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By qarrar
kulsham wrote:ya that is why this school has a record of best attendance, sick students attend too.
Most probably to get their moneys’ worth back by using the tissue. Wasul kare sio? :)
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By kulsham
Even the principal drinks ten bottle of Mineral water, so that he get that chance to use the tissue paper ( weird! tissue going straight in the pocket) lol
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By qarrar
kulsham wrote:Even the principal drinks ten bottle of Mineral water, so that he get that chance to use the tissue paper ( weird! tissue going straight in the pocket) lol
It seems you have pretty bad memories of your head teacher :!:
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By kulsham
qarrar wrote:
kulsham wrote:Even the principal drinks ten bottle of Mineral water, so that he get that chance to use the tissue paper ( weird! tissue going straight in the pocket) lol
It seems you have pretty bad memories of your head teacher :!:
No, i'm just thinking for applying as a toilet cleaner in such school haha!
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By qarrar
kulsham wrote:No, i'm just thinking for applying as a toilet cleaner in such school!
Are you that desperate :?: And I thought I was the one who didn’t see beyond money :!: :shock: Lemme know of any vacancies eh :)
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