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A special forum created for the purpose of the Editorial Team of BIZ Magazine ( a production of Ask) to discuss, organize and work on the BIZ Magazine project. To apply for joining the team please contact Hasin
This forum is dedicated to discussions related to the 'Titbits for Teens'' section of each issue. This section shall be the responsibility of Laila.

Laila: Please put forward your ideas and topics for next two issues and anything else that you want to share in relation to the 'Titbits for Teens' section.
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By Laila
I have already started writing an article.
The topic is : TEENage => The Rich-Confusing Years....wat do u think?is it gud?
how many pages vl i get i get 4 my section?
do i stil need to write one more article?..wat shud my other article b abt?any sugestions?
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By Muhammad Mahdi
I think you will have a page or 2( A5)
You will need to write another article of course, for the other issue.
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By Laila
so 1 article is fine for the 1st Muharram issue...ok no p.
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By Muhammad Mahdi
we had decided to cmpile 2 issues, one as a backup.
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By Laila
TEENage => The Rich-Confusing Years!
By: Laila Mohamedhusein A.Kermali.

-The biggest transition in anyone's life is that of turning from a child into an adult.It is widely known that, adolescence is the most dangerous and uproarious period in the life of an individual.If the child passes through this period safely, it is hoped that he/she will have a happy and successful life as an adult.
This period of adolescence mainly takes place in the teen years when the teenager is uncertain of how to act and behave.
For this reason, TEENage is often referred to as, The Rich-Confusing Years!

-Let's first see what's so RICH about it.
The teenage years should be a good time for teens.They should take maximum advantage of this period by engrossing themselves in various activities which which benefit them in one way or another.

-During this period, everything is at its climax!
Teenagers have the most hypersonic grasping power and are active in every way.Be it at acquiring knowledge, learning a new skill or even at playing sports.After all, these 'Golden Years' come but once in an individual's life and inorder to make them the BEST years, positive changes can be made by developing positive relationships with your friends, teacher and fellow colleagues.
Not forgetting to love and respect your parents no matter what because they will always be at your side when the whole world will turn away from you.
Talk to them about your doubts and insecurities of life and take advice from them.This way, you can build trust with your parents and you will love being a teen as you will be learning lots of new things everyday!
Also, involve yourself in social activities such as, a family get-together,community services(i.e.visiting the orphanage,cancer hospital etc),teaching the madrasah,a picnic with your friends and so many more exciting things to do than you can ever imagine!

-Now here comes the CONFUSING part!
As part of the development process, teenagers experience various perplexities such as,instability while making simple decisions,behaving like a kid for the 1st minute and then acting like an adult the very next minute and so forth.Thus,they feel their life is full of chaos and disorder and for this reason, they throw out TANTRUMS inorder to gain control over the resent situation.
A tantrum is a sudden short period of angry,unreasonable behaviour;especially by a child who is passing through the period of adolescence.

-However, throwing out tantrums isn't the solution to all this confusion!
Inorder to figure out what the problem is, and how to resolve it, one should identify his/her inner strngths and weaknesses.
By uncovering the strengths,one can take hold of any oppurtunity that comes along and thus, taking full advantage of it.
As for the weaknesses,one can always overcome them by controlling himself/herself and fighting against the possible threats which may arise during the development of one's soul and character.

-By being on the righteous path shown by THE ALMIGHTY and walking on the footprints of our A'IMMAS (A.S),one will always find solutions to impossible problems and also be able to build an excellent character!
I end by quoting a quote by 'The King of the Martyrs' :
"The intellect does not acheive completion except by observance and following of the right."
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By Muhammad Mahdi
TEENage => The Rich-Confusing Years!

-The biggest transition in anyone's life is that of turning from a child into an adult. It is known that adolescence is the most dangerous and uproarious period in the life of an individual. If the individual passes through this period safely, it is hoped that he/she will have a happy and successful life as an adult.

This period of adolescence mainly takes place in the teen years when the teenager is uncertain of how to act and behave. For this reason, TEENage is often referred to as, The Rich-Confusing Years!

-Let's first see what's so RICH about it.
The teenage years should be a good time for teens. They should take maximum advantage of this period by engrossing themselves in various activities which benefit them in one way or another.

-During this period, everything is at its climax!
Teenagers have the highest grasping power and are active in every way, be it in acquiring knowledge, learning a new skill or playing sports. After all, these 'Golden Years' come but once in an individual's life and in order to make them the BEST years, positive changes can be made by developing positive relationships with one’s friends, teachers and colleagues. Teens must not forget to love and respect their parents no matter what, because they will always be at your side when the whole world will turn away from you.
Talk to them about your doubts and insecurities of life and take advice from them. This way, you can build trust with your parents and you will love being a teen as you will be learning lots of new things everyday!

Also, involve yourself in social activities such as, a family get-togethers, community services (i.e. visiting the orphanages, cancer hospital etc), teaching the Madrasah or a picnic with your friends.

-Now here comes the CONFUSING part!
As part of the development process, teenagers face various complex situations such as instability while making simple decisions, behaving like a kid for the one minute and then acting like an adult the next. Thus, they feel their life is full of chaos and disorder and for this reason, they throw TANTRUMS in order to gain control over the situation.
A tantrum is a sudden short period of angry, unreasonable behaviour, especially by a child who is passing through the period of adolescence.

-However, throwing out tantrums isn't the solution to all this confusion!
In order to figure out what the problem is, and how to resolve it, one should identify his/her inner strengths and weaknesses.
By uncovering the strengths, one can take hold of any opportunity that comes along and thus, take full advantage of it.
As for the weaknesses, one can always overcome them by controlling oneself and fighting against the possible threats which may arise during the development of one's soul and character.

-By being on the righteous path shown by THE ALMIGHTY and walking on the footprints of our A'IMMA (A.S), one will always find solutions to impossible problems and also be able to build an excellent character!

I end by quoting a quote by 'The King of the Martyrs' :
"The intellect does not achieve completion except by observance and following of the right."


Comments: The essay is inconsistent about the reader. Sometimes it addresses the teen directly, and sometimes it refers to the teen as the third person.
If possible, the reference to the saying of Imam Husayn (as) to be provided.


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