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By Zaheer
thank you :roll:
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By Zaheer
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By Muhammad Mahdi
Just a thought, are you allowed to do what you are doing according to the sharia?
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By Zaheer
C'on what type of XP ur using . is it genuine ?

What if u are caught by the police n ur in a fault wat will u do. Bribe thats it there is no other way.
just realise!
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By kulsham
^^ *scratches head* :?
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By Muhammad Mahdi
Zaheer wrote:C'on what type of XP ur using . is it genuine ?
I use Vista 8)
What if u are caught by the police n ur in a fault wat will u do. Bribe thats it there is no other way.
just realise!

There is a difference! Making profit at other people's expense in not allowed.
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By Zaheer
then y would ppl do

anwer me?

especially shias as i have seen
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By kulsham
i just wonder when will our fellow shia's in dar es slaam follow this?
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By Muhammad Mahdi
Many people sin. However, that does NOT give you the right to do so.
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By qarrar
Muhammad Mahdi wrote:I use Vista
Genuine version :?: How much did you have to pay for it :?:
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By kulsham

BTW whats so special abt this Vista?
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By Muhammad Mahdi
qarrar wrote:
Genuine version :?:
How much did you have to pay for it :?:
Windows Vista Ultimate costs about 334 dollars in Dubai.
Last edited by Muhammad Mahdi on 28 Apr 2007, 17:43, edited 1 time in total.
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By Zaheer
ill give it for 270 $
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By qarrar
Muhammad Mahdi wrote:Windows Vista Ultimate costs about 334 dollars in Dubai.
My question was how much did YOU pay for it. I am assuming from your reply you must have paid a similar price.
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By Muhammad Mahdi
qarrar wrote: My question was how much did YOU pay for it. I am assuming from your reply you must have paid a similar price.
I didnt buy it. It was a gift. However your assumption is as good as mine. Unfortunately, i felt ashamed of asking the benefactor the price of the gift. :wink:

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