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Special section to collect and disseminate information on the ongoing massacre and oppression in Bahrain
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By Reyhana
(salam)brothers and sisters in Islam,

As we can clearly see how the issue of oppression on Bahrainis is handled to make it look like civil war btn shia and sunni which is completely false. In Bahrain there is no question of shia versus sunni as the Saudi and UAE governments are trying to potray. Bahrainis protest is against the unjust and oppressing ruling regime[KHALIFA FAMILY} which has been ruling for more then 200 yrs now.They are muslims by name only and are taking full advantage by potraying themselves as sunni muslims to gain support of ahle sunnat brothers and to misled the innocent minds.They are getting richer and richer while their subjects are getting poorer and poorer."I came here to prove we are united," said May Hadi, a 27-year-old Sunni woman. "Bahrain television is trying to show we are divided. We are not. They are trying to prove it is a Shi'ite revolution. We are asking for freedom in this country."

The media like Al Jazeera who pretend to be unbiased and accurate in their news giving, saying that they give news from all angles are actually PUPPETS in the hands of those WAHHABIS who have brought this channel in existence ,the chairman Sheikh Hamad bin Thamer al –Thani is a distant cousin of QATAR’S Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani .Now as we all know U.A.E and Saudi have sent military troops backed with tanks and Helicopters for helping Bahraini king Sheikh Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, to massacre and wipe out the innocent protestors. So its natural that whatever these creators of Al Jazeera will want to potray to the world they can easily do so .One can clearly see how the Al jazeera channel concentrates on Libya and Syria [showing full details from time to time, while Bahrain is totally overlooked . If at all they touch on the subject of Bahrain reluctantly [for the sake of showing to the world ] they say what their ‘’MASTERS”, have fed in their mouths.

They don’t show how the protestors/medical staff are tortured and brutally beaten and killed.They don’t show how the hospitals are under siege by the military .They don’t show how many medical staff are dragged from their cars and beaten brutally just because they are trying to help the injured people.They don’t show how the injured ones are taken from the hospitals and killed.{Some medical staff were given permission to leave the hospital while state television filmed them. The cameras were then switched off and the staff were beaten, while women were threatened with being stripped. A doctor also said that none of the wounded protesters were allowed to be transferred to the hospital from other clinics. Doctors who spoke to the foreign news media were arrested and only a few were still in the hospital}They dont show how a 2 yr old kid is shot multiple times during a funeral procession.They don’t show how physical threats are given to the medical staff to stop them from coming out of their houses to help the injured. They don’t show us the REALITY but Instead they give out the false Image of sectarian differences which their masters are using to wipe out the innocent peaceful protestors esp the shia who are in majority and you know what they are calling this genocide as? ‘’Ethnical cleansing’’.

Now lets see,
Can the ones who masaccre innocent protestors [who don’t even hold a stick to defend themselves but instead hold flowers and national Bahraini flag in their hands,] be called MUSLIMS???
Can those who torture the injured ones and attack the hospitals and attack the medical staff brutally, be called MUSLIMS???
Can Those who attack women and children and mercilessly murder them,be called MUSLIMS???
Whats the difference btn them and the Zionists???

In the Holy Quran a divine book which all muslims honor and believe it to be a Message from God to human kind, its clearly written in chapter 4 verse 93:
وَمَنْ يَقْتُلْ مُؤْمِنًا مُتَعَمِّدًا فَجَزَاؤُهُ جَهَنَّمُ خَالِدًا فِيهَا وَغَضِبَ اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَلَعَنَهُ وَأَعَدَّ لَهُ عَذَابًا عَظِيمًا {93}
[ 4:93] And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his punishment is hell; he shall abide in it, and Allah will send His wrath on him and curse him and prepare for him a painful chastisement .

Now if this verse is RIGHT[which of course it is] then these ‘’so called rulers and their helpers have nothing to do with Islam and are treading the path which leds directly to the HELL FIRE and Almighty has cursed them.

Now can this type of demons who are cursed/despised and promised HELL be the rulers over MUSLIMS???

