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By Ali
Hi All,
As you can see Ask has been updated for the month of Muharram, Below are the list of updates:
- New Color Scheme
- Top Menu on all pages (Really Cool!)
- Images of Juloos of 2008 are now online in the Image Gallery

If there are any comments or suggestions for the site, Please post a reply in this topic.

Also: All users are asked to update their profiles with their birthdays.

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By abuali
Ali wrote:
Also: All users are asked to update their profiles with their birthdays.

To enter your birthdate, click on 'User Control Panel' under the Ask logo and then click the 'Profile' tab. At the bottom you can input your birthdate.

This helps Ask post birthdays on members on the day of their birthday on the top page
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By abuali
oh oh and you can also update your avatar.

under the same 'Profile' tab as above, click on 'Edit Avatar' on the left navigation and then click on 'Display Gallery'. Choose one out the few that Ali has uploaded.

If you have any good avatars or ideas, post them here.
By Aliabbas Nasser
I believe and think that we can have an everyday Muharram Update based on for who we commemorate the day and what we learn from that move of our beloved Imam! This will enlighten us of why in the end did Kerbala take place and the various lessons that we can learn from the tragedy, though every day is ASHURA and every land is KERBALA!!
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