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2nd Majlis of Ashra-e-Zaynabiya/1438 by Sheikh Mirza Askari in Bujumbura Burundi.

✔TOPIC: Imam Hussain(s)'s insightful Strategy.

Join us as Sheikh Mirza Askari takes us to an eye opening journey of connecting our past with our future gaining vision from the time of Imam Hussain a.s thus preparing ourselves for the time of the saviour of humanity, His Eminence Imam Mahdi (ajfs).


The great importance of taking lessons from our history.
Why only Muslims of Kufa were targeted as having deserted Imam Hussain while there were other Muslim population as well e.g in Makka Madina who did the same???

The reason of Imam Hussain's stay in Makka after leaving Madina.

Learn about the strategy of Imam Hussain in depths.
Find out the reasons that led to Imam Hussain having limited number of supporters despite such large Muslim numbers of the time and much much more...

We request our viewers to watch these Ashra-e- Zainabiya majaalis in sequence in order to maximise its benefit.

⚠ 1st majalis is unfortunately unavailable; we will upload some points from that Majalis; sorry for any inconveniance.

⚠We apologise for uploading audio clip for the 2nd & 3rd majaalis (due to unavailability of video for these two majaalis) but we assure you that it is of great importance that you watch in sequence so as to grasp the full material.

InshaAllah from the 4th majaalis to the end we will be uploading video clips.

Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFIqzW ... 7lMZEZqBDQ

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3rd Majlis of Ashra-e-Zaynabiya/1438 by Sheikh Mirza Askari in Bujumbura Burundi.


Join us in finding out the answers to the following questions in this enlightening episode:

# Heard about the ''funvax'', virus threat? Well, you will now.

# What are the two main qualities present in the innate nature of mankind by default?

# Despite such large number of so called ''practising Muslims'', during Imam Hussain's time, what was the cause of their downfall?

# Do you know what is the most difficult trait to overcome?

# Which kind of death should one fear ?

# No time for nafilah salaat? Not possible ....find out WHY?

# Which is the only reason a believer should be afraid of, when Imam Mahdi ajfs reappears???

⚠We apologise for uploading audio clip for the 2nd & 3rd majaalis (due to unavailability of video for these two majaalis) but we assure you that it is of great importance that you watch in sequence so as to grasp the full material.

InshaAllah from the 4th majaalis to the end we will be uploading video clips.

Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFIq...

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4th Majlis of Ashra-e-Zaynabiya/1438 by Sheikh Mirza Askari Hussain in Bujumbura Burundi.


Description of Ashra-e-Zainabiyya 4th MAJALIS:

We are glad to bring to you the video of the 4th enlightening majalis in this gem of a series .
We welcome you to join us as we find answers to these important queries:

#Do you believe in the reality regarding Cause and consequences?

#When and why does one stop resisting evil?

#What is the bitter reality regarding our times?

#Is your faith under influential attack?

#Do you really think you know the right meaning of hubbe dunya? Maybe not...

#Want to know the hidden truth about virus & anti virus?

#Enjoy eating fast food from famous fast food chains?

#Which type of friends do you have?

Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFIq...

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5th Majlis of Ashra-e-Zaynabiya/1438 by Sheikh Mirza Askari Hussain in Bujumbura Burundi.


#Were you brainwashed into believing that Ayatullah Khui & Ayatullah Khomeini (may Allah elevate both their status) were contradictory to each other?

#Is it necessary to help the oppressed regardless of his religion? What do you think?

#Do you listen to reflect or listen to listen?

#Is it necessary to learn from history? hear out what Imam says on this.

#Have you heard about the renowned personality of shahid-e-Sadr?

#Do you know what Allah has put in par with fulfilling HIS (s.w.t) rights?

#Have you experienced the losses connected with the love of pasti (valueless)?

Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFIq...

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6th Majlis of Ashra-e-Zaynabiya/1438 by Sheikh Mirza Askari Hussain in Bujumbura Burundi.


