then why do the Iranis play Drums inside the Haram (where Bibi Masooma Qum (s.a) is located) on some occasions, and no scholar has condemned this act? Are all these scholars going against our beloved Prophet’s (s.a.w.w) and Imam’s (a.s) teachings? Including Ayatullah Sistani, Imam Khomeini (may his soul be blessed), Ayatullah Khamenei and many other scholars? Are these Scholars not aware of these Ahadith?

Music is an art, and there are plenty of instruments made by Muslims… if we study further.

Music can influence you, and it can as well cure. Islam is not a religion of HARAAM! HARAAM! And only HARAAM! No brother, Islam is a beautiful religion with enough freedom given to all its followers (the only difference is how you use it). I or you have no rights to conclude what’s Haraam and what’s Halaal. It is best for us to leave it to our scholars or we study Islam from its depth.

It is best for us to search all these answers from our Scholars and not to confuse ourselves. I strongly request all of you to study furthermore from a Scholar because this has become a very sensitive issue, one wrong statement and it can lead many to a big sin. (And that’s the reason I’ve not been providing a lot of explanation from my point of view, not because it could only be wrong, but because I’m still a first year student in the Hawza). I, therefore recommend you, as I do to myself to study furthermore and come with a better explanation. And as for the time being, I suggest you differentiate between good and evil from the knowledge you have, for yourself.

Thank you.

As Salaamu ‘aleykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatu.

“Allah (s.w.a) has given us enough knowledge to differentiate between good and evil”
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By Muhammad Mahdi
Muntazir wrote:If playing of Drum was completely Haraam, then why is it used in War Songs and Scholars allow it? If Drums are Haraam then why do the Iranis play Drums inside the Haram

You ask
Muntazir wrote:If playing of Drum was completely Haraam
Aimmah have said it is haraam. They have made it crytsal clear.
The books I quoted were authentic, some of shias most authentic books.

I extracted these traditions from Ayatallh Dastheghaib's Book.

What more can we need to convince us?
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By Syed Kazim
Salaams! To clear the doubt, the playing of drums is allowed ONLY if its in the war songs, or military parades n that sort of things!

It is not allowed in anything else!
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By Muntazir

As Salaamu 'aleykum

Once again, I'm not against it.

The book is Greater Sins (Ghunah-e Kabire) By Ayatullah Dastaghaib Sherazi

Thank you.
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By Muntazir
Muhammad Mahdi
Here are some tradtions

Imam Jafer Sadiq (as) has said,"I prohibit for you dancing and playing flute, drums and tabla."
(Al Kafi)

The prophet (saw) has said,"... And he (Allah) ordered me to eradicate the playing of flute and other instruments of music, all games of vice, ..."
(Mustadrakul Wasael Chapter 79)

Imam Jafer Sadiq (as) has said," A person who has received blessings from Allah and while having thses blessings he plays flute, it is as if he has been thankless for the blessings."
(Wasaelush Shia)

The sixth Imam (as) has stated,"The playing of violin promotes hypocrisy in the heart like water assits the growth of algae."
(Wasaelush Shia)

The imam also says,"If drums and cymbals are played at one's house for forty days, Allah will impose a satan by the name of 'FAQANDIR'. The satan will infiltrate into every cell of the person's body. With the spread of this evil, the person loses all sense of dignity and self esteem. he will then not care as to what he says or what is said about him. Then, this satan blows into this person. As a result,he becomes utterly shameless. So much that he is not concerned or affected even if his women are dishonoured." (Wasaelush Shia)

Imam Ali (as) has said," Angels do not even enter a house that has wine, drum, tambourine or a flute.Even the prayers of the inhabitants of this house are unacceptable. They are deprived of barakat." (Wasaelush Shia)

Imam Ridha (as) says," A person invites divine wrath when in his house instruments like flute, drum and chess are played for forty days. If this man dies within these forty days, his daeth would be of a sinner and a transgressor. His place shall be in hell and what a dreadful place that is."
(Mustanad al Taraqi)

Another tradition states ," And you shall see that music will be so prevalant that no one will dissuade others nor will he find in himself the need to do so. And you shall see that music would be openly played even in the two sanctuaries.( Makkah and Madinah)"
(Mustanad naraqi)

What do you understand from these tradtions? Is music halal?


As Salaamu 'aleykum


If -

Muhammad Mahdi
Aimmah have said it is haraam. AND They have made it crytsal clear.

Then why

Syed Kazim
the playing of drums is allowed ONLY if its in the war songs, or military parades n that sort of things!
Muhammad Mahdi
Aimmah have made clear that music is HARAAM!
What more can we need to convince us?
Most nasheeds, qasida with music contain flutes and drums, whch makes them all haraam.
To make it simple, my question is - If the Aimmah have said that playing Drums is corrupting and completely Haraam, then why are we even allowed to play them on any occasions? What can be the reason here?

Thank you
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By Muntazir

As Salaamu 'aleykum

Syed Kazim
It is not allowed in anything else!
The use of the drum is allowed on the occasion of a wedding, wedding feast (walimah) and both days of Eid. This is concerning the drum which has no tinkle. The drum which has the tinkle is not permitted to be used.

Some traditions even quote that it is allowed to play drums on the wedding night.

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By Muntazir

As Salaamu 'aleykum

We need more brothers and sisters to help us out here.

Thank you.
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By Syed Kazim
The use of the drum is allowed on the occasion of a wedding, wedding feast (walimah) and both days of Eid. This is concerning the drum which has no tinkle. The drum which has the tinkle is not permitted to be used.

Some traditions even quote that it is allowed to play drums on the wedding night.

Any references?
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By Syed Kazim
Is this according to Ayatullah Sistani???

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