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With so many sporting activities that exist today, which is the ultimate sporting activity and why? Not forgetting health, which is also a closely related issue that should be amongst our top priorities.
Denmark's Christian Eriksen suffered a cardiac arrest when he collapsed during his side's Euro 2020 opening match against Finland, his team's doctor confirmed on Sunday, but the reason remained unclear.

Eriksen, 29, collapsed suddenly in the 42nd minute of the match while running near the left touchline after a Denmark throw-in. As a hush fell over the 16,000-strong crowd, his team mates gathered around him while he was treated on the pitch and then carried off on a stretcher.
The Danish players had been in contact with Eriksen via a video conference, 

The Group B game was halted and eventually restarted an hour and 45 minutes later. Finland went on to win 1-0.
Attack on Gaza; a tragic mistake ?

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