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By truthseeker

Tawassul is a major topic of discussion and controversy in the muslim world.

there are many muslims who think that seeking the intercession of our prophet (pbuh) and aimmah (as) by asking them for our hajaat is a form of shirk because we are asking them while they themselves are in need of Allah(swt).

Allah says in many instances that you should only turn to me for your needs and our imaams in their duas have only asked allah for their needs.

may i please know the opinion of other muslims please.
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By abuali

Tawassul, from the shia belief can be categorized into two major types:

1. Asking Allah (swt) with the wasta/bihakke the Masumin (as)
2. Asking the Masumin (as)

I believe all Shia's are unanimous that 1st is ok and a recommended way of hajjat.

As for the 2nd, below is Sayyid Sistani's fatwa:
Asking for Intercession

Q193: Is it permissible to ask for sustenance, a child, protection or intercession directly from the infallible ones?

Follow up: Let me ask you first. Do you seek this from them because they create, or sustain, or protect?

Response: Certainly not. But rather because they are the means to Allah (s.w.t.), the intercessors with Him in the disposal of affairs, and because they cannot do anything but with the permission of Allah, the Sublime and Exalted.

Follow up: You mean that they ask Allah the Exalted and He creates, and they ask Him and He sustains, and they ask Him and He protects, and because they are intercessors, whose pleas or supplications are not rejected, because of their status with Allah, the Sublime, and for their guardianship over us?

Response: Yes, I mean that.

A: This is permissible. Allah (s.w.t.) says: "...and seek means of nearness to Him..." (Qur'an, 5:35) and they (a.s.) are your means of approach to Allah (s.w.t.). This is permissible. (FM, p. 421)

http://www.al-islam.org/contemporary-le ... tercession
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