As we reach the 6th majalis in this gem of series ,we continue to explore different interesting subjects that capture our attention :

#In Islam, does the end justify the means??? Many of us are neck deep into this evil without even realising so,..where do you stand???

#Do you reflect on the current state of affairs?

#Which type of dangerous love, distances you from the Imam ajfs?

#Conditional or unconditional love for Imam ajfs?

#How much do you value yourself?

#Does your slogan go with your action?

#What does ''Bani karaamat'', mean in its real sense?

#What are the3 signs of the intelligent ones?

#Do you know the difference between real and feigned worship?

Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFIq...

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7th Majlis of Ashra-e-Zaynabiya/1438 by Sheikh Mirza Askari Hussain in Bujumbura Burundi.

We welcome you once again to join us in this beautiful gem of an episode in which we move further on with our quest for more enlightening material.


#Are you aware of the intense effects of repetitive intention of objective?

#Feminism in our faith ??? Find out here.

#What is the minimum requirement of being a helper of Imam ajfs?

#What is the major duty of a believing woman?

#Do you despair easily?

#Want an easy tip to overcome a bad habit? well, get it here.

#How can you be a Hussaini?

#Want to know the underlying depths of the words of Imam Hussain to Hurr? Find out here.

#Do you reflect before you speak? If not, then better listen to this.

#Aware of the minimum rights of your servant?

Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFIq...

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8th Majlis of Ashra-e-Zaynabiya/1438 by Sheikh Mirza Askari Hussain in Bujumbura Burundi.

Alhamdulillah, we have now come to the 8th part in this gem of a #series, and we hope that all those who are with us have been gaining more insight as we move on .
Join us today as we touch on the current state of affairs of the #Muslim society and connect it to our daily lives.


#Nervous in the face of growing #Islamophobia?

#Which is more crucial, physical OR spiritual closeness ?

#Want some tips to keep yourself attached to the Imam ajfs? Given by none other than Imam Himself.

#Are you Sacrificing your faith for worldly gains?

#How many times does our beloved Imam Mahdi remember us in a day? Answer from Ayatullah Muhsin Qiraati

#What do you think is the most necessary element for keeping oneself firm on deen?

#Want to know about the Quranic version of noor?

#What are the 3 main benefits of visiting Imam Ridha a.s?

Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFIq...

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9th Majlis of Ashra-e-Zaynabiya/1438 by Sheikh Mirza Askari Hussain in Bujumbura Burundi.

We are glad to have you join us in yet another eye opening episode, in which light is being thrown upon some crucial points regarding the welfare of our societies and revival of #humanity as a whole .


#Do you agree with a '' personalised #media ?''

#Why the recent #massacre in #Nigeria?

#Why the need of insight?

#Want an antidote to combat moral sickness inside you? Find it here.

#Is there a need of improving ones character?

#Are you aware of the attributes of the helpers of Imam?

#Are you aware of the attributes of the enemies of Imam?

#Which is the main quality of a true follower of Imam?

#Do you know the similarity between our and Imam Hussain's (a.s) time?

Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFIq...

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10th Majlis of Ashra-e-Zaynabiya/1438 by Sheikh Mirza Askari Hussain in Bujumbura Burundi.

By Almighty's grace, we now embark upon a profound topic, the lessons from which are to be reflected and acted upon, thus gaining salvation in both the worlds.

Please join us as we analyse this beautiful topic, and learn from it keeping the current state of affairs in mind.


#From all Muslim countries in the world, which are the only ones targeted by enemies of truth and WHY?

#WHY, despite facing physical, psychological, & emotional torture, Imam Hussain and his supporters had utmost confidence and no fear?

#WHY, despite all the favourable conditions of winning the so called ''war'' in karbala, the enemies of truth, had utmost fear and no confidence?

#Which ideology, is the only ideology, that is being targeted ?

