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By Reyhana

Compiled by Al-Husayn b.Sa’id Al-Kufi Al-Ahwazi.

Excerpts from the biography of the compiler:

Al Husayn ibn Said lived in the times of Imam al Rida, al Jawad and al Hadi [a.s], and he narrated traditions from them. For this reason, he is enumerated amongst their companions as can be found often in the books of biographies and of people who narrated traditions.

He has been praised and lauded by all the companions and scholars who have written concerning him; and they have extolled him as being trustworthy….. Al Majlisi has mentioned him in one of his books with the words: “….. a principle amongst the main supports of the traditionists is the trustworthy Sheikh al Husayn ibn Sa’id al Ahwazi; he is also the author of the book Asceticism [Kitab al Zuhd] and the book of the Believer [Kitab al Mu’min].” 1 Al-Majlisi: Bihar al-anwar 1/16.

From the treasures of the Ahl al Bayt’s knowledge, al Husayn ibn Sa’id propagated their teachings treating them like a precious and rare commodity. Thus did he do with a lofty spirit and sincere intention for the sake of the Honorable Lord that the number of those who love them and understand their trusteeship may multiply. In doing so, he became deserving of what has been narrated from the Ahl al Bayt [a.s]: “ May Allah have mercy on the person who keeps our affairs alive.”………

Table of contents:

[1]The severity of a Believer’s Afflictions …

[2]The Exclusive honors that Allah has reserved for the Believers …

[3]The Bond that Allah has set amongst the Believers…

[4]The Rights of a Believer on a Fellow Believer …

[5]The Reward of Helping a Believer, Relieving Him of Distress and Showing him Kindness …

[6]Visiting a Believer socially and when He is Ill …

[7]The reward of one who feeds a Believer, quenches his thirst, cloths him or pays off his Debt …

[8]What Allah forbidden a Believer to do against a fellow Believer …

P.S: I humbly request all believers/mumineens not to miss this enlightening book which contains innumerable treasures of knowledge from our Imams a.s which have reached us through this great personality. I cant find enough words to describe the merits of this book..

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