Sadly, false hadith is attributed to our Holy Prophet s.a.w.w to make way for these satans to rule over the muslim ummah. The One and the only God who has put worshipping him in par with obeying ones parents, has withdrawn this right from the parents if they force one to disobey the commands of God. Now think, how can the same God allow obeying a TYRANT RULER under all circumstances whether he is a drunkard/oppressor/unjust/murderer/trangressor e.t.c e.t.c. Attributing this type of false hadith to the Holy Prophet is clearly blasphemous ,for we all agree that never could our beloved Prophet say anything which contradicts the word of God.

The western powers who WERE and ARE the most bitter enemies of Islam and muslims have taken the advantage of this uprising and are using their puppets[wahabbis] to kill innocent muslims and to support my argument I will pose only one question.When Gadaffi’s [the Libyan president]army ,on his command started attacking and killing the protestors [who had taken to arms]immediately the WEST took action,saying that they were rising for protecting the protestors of Libya from Gaddafi and his army’s oppression. NOW when the same exact situation rose in Bahrain then they would have done the same for Bahraini protestors [who haven’t even taken sticks for their defense,this clearly shows that they want peaceful negotiations,if they wanted they could have carried knives from their homes to protect themselves but they haven’t done so,instead they have carried flowers and Bahraini flags only which clearly shows their peaceful intentions,many male protestors have taken their shirts off to show that they aren’t wearing anything harmful underneath]so why instead did the WEST give green signal to the Saudi and U.A.E governments to send their troops to Bahrain and aids them with helicopters in order to help the Bahraini king to fully terrorize and masaccre these bunch of harmless peaceful protestors. WHY SUCH INDIFFERENCE TOWARDS BAHRAINIS??? Ohh of course we got it, what a easiest way to make it look to the world like shia versus sunni and turn this two groups of muslims against one another which they have been doing so for centuries. WHAT A SATANIC PLAN.

Enemies of ISLAM [wahhabis/zionist/west] are poining fingers at their biggest rival IRAN though the whole world knows that IRAN has always supported the oppressed be they of any cast or creed and it has always risen against injustice and it is the only islamic country which the ''so called super powers''' cannot gain hold to and both america and Israil [zionists] know that their biggest opponent whom they can never subdue is Iran.Now see whats giving them sleepless nights over the issue of BAHRAIN.

The US is in a difficult position in Bahrain. It wants to be seen to support democracy, but Bahrain is strategically very important. Not only is it an important petrol producer, it is also home to the US Fifth Fleet, which patrols the waters of the Persian Gulf. There are fears that instability in Bahrain could increase the influence of Iran, a mainly Shia nation which is very hostile to the US.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel said that he was not suprised by the Saudi military entering Bahrain: "I think they are concerned with a possible Iranian takeover of Bahrain, which would put Iran effectively within spitting distance of the Arabian Peninsula, Saudi Arabia is working to protect its own interests. But there is a very large global interest in making sure the world's oil wells, that the largest reserves of the world's oil supply do not fall into Iranian or pro-Iranian hands

We all know that in the Palestinian's people plight,when millions were being masaccred by the zionists these same emirs of the middle east countries were SILENT as the ''NEW BRIDE"",as a token of their alliance with the enemy states who are holding their purse strings,and the only country which stood by its brethen was IRAN though except for a couple of villages at the Lebanese border, all Palestinian Muslims are Sunni.Does this stance have a sectarian background, or a humanitarian one?

Last edited by Reyhana on 28 Mar 2011, 18:06, edited 3 times in total.
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By Reyhana
In London our brothers and sisters in faith took out a demonstration and protested in front of Saudi and Bahraini embassy.[This protestion was covered live by Hidayat t.v.] Many aalim-e-din were present in this protestion and delivered powerful speeches.

In Canada people protested via email and phone calls to their government position holders .

In different parts of the world the good hearted people are calling the Saudi/Bahraini embassys and asking for justice for Bahrain.

People are calling U.N and humanitarian rights co operation and asking for justice for Bahraini protestors.

What are we African citizens doing to help our brethren in Bahrain??? Please share your ideas and lets start doing something.

