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Do You Think You Treat Your Maid Fairly?

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Not bad, but could be better
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By Umm.aly

Maids; who make our life so much easier, are rarely appreciated in our lives, rather we treat them as second class citizens. We make them do all our dirty jobs, give them left over foods from yesterday that we are not interested in, even their utensils are different from ours. Any small mistake, or a slip by forgetting something, or arriving late at work; causes us to shout at them. Just because we pay them wages (bare minimum!) to do our work, its ok to mistreat them?

Why? How are they inferior to us? Aren't they humans too just like us, with emotions and feelings, families and problems in their own lives?

Imagine, on the 60,000/- to 80,000/- salary they earn, they are supposed to meet all their monthly expenses! Even if things are cheaper at their end, how much cheaper really? Is their whole days time really worth just that much??

We also tend to suspect them at the first instance when something goes missing in the house! Always looking at them suspiciously, that they should not steal from us. Are we the ones who actually unintentionally force them to steal due to their want for better things that they see we have?

Let us learn from the life of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (as). She actually used to take turns with her maid Bibi Fizza in doing the housework. Her children who were the holy personalities were taught to call her as 'Amma Fizza'. Whereas our children find no shame in calling someone 3 or 4 times their age by their given name! If they dared to call any aunt of theirs by their given name, it would immediately receive a reprimand, so why not encourage them to also call the maid by a polite dada or mama before the maids name?

The biggest dhulm we may be doing is by withholding the true message that we have from them. The message of Wilayah. Most of our maids are Muslims, but do they even know how to pray? Are they allowed time to pray? Do they know how to read Quran? Do they know about the Ahlul Bayt?

The best tabligh can be done within our very homes, but how many of us are taking advantage of this?

Lets discuss better ways, to treat our maids, and those who are working for us, who are lesser off then we are.
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By abuali
Salary figure is only one element in the larger discussion of how we treat our maids.

There are other issues such as:

1. Have we carried out our obligation (haqqun-naas) by delivering the message to our maids?

2. Do we encourage them to pray, fast etc and ensure their working conditions allows them to do so?

3. Do we feed them what we feed ourselves?

4. Do we deal with them with compassion and mercy?

5. Do we eat with them on the same table?
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