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This year the 05th Shia Boy Scouts organized a journey on the aftermath of Karbala .Previously known as "Safeer E Hussain" .This time they organized it along Hz Abbas Street beside Karbala Project .It consisted of 4 rooms
1) KArbala
I'll upload pics in a while
I was impressed by how the young boys were given an opportunity via this project to become zaakireen of Imam Hussain (as).

If possible, it would be wonderful to have a permanent setup run by youths and under tabligh, open to the public, for spreading the news of the event of Karbala.

Is such a project practical?
FInally the pictures for the Karbala room
A painting showing Imam Hussain being stopped to go to the battle field ( by Shama Jaffer)

For What was he slained

Hz Abbas at the river furat

Alam of Hz Abbas
Last edited by taha.dharamsi on 18 Jan 2012, 20:16, edited 2 times in total.

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