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A forum for the planning and execution of the first ever Shia Ithna Asheri Art Exhibition in Tanzania
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By abuali
Marketing is essential. The exhibition will be open to the entire public. Success lies in ensuring as many people come to the exhibition as possible

The following are the media I thought were necessary to use to market the exhibition:

1. TV (not only Alitrah, but others as well)
2. Newspapers (Press conference?)
3. Website
4. Email (Tabligh, Ask, WorldFed, AfricaFed)
5. Having a known personality as chief guest

How do we fund the media marketing?
tv is a good idea also the newspaper ad. but we r gonig to have an entrance fee right? we dont want ALL sorts of people just walking in...plus are kids gonig to allowed to come watch? Mybe we can mention tht too
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By kulsham
Normally there it all depends.... some keep entrance fees and some dont... but majority dont keep entrance fees.... like makutano charge 5000 per person in DJ hall... so lets keep free this time and next time we can charge.... lets see how this one goes, we are charging for the forms only cant charge them twice ... lets not keep entrance fees this time..... i feel that way.... since it is our first time we need to experience stuff...

we will need a canter to transfer stands from art n frame to hall n from the hall to art n frame... anybody you know owns one tht can help us?
By Zohras
I don't think you should charge for this one. People will run away! And there are many means of advertising. Facebooking it, sending emails, and putting up posters at known locations, Mosque and Mehfil, Nima, and other locations that can draw outsider's attention aswell. Slipway too! And if schools are open, you can send them Invitations and posters.
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By abuali
Zohras wrote:I don't think you should charge for this one. People will run away! And there are many means of advertising. Facebooking it, sending emails, and putting up posters at known locations, Mosque and Mehfil, Nima, and other locations that can draw outsider's attention aswell. Slipway too! And if schools are open, you can send them Invitations and posters.
I agree. Thats a very good way of letting people know.

Can someone from the team take up responsibility for coordinating the marketing? Zohra, are you up for it?
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By kulsham
Can we prepare registration forms before we print the posters? because after reading the posters members will rush for registration!! Hasin have a last look at the registration form and let me know if i should proceed it with printing....
The Community Art Team
‘Showcase- The Art Exhibition 2009’

Application Form

Full name: _________________________________
Address: ___________________________
Telephone numbers: Residence: _____________ Mobile:________
Email address: _________________
Date of birth (date/month/year): ________________
Male/Female: _______

Please tick your choice of category/categories:



Digital Art



I do not want/want to sell my artwork @ T.Shs/$ _________ each.
Minimum bidding price (if artist is interested in letting people bid for his artwork): T.Shs/$__________ each.

Artist’s statement:

I, __________, have read the policies of the Art exhibition and hereby agree to abide by them at all times.

Signature of Artist
Last edited by Mahjabeen on 09 Jun 2009, 13:14, edited 1 time in total.
The Community Art Team
‘Showcase- The Art Exhibition 2009’

Art Exhibition policies and guidelines:
 Application fee of T.Shs 1000/- to be paid upon submitting the form.
 Submitted artwork does not automatically qualify for the Art exhibition. The exhibition Committee will decide the specific pieces to be exhibited, the duration of the exhibit and exhibit location.
 Artworks will be judged based on quality and exclusivity. The Judges’/Committee’s decision is final.
 Our Art Gallery will maintain a ‘no nudes’ policy. Artworks that incline towards this category or project any sort of violence/obscenity will not be accepted/will be disqualified.
 Artists are responsible for delivering works to be exhibited to the exhibit coordinator. The date and time will be established by the committee.
 Permission to photograph and reproduce any work accepted in the exhibition for publicity purposes is considered granted unless otherwise stated in writing.

 Artwork will be judged in the following categories:
i. Paintings & Sketches
ii. Digital Art & Photography
iii. Crafts
Application criteria have been clearly outlined for each category below.

 Paintings & Sketches:
Each artist is required to submit three (3) pieces of art under the preferred category. Larger pieces will be viewed by the committee at a prearranged date and venue.

 Digital art & Photography:
Each artist is required to submit three (3) pieces of art under the preferred category. Digital art should not exceed an A3-size. Photographs should be in a 5×7 format and should be submitted in a matte finish paper. Photographs that qualify for the exhibition will be displayed in size ______. The cost of printing it in the required size will be borne by the artist. Quality of photos

 Crafts:
Crafts will be viewed on the spot on a specified day, place and time. Artists will be required to bring their work to be reviewed and returned on the same day.

 The artist is the owner of the art, however please bear in mind that by submitting their work he/she is automatically granting us permission to display and sell the art. The price at which the artist wants to sell his/her piece should be clearly indicated in the form. Only those works selected by the Exhibition Committee may be sold.

 Artists can also opt to sell their art to the highest bidder after setting a fixed price for the same.

Deadline for submitting form:
All forms should be submitted latest by __ __ ’09. Forms will be collected at ___________ from ___ p.m to ___p.m

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