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I don't care
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By samnt
i am uncertain about this whole who-ha. and all said and done, there arent only praises for the honourably discharged sheikh. i think we are all getting emotional and making a mountain out of a molehill when the truth is humans are dispensible, like disposible blades, we can get thrown out for a new one. for petes sake we die and jobs that we did get done, and children that we fed, get food.

life is a cycle, and a job is a job. no matter what he has done, yes thank you but move along and go bring up another community that needs such wonderful guidance from such a great sheikh. did we stop when akhtar rizvi died? did the madressa die after marhum muslim passed away? did the musafirkhana cease its working after husein passed away? did madrasatulzahra not have arabic and fikh classes after sheikh tahir left for further studies?

i think whoever or whomsoever decided against renewing the contract and getting a fresh mind into dar jamaat thought it well. and i was kinda getting tired with the fasten your seatbelts and express namaazs that used to happen once in a while. if he goes, we can have out own people that i could name here to continue the mission and interact with the kids on saturday nights.

and the guy who said that he cant come to sar after what was done to shk razi could be done for him, is selfish and doesnt trust god, they are the ones who talk about the follower of 7th imam who dived into the tanoor oven without asking why. fortunately the hypocrits show themselves.

over and out
By championfuture

There is a lot of politics going on in our jamaat, It is very amazing that the people who have chose(voted) the(leaders) to power are not been considered to be worth even for discussion when taking a critical decisions like this
Is there any difference between our jamaat leader (So called Muslims ) and a corrupt country leader.?
DSM JAMAAT LEADER: Pays Due lawajaam of memebers and ask them to vote for them . I have eveidence for this As once i was appointed to register voter's names.

COUNTRY OR PARTY LEADER: Bribes Voters .(in this case they know that what they give out is peanuts in return to what they will get if elected... So doubting on our jamaat leaders ,Is "Fe Sabilillah" a Practical word?

JAMAAT LEADERS: Decides what is best for them(few) without considering members Interest .Nor it counsels its members for any Decision( Sometimes it counsels after making the decision. Eg: Sheikh Razi's Issue.. (present) , 2. Selling Jamaat Properties and Than calling Jamaat member's Meeting.

COUNTRY PARTY LEADER: Decides for their own benefit without considering the benefits of its citizens or members. Eg. EPA issues and MAny more Uncountable.

Alot of other similarities , i am sure you guys know more than me. But why are we still Quite?

When it comes to opposing a of a country leader we might be little scared , But why are we so scared to oppose a Jamaat Leader when we ourselve have voted him for the leadership. Are we not answerable to Almighty Allah (SWT).
NOW WE NEED TO SELECT WHO IS BEST FOR Us. Our leaders must consider our request and obey to our legitimate demands.

By hasanrizvi
[quote]i am uncertain about this whole who-ha. and all said and done, there arent only praises for the honourably discharged sheikh/quote Please be specific and name few hoping it must be clear and known to many, if its hidden than consult Sheikh Razi individually and then decide.
[quote]life is a cycle.................sheikh tahir left for further studies?[quote] Sheikh Razi is alhamdolilah still alive and is not leaving for further studies.
[quote]i think whoever or whomsoever decided against renewing the contract and getting a fresh mind into dar jamaat thought it well/quote] Good to be positive but is it an individual issue or for public interest. Is it democracy ?(from the people, by the people, for the people). Where are the people.
[quote]and the guy who said that he cant come to sar after what was done to shk razi could be done for him, is selfish and doesnt trust god, they are the ones who talk about the follower of 7th imam who dived into the tanoor oven without asking why. fortunately the hypocrits show themselves./quote] How is he selfish ?( Isn't it a allegation, which is even Greater sin than Back biting ?) How he doesn't trust Allah, Allah has given us mind to think and decide, one cannot eat even Halal things if he is sick , that doesn't mean he is does not trust Allah who can give cure even with poison.
It is true that Haroon-e-Makki jumped into the oven without asking but please see who asked him to do so ? can you compare anyone in this World with Masumeen A.s. (apart from Imam-e-zamana a.j.t.f.s).
Who are the hypocrites ? who cover themselves or who come out and show.
Nothing personal buddy.
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By samnt
dear brother
i am not out here to pick a fight, i am just airing a view just like you.
i am not a fan of the sheikh. i didnt appreciate that he added unneccessary lines and remarks in nikah solomnizations. we all know that if you prayed during that time, your duas are accepted, but adding remarks such as this is the binging one and fasten your seatbelts or being asked the fundamentals of getting married. there are a few instances where we havent met eye to eye, but those are between him and me.

