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By Yas
Salaam Alaykum,
Just a quick announcement to let you know that the "Quick Reply" feature has been added. To reply you do not need to click on Image and wait for the reply page to load any more, although you can do that. Instead, simply click on "Quick Reply" and the reply page will drop-down and appear on the same page. This should, hopefully, encourage more people to post.

With effect from today, look out for the



And do use it! As usual, do get in touch if there's any feedback/comments/suggestions, particularly on this newly introduced feature. Enjoy :)

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By Muhammad Mahdi
So what's the use of the post reply button?
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By Umm.aly
This definately makes life on Ask! so much more easier! it is less time consuming.. especially with a slow pc! a gr8 new feature indeed! :D
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By Yas
I'm glad you approve. :D

Good point about the Post Reply button. However, some visitors - specially ones with outdated browsers - may experience problems with the Quick Reply feature. So keeping in mind user-friendliness I think we'll let it stay :)
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By Aliyah
Salaamun Alaykum,

Wow That was quite fast and easy. I tried using quick reply and it was just great and quicker. Thumbs up to our new selected ask dev admin.

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By Yas
Hello there,
walaykum salaam,

Its great to see you've tried and tested it out! Thanks very much. :)

Stick around and I'll be seeing you all around the place :D
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