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Is there any injustice taking place around the world? Iraq ring a bell? if so, how much injustice? Any war crimes? Who is to blame? What can we, the youths do about it? This is the place to dissect the truth, and rant on about politics.
The Moroccan authorities allowed an Israeli warship, the INS Komemiyut, to dock in Tangier for refueling and resupply on its route from the US. This action followed Spain's refusal to grant the vessel permission to use its ports. The decision by Rabat has been condemned by the National Action Group for Palestine, which called it a "violation of national sovereignty" and demanded an urgent investigation to determine responsibilities and consequences.

The group stated that this act disrespected and insulted Moroccans' sentiments, violated the constitution, and attacked Moroccan culture and heritage. The timing of this event coincides with the Yemeni struggle to prevent Zionist ships from passing through Bab Al-Mandab and the Red Sea, and Spain's adherence to international conventions by preventing genocide ships from anchoring in its ports.

An Israeli news site confirmed that the ship stopped in Morocco for supplies, deepening defense cooperation between Israel and Morocco. Protests in Moroccan cities expresse

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Eid e Zahra

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Imam Hassan al-Askari, the 11th Shia Imam, was bor[…]

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