true the sheikh isnt leaving for further studies, but what i am saying is you cant expect to earn your bread on a farm that is barren can you? move ahead. though if you want, reinstate him, i dont have a problem.

if you are in the jamaat you would realize that our jamaat his highly political and there is no democracy. most decisions are made closed doors and handful of people. its hard to be a member of our community.

as for the part about 7th imam. it was a symilly, meaning i was only quoting an anecdote in history. hypocrits are those who show something else and do something else. a promise is a promise.
By alqaem
dera respected brother ,
The issues u spoke about the fasten belts and the humor in the marraige sessions, were not in the violation with religious laws, if there were I would love to see a fatwa against it.
The marraige nikah was recited in serious with your intentions, and duas were also recited may Allah swt accept it, yes may be you might want to see it in a different cultural style, and I have been in many cultures who would appreciate the things you disagreed and many in Dar also appreciated and wanted me to continue , but since respected brothers like you were upset and offended , I said in my Friday Kuhtba that I respect the culture of those who do not like it and will not repeat and since that time which has been like more than six months old I have never repeated it, the dua is accepted when the hearts are clean from ill feelings, and I make sure that in the marraige sessions that my heart is clean from any ill feelings , and while the duas I am serious, but any how these are cultural issues and many from Dar they disagree with you and we can also agree to disagree in issues as long as there is no violation of religios laws.
If some one sins and repents God forgives, so if I have done something with disagrees with your culture and asked forgiveness for upsetting brothers like you then I would appreciate if you had forgiven me.

ANy how I never asked for fans nor for fame it is sufficuent for me that I try my best to serve my beloved 12th Imam AF whether people they appreciate or not.

If my beloved ones had supported me then that was and is out of their good thoughts , I told them that I do not deserve it , I m a least and imperfect person who is trying to become perfect and has never reached yet, inshAllah one day with your duas my beloved brother, even if u disagree with me I will indeed respect you my dear
By hasanrizvi
SubhanAllah, May allah bless you dear Sheikh Safdar Razi. There is nothing wrong in saying few words in Nikah and is not against Law. Talking about culture , Sheikh Alidina did great work in reforming that also for e.g. before in Mah-e-Ramzan there were no lectures but only Duas and Amaals but he stepped forward and started giving lectures in between. In Friday khutba and his lectures with projector screens were introduced and with his power point and other presentations he started explaining. So cultures are meant for our benefits only as long as they does not effects religion.
Sheikh you did nothing wrong for which you had to be sorry instead you are, proves you had a big heart and you want to help us.
Tomorrow if the carpet of mosque is changed and i don't like it , will it to be removed only coz i don't like while it has nothing to do with religion. In short baseless issues are raised the agenda is something else which now whole DSM knows.
And yes, Sheikh you had a huge HUGE fan following let the Hasdi burn themselves in Hasd. First time in history of Dar-es-salaam huge number of momeeneen gathered to fight for Haq and inshallah they will win.

The voices raised will not go unheard and unanswered.
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By Muhammad Mahdi
If people are objecting to those interesting nikah ceremonies than they are crazy.

Before Sheikh Razi's times, so many times before nikah started, I used to walk out. They used to be boring and most of the time the groom was not even paying attention. The 5 n text was a great way to ensure that those who were getting married were aware of their responsibilities.

Nothing wrong done, Shiekh and you need not apologize..
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By Dayyanah Karim
To be honest, there has not been a single aalim who has awakened the whole community (that is except few who will never wake up). so far, whenever an aalim comes, either the seniors or the youths always have something to say against him. but Sheikh Razi is the first person, who was wanted by not both groups but by a third party also being the kids. i think he deserves the fame he got.

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