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Lessons and thoughts on The Infallibles [‘a.s]

Moderator: Muntazir

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By Muntazir

Name: Ja’far [‘a.s]
Nickname: Abu ‘Abdillah
Title: Saadiq [‘a.s]
Father: Muhammad [‘a.s]
Mother: Umm Farwah, daughter of Qasim bin Muhammad bin Abi Bakr
Birth Year: 17th Rabi’ al-Awwal, 73rd Hijri
Place of Birth: Madinah al-Munawwarah
Period of Leadership: 34 Years
Age: 65
Martyred: 25th Shawwal, 148 Hijri
Cause: Poisoned
Killer: Mansoor Dawaneqi [l.’a]
Place of Burial: Madinah, Grave of Baqih
Children: 7 Sons and 3 Daughters
By Brother in Islam
"Allah, the Most Holy, the Most High, is far greater and above leaving the earth without an Imam of justice."

Imam Jaafar al'Sadiq (a.s)!

Usool al'Kaafi [ H # 06, Ch # 5, P # 26, V # 2, (Urdu)
By Brother in Islam
"Allah does not leave the earth without a ‘Alim (scholar). Without this the truth would not be distinguished from falsehood."

Imam Jaafar al'Sadiq (a.s)!

Usool al'Kaafi [ H # 05, Ch # 5, P # 26, V # 2, (Urdu)
By Brother in Islam
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said:

He whose eyes shed tears for our blood which has been shed, or for our rights which have been usurped, or for the humiliation meted out to us or to one of our Shiites, Allah shall accommodate him in paradise for a long time.

[Amali Sheikh al Mufid, pg. 175.]
By Brother in Islam
Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (as) said: “By Allah, Allah does not accept a single act of obedience to Him when it is accompanied by persistent committing of an act of disobedience to Him”

Al-Hurr al Amili – Combat with the Self, p.167, no.20679
By Brother in Islam
"The earth has never been without a person with divine authority who would teach people about the lawful and unlawful matters and call them to the path of Allah."

Imam Jaafar al'Sadiq (a.s)!

Usool al'Kaafi [ H # 03, Ch # 5, P # 26, V # 2, (Urdu)
By Brother in Islam
"The earth is never left without an Imam so that if the believers would add any thing it would be brought back and if they would reduce anything it would be completed."

Imam Jaafar al'Sadiq (a.s)!

Usool al'Kaafi [ H # 02, Ch # 5, P # 25, V # 2, (Urdu)
By Brother in Islam
Narrator asked Imam Jaafar al'Sadiq (a.s.), ‘Can there be a time on earth without Imam?" The Imam said, "No, it can not be without Imam." Narrator asked, "Can there be two Imams at a time?" He said, "No, unless one is quite."

Usool al'Kaafi [ H # 01, Ch # 5, P # 25, V # 2, (Urdu)
By Brother in Islam
"A person with Divine authority is before the people, with the people and after the people."

mam Jaafar al'Saadiq (a.s)!

Usool al'Kaafi [ H # 04, Ch # 4, P # 25, V # 2, (Urdu)
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By Muntazir
In the name of 'Allah.

Salaamun 'aleykum ya akhi.

Ahsantum. These are very important messages! Masha'Allah, we are looking at the Ocean of Knowledge, as-Saadiq ['a.s]. Whoever drinks from it benefit the wisdom.

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By Muntazir
In the name of 'Allah.

Salaamun 'aleykum.

Akh, there is a hadith by Imam as-Saadiq ['a.s] where he explains the importance of all the features of our face. The hadith can be found from al-Khisaal by as-Sadooq [r.a]. Could you locate it and share it with us?

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