Lets take a first step:

http://www.amnesty.org/en/appeals-for-a ... protesters
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By Muhammad
Apparently a procession was organized by some of the members, but unconfirmed reports say that the government did not give permission for this to take place and hence it was cancelled last minute.
All we can do is pray and console our bleeding hearts with these prayers.
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By Reyhana
(wasalam) brother,
Thats very sad. Yes we can pray and recite sura-e Fath for their success and give charity for their protection and we can also help in spreading awareness through facebooks,mails,websites e.t.c.
In the meantime if anyone has any email contacts or phone numbers of any Humanitarian rights co operations/U.N offices/saudi and Bahraini embassy's then please share under this forum,so all Ask members can get a chance to take action and voice their protests.
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By abuali

We will definitely be questioned about our responsibilities toward our oppressed Muslim brothers in the arab peninsula.

The most desperate situation is in Bahrain where sectarian cleansing is being encouraged by the King withe the help of Saudi Arabia and UAE while the 'democratic' west ignores the entire issue.

Have a look at Sayyid Moddaresi's appeal on behalf of the people of Bahrain
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By Muhammad
Thank you so much brother Hasin for that wonderful video.
can we somehow broadcast it on IBN ?
For the sister who asked for the Embassy of bahrain in Dar-es-salaam, i could not fund anything but the following is for The Saudi Embassy

Saudi Arabia Embassy , Tanzania
No. 61 Kimweri Street
PO Box 238
Dar es Salaam

Hope this helps.

God help the oppressed and help us to help the oppressed and may God curse the oppressors.
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By Insaan
Salaams there.Wanted to let you people know that I tried calling the saudi embassy of TZ, but the receptionist didnt let me talk to the saudi ambassador and told me to give my message to her but i insisted that I wanted to talk with the ambassador,she told me to give my phone number and asked me from where I was calling.I told her that I was calling from TZ and had full rights to talk with the ambassador but she said I could give her my number [which I firmly but politely declined]and the ambassador would call me.[what a joke].She also told me that if only I was from saudi then I could talk with him[funny isnt it?If so what is the ambassador doing in TZ?]and she also said that if I was from TZ then I should come to the embassy to talk with the Ambassador.[now Imagine she isnt allowing me to talk on phone with him but will allow me live audience.]
At last I had to agree to give her my message which she could pass to the ambassador.My message was firm but polite,as follows: ''I very strongly protest on the oppression on Bharaini protestors and request the saudi ambassador to oblige his country to remove the saudi troops sent to bahrain for killing innocent people.I also told the receptionist that being muslims it was our and also her/ambassador/saudi goverment duty to stop this massacre and fear God as we will be answerable to him.''
Brothers and sisters,lets all put pressure on them by calling their embassy and voicing our protest against this oppression firmly but politely and be careful not to give your phone numbers and any private details they ask about you.
For more details on the present situation in Bahrain visit the following site: http://www.justiceforbahrain.com
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By Reyhana
As you know, the Bahraini forces have not left the women and children in peace either! Please sign this petition and show your support towards those who are fighting for their rights.

http://www.change.org/petitions/solidar ... t&opt_fb=f

PS: I am including a documentary which shows how oppressed the followers of the Ahlulbayt (AS) are in Bahrain. This simply can not continue!!

Furthermore, the Bahraini Government is now raiding shia mosques and burning Holy Qurans and any religious symbols in it. Please share the clip and bring awareness about this tragic time the Bahraini people are going through.

from Sukeina.
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By Reyhana

The full LIVE interview broadcasted on Ahlulbayt TV on Tuesday 29th March 2011 with Sayed Mahdi Al-Modarrasi conducted by Zahra Al-Alawi regarding the current atrocities occuring in Bahrain.
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By Insaan
Please read this letter which reminds us all how tragic the situation is in Bahrain:

http://angryarabiya.blogspot.com/2011/0 ... l?spref=fb

After reading the letter, let's all take few minutes out of our busy schedule and make sure to write to President Obama as well. Let's remind him the double standard of the US and how disgusted and horrified we are by his lack of action.

You can contact him right here: http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact

We need to STOP these atrocities, and collectively, we can make a difference and bring Justice to Bahrain, Inshallah.
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