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where is the show gallery

Posted: 03 Apr 2005, 15:53
by alisha
s.a im sorry to disturb u again but i couldnt find the show gallery cna u plz tell me where it is .

Posted: 17 Apr 2005, 02:08
by abuali
alaykum salaam

Log in with your username and password.

Once you are logged in (your Username appears at the top of the page near the Log out link and should look like : - Log out [ alisha ]). click on the 'Profile' link on the same part of the page and scroll to the bottom until you see the section titled 'Avatar'. Choose the category and then the photo you want to use. For more info and help try the 'FAQ' link at the top of the page.

I hope this was of help. Keep using Ask and do ask if you have any queries by replying (using the 'post reply' link) to this message.