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Ask! is a concept developed by youths in Dar es Salaam. Have your say in shaping the concept of Ask! Do you think its feasible to have an online youth community? How do you think it should be run? What should be discussed? Comments and critisicms also welcome apart from ideas.
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By abuali

The Ask Team, in an effort to better the user experience at Ask, has been trying out new features on Ask, as some of you may have noticed.

I shall list below the new features being tested. Please give us feedback on these features so that we can decide whether to keep them or remove them:

1. Portal Page
2. Quick Reply
3. Facebook Comment
4. Facebook Like button for each post
5. TouchBB Iphone App to browse Ask on your iDevice

[we will expand this list as new features are live for testing]

Please do try the above
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By abuali
Portal Page

The Portal is the new home-page of Ask.
Ask's new Portal
Ask's new Portal
ask-portal.jpg (96.81 KiB) Viewed 3087 times
When you visit http://www.ask.or.tz or click on the Ask-logo, the page that appears is the Portal.

The portal is different from an index page because the portal:

1. Places several blocks on your screen to allow for easy access to many areas of the forum such as 'recent' (recent posts, topics and announcements)
2. Your user menu is easily accessible to change your Avatar, Check new posts etc
3. A convenient left-side menu to access the rest of the forum including the index page
4. A birthday block so that you can wish members a happy birthday
5. A clcok
6. Quick forum statistics
7. Announcements
8. Latest posts
9. Polls
10. Attachments
and some more...all in one page for easy navigation.
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By abuali
Quick Reply

Quick Reply is meant to allow users to quickly reply to posts/topics without having to click on the reply button and waiting for a new post compose page to load.

The feature is a small compose box at the end of each page. While reading a topic if a user feels like replying, he/she just has to scroll to the end of the page and type in a response and click submit!
mobileimage.jpg (86.1 KiB) Viewed 3087 times
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By abuali
Facebook Comment

The Ask team has implemted a feature which allows you to comment on any topic on Ask using your Facebook.

If you are logged into Facebook while browsing Ask, you will notice that at the end of each topic page you have the ability to post a comment on Facebook about the topic. The post will appear on your Facebook timeline as well as below the Ask topic and your friends on Facebook will be able to see what you are commenting on.
Facebook comment on www.ask.or.tz
Facebook comment on www.ask.or.tz
facebook comment on ask.or.tz.jpg (65.29 KiB) Viewed 3082 times
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By Moonbeam
Love having the portal back! Makes Ask browsing so much easier! Really cool new features to the portal as well.. Great Job! Feels good being back on Ask after long hehe :)
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