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Somalia has been under severe famine. This is on top of the years of war and abuse.

Its only fair that we as humans and Muslims make an effort to :

1. Keep ourselves informed of the situation of the Somalis
2. Assist in whatever way possible towards their cause.

This forum can and should be used to discuss the current situation and come up with ideas on how we members of Ask in particular and Tanzanians in general can assist our Somali brothers-in-faith and in-humanity.
Southern Somalia is tipping into one of the worst humanitarian disasters to strike Africa in decades, but because of the myriad dangers here, aid organizations are struggling to bring in critically needed supplies and personnel to respond to the famine. At Banadir Hospital in Mogadishu, a child was covered with flies.

Credit: Tyler Hicks/The New York Times
An estimated of 640,000 children are suffering from severe malnutrition in southern Somalia, reports say.
Kufow Ali Abdi carried the body of his 3-year-old daughter, Kadija, who had just died from measles at the hospital. "I just hope they can save the others," he said, referring to his two remaining children, who were down to skin and bone.

Credit: Tyler Hicks/The New York Times
A child at a hospital in Mogadishu. A few years ago, the Shabab started banning immunizations, deeming them a Western plot to kill Somali children, and this has made matters even worse as tens of thousands of malnourished, immunity-suppressed people flee the drought-stricken areas and converge on the filthy, crowded camps in Mogadishu. It’s not only starvation that kills people during famine, but also opportunistic, highly contagious diseases like cholera, measles and typhoid.

Credit: Tyler Hicks/The New York Times
The magnitude of the suffering could shift the political landscape here, which has been dominated by chaos since 1991 when clan warlords overthrew the central government, then tore apart the country.

Credit: Tyler Hicks/The New York Times
It is clear that those who have power (be it the leaders within Somalia and those of other countries who are meddling for their own selfish interests) are going to be answerable for the sufferings of the Somali people. They will face Allah's wrath in these world and will have to deal with their misdeeds in the hereafter.

It is just as clear that the rest of the world (including me) are just as responsible for silently watching (which is equivalent) and will have to answer for our inaction.

What can we do? Here is a few things I can think of:

1. Organize task forces within our local communities to raise funds and get them to Somalia.
2. At personal level and at community level make appeals to government and other bodies (BAKWATA?) to start taking action to help.
3. Spread awareness so that more people can join to help.
4. Have a program to recruit and dispatch volunteers (medical personnel, counselors, observers) to go into Somalia to assist on the ground.
5. Use our magazines, notice boards, majalises, Friday supplements etc to spread awareness and raise funds in 1 above.
6. Pray, after every Namaaz, from the bottom of our hearts for the safety of honor, lives and property of the Somalis.
This is really heartbreaking news.I cant imagine the intense pain and torture the poor parents must be passing through while watching their beloved children dying in front of their own eyes.This is clearly one of the most biggest calamity.Shame on the selfish and materialistic minded rulers of the world who despite of having all the means and ability to help these poor people are silent audience to the ongoing disaster. O members of ASK lets do something in the name of humanity.
There is a task force set up under the Dar Jamaat, led by brother Murtaza Janmohammed who are fundraising for this cause.

They are channeling the funds to Somalia and the border of Kenya with Somalia via Bilal Kenya

Anyone who wishes to donate should contact them. If you need their contacts, PM me


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