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Our communities and daily lives are ridden with many unIslamic temptations and deviations. Yet plenty are practiced openly.

Do you have a TV at home? and do you think its bad to watch TV

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By Muhammad Mahdi
If you look at it that way, the internet can be bad or ugly as well.

You see, with gambling there is no halal in any way. But with TV not only is there halal, sometimes there may be mustahab or wajib as well. How you ask? Let me explain.

It is important that we know about the world, what is happening, our muslim brothers etc. The TV provides a cheap way of doing so.

You point out that TV is used for entertainment. The question then, what is wrong with a bit of entertainment?
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By abuali
Sorry for the delay in replying.

I agree that internet can be used in a bad way. However, unlike the internet, TV has hardly any good uses!

In this case, I believe TV is closest (while not same) to gambling. Since in gambling a few benefit (those who hit the jackpot) at the expense of many (who loose their dough.

Likewise in TV a few may benefit say by learning something new, that is not corrupting in nature and does not contain topics of adult, violent or some other deviant behavior (which most programs today would contain including cartoons and documentaries), majority would still be at loss (of time, fitness) and gain most likely a habit for entertainment which would affect their morality, outlook towards the world and behavior.

As for entertainment, lets change the question: 'Whats is right/good in entertainment'?

Remember the ayats of the holy quran talking about vain talk?

just my two cents
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By Tayyaba
Mostly depends on Parents...i know of some people (mothers) when they are fed up, busy, work ...they switch on TV for their children...so it becomes a Habit..and honestly cartoons these days spoil the mind..feeds the kids with dirty thoughts!!
Parents should be aware of what the consequences will be...violence, sex, nudity, language....name it

very few choose to watch good educational programmes.
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By abuali
Very true.

The habit forms while we are quite young.

Lots of peer pressure as well especially for teens.

The key is in recognizing that its harmful to our development, especially spiritual as well as intellectual.

Parental control is key for young children. For teens, it would require an effort by the teen himself/herself.

What do you think?
By Mahjabeen
I think T.V can be good and bad...depends on what we're watching....There are so many channels today that offer a healthy (for the mind) line up of programs covering almost everything from historical sagas to present day issues. Sitting in the comfort of our homes today we can actually watch how things are made, facts about different countries, how people live etc, which leaves one awestruck at the abundance of His mercy that is spread throughout the universe. Breathtaking views of majestic snow capped mountains, marvelous waterfalls and rivers, unique marine life and brilliant snapshots of stars, galaxies and planets. Let’s face it, there is so much in the world to see and learn that it would be, above all else, physically impossible to see it all in one’s lifetime. Most of us prefer to watch lousy T.V serials, music channels, movies etc. Often times I hear little children 4-5 years (or even less) singing worthless songs that they hear from movies. It breaks my heart to learn that parents sometimes take their kids to cinema halls to ‘enjoy’ a movie them. As we all know most movies are filled with violent scenes, bloodshed, obscenity, filthy words and everything you want to stay away from. After watching all of that over and over again, I feel that kids are deeply affected and before you know it they are immune to all the crap. It is no wonder then that when the Majalis of Imam Hussein (a.s) is being recited even us adults, would find it difficult to shed a tear for our Imam or feel his family’s anguish because now we are so blinded by the lies and special effects of movies that we have been desensitized.
Moderation is definitely the key. T.V is UGLY when we are a slave to it.

"Television thrives on unreason, and unreason thrives on television. It strikes at the emotions rather than the intellect." Sir Robin Day
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By abuali
Thats an interesting analysis Mahjabeen.

From what I have seen majority of us are slaves of TV (the junk).

Increasingly I have seen the trend that even those programs that can be classified as educational are being corrupted by glitz and glamour (horrendous clothing, immoral behavior, adult language etc).

If you think about it, this trend is logical. Junk sells. For a program to survive and thrive they have to ensure maximum people are watching so as to get ad revenue. To ensure maximum people watch, they have to include, glitz, glamour and gore.

And we, the watchers, ensure the program continues by watching it.

I have seen the trend in India. People are so addicted that they have timetables and watch serials back to back.

Our intellectual capabilities are its lowest when we are watching 'the tube'. Reading (the right stuff) is a much much better way of gaining knowledge.
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By Muhammad Mahdi
You're very right about the tv serials and about glitz and glamour in shows. But IMO, it depends more on the viewer.

When I watch a movie, I dont just close my mind and watch. I ask myself questions, analyze the film, find faults in the storyline, see blunders etc. So in my case my intellectual capability is pretty active.
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By abuali
Its very good if you do that.

Unfortunately when i make the mistake of watching tv, i totally give in to what i am watching. Although I try hard to watch shows that teach things (like how things work and historical documentaries) I realize that i almost always give in to being spoon-fed.

I think perhaps, Muhammad, we have stumbled the first step to review how tv affects us.

If we can study ourselves and our state of mind while watching tv (obviously this applies to watching tv to learn something which automatically excludes most tv shows and movies out there), we can understand how our soul and mind are affected
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By abuali
Recently while watchin The Arrivals, I realized that TV was even more of a tool used by the evil forces than I initially believed.

The episode I was watching had a central theme about cartoons and how they are meant to brainwash and mind control kids from a young age.

The footage is an eye-opener.

This episode of The Arrivals in R - rated.

http://ask.or.tz/video/The Arrivals (The Series flv)/The Arrivals pt.03 (children's mind control).flv[/flv]
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By abuali
It is a very very dangerous and planned mind-control tool.

Although i knew it was being used for evil, i didnt realise how much until i saw the Arrivals and other similar eye opening documentaries created by individual people who are usually censored or destroyed!

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