#Do you know about the cunning strategy used by the enemies of truth?

#What was the level of ma'arifat of those who were on the side of truth?

#In all ages & eras, what are the people of falsehood afraid of?

#Which kind of people can easily put the deen at stake?

Sheikh Mirza Askari's Majlis/1438 Majalis: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...

Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFIq...

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#urdumajlis #shia #majlis #ahraezaynabiya #safarmajlis #muharrammajlis

11th Majlis of Ashra-e-Zaynabiya/1438 by Sheikh Mirza Askari Hussain in Bujumbura Burundi.

Join us in this night of Arbaeen as we move on to a most thought provoking topic, based on the factual threats to the message of truth and sinister strategies applied to erase it from the face of the world .

This is a must watch episode and will benefit one and all who ponder and reflect upon it.


#Heard about the conference held in tel Aviv uni discussing shiism?

#Are you aware of the reality of Paulus (known as Paul the apostle/saint Paul)?

#Do you know about the so called ''puppets of zionsim?''

#Want to know the reality behind Sammarah bombings?

#Why is a strong aqeedah priceless?

#What is the main purpose of zionism?

#How has shiism survived despite all the odds ?

#Which country is the main target of zionism's plot ?

Read more about Paulus: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_...

Sheikh Mirza Askari's Urdu Majalis/1438 playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...

Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFIq...

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12th Majlis of Ashra-e-Zaynabiya/1438 by Sheikh Mirza Askari Hussain in Bujumbura Burundi.

On this grievous day of Arbaeen i.e. 40th of Imam Hussain (a.s) , join us as we commemorate the fateful events of that day and learn about the importance of paying our respects to Imam Hussain in form of visitation.


Why was a sahaba of the Holy Prophet, the first visitor of Imam Hussain?

Why the recitation of Imam Hussain's ziyarat on all important Islamic occasions ?

Should one be fearful of death while visiting Imam Hussain?

What is the relation between the angels and visitor of Imam Hussain?

Why so much merits for the visitation of Imam Hussain?

What is the philosophy behind going for visitation during Arbaeen?

Sheikh Mirza Askari's Urdu Majalis/1438 playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...

Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFIq...

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13th Majlis of Ashra-e-Zaynabiya/1438 by Sheikh Mirza Askari Hussain in Bujumbura Burundi.

As we continue to commemorate the fateful events of Arbaeen, we learn some of the importance of holding this commemoration in the name of Imam Hussain. Join us and get answers to these thought provoking queries:


What is the philosophy behind loud recitation of Bismillah?

What are the five signs of a believer?

Who forbade loud recitation of Bismillah and WHY ?

What is the connection between Bismillah and an authentic hadith of Holy Prophet?

Why is it so important to commemorate/do azaadari of Imam Hussain ?

What should be the desired outcome of crying for Imam Hussain?

Sheikh Mirza Askari's Urdu Majalis/1438 playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...

Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFIq...

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Last Majlis(Shaame Watan) of Ashra-e-Zaynabiya/1438 by Sheikh Mirza Askari Hussain in Bujumbura Burundi.

By the grace of Almighty, we have finally reached the last majalis in this gem of a series.
We pray & hope that whoever has endeavoured to listen and reflect upon the material provided in it, has gained utmost benefits of both the worlds inshaAllah.
Join us as we conclude with a beautiful topic that will bring about an increase in our knowledge and insight if Allah wills.


Are you aware of Imam Sajjad's profound wisdom ?

Are there hidden blessings in the problems that a believer has to face?

What are the outcomes of getting attached to anything degrading ?

Do you know your limit?

Who is the actual culprit of causing differences in our families/societies ?

What happens when we are unaware of the rights of each other?

Why has Islam laid much emphasis regarding the rights of one and

What were the purposeful strategies used by Imam Sajjad in face of extreme harsh circumstances ?

Sheikh Mirza Askari's Urdu Majalis/1438 playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...

Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFIq...

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