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Sheikh Saqalain Abbas will be answering your questions posted in this forum.

Moderators: Syed Kazim, Muhammad Mahdi

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By Zaheer
I had a question regarding Khums.

1. If a person is on a loan, is khums wajib on him? If NO then go to no.2
2. The person is not intending to pay his load rather making another expense. Is Khums yet not applicable?

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By abuali
I am not a scholar so please do not take my response as an answer.

From the little I know, Khums is wajib on any savings that you have at the end of the year (You are supposed to choose one date and then every year on that date you have to check if you have savings).

That means even if you have an outstanding loan but on that date you have savings then Khums is wajib on them.
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By Zaheer
Thank you Hasin
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By Sh.SaqalainAbbas
salaam un alaikum wrw b

ans 1 after the paying loan and excluding other expenses of year khums will be wajib .

ans 2 yes after the amount of loan and expenses khums will be wajib .
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