Bismillahir Rahmaanir Rahim
As Salaamu ‘aleykum
If you read it this way -
Frankly speaking, “I” am not ready to get married because “I” am still studying and “I” will not be ready to find a guy until “I” finish ma Bachelors, then “I” know while doing my intern, “I” find a guy so that when “I” get married, if “I” have to work, “I” just start without any training or anythin of that sort!!!
To simplify this, there can only be two situations here. These are:
1. Someone who wants to get married but is stopped by his or her family, financial problems, etc
2. Someone who doesn’t want to get married due to some personal reason
I don’t mean to be rude, but the heading of this Forum says
“What is stopping you from getting married NOW?” as to sister FatemaC, this isn’t a problem to her at all! In fact, it’s a matter of her own decision. So I don’t find her facing any difficulties unlike most of the brothers and sisters who are given lame excuses by their parents, or otherwise…
The reason why Marriage has become a Headline is because one needs security in life, and these securities are hard to find at times like these. There’s no force to what you feel for yourself, and there’s no force to Marriage.
Marriage according to Islam is Mustahab (Highly recommended), but at most cases it becomes Wajib for most of the people living in this Dunya, why? Because this Dunya is not observing strict Islamic rules, therefore it is best to get married as soon as possible.
Take as long as you want, think as much as you can, but make sure you consider marriage as a very important step in life. Take it very slow, plan your future, study your partner and then take the right step. If you do it very fast, you might end-up like the couples of these days. They get married, stay for a month or two, and get divorced!
Anyway, I don't want to get off the topic. There are a lot of things to discuss on about. These topics have been going on for months now! They are supposed to have an end at a certain point. There are so many things happening in Dar, and there are a lot of stories about our youths that we come to hear all the way here in Qom. Every member of Ask should take a step forward and organize some group or program that deals with part of the community, understands and tries to solve the problems within.
I shall get back to this some other time.
As Salaamu 'aleykum