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What name should be registered for the official umbrella organization of Ask:

One of the other names suggested in the forums
I have another name suggestion
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By abuali
this is what i call brainstorming in action!

Come on...we can have a few more suggestions...lets try to think out of the box...

I would go for something thats one word...or the synonyms make one word that also relates to what we do or what we are aspiring for...

Ask by itself is still on my top list for now...because thats what started everything and its relatively known...but you never know which one we will opt for by the end of this exercise!

Keep posting...and good job so far.

P.s. I sort of agree with Tayyiba...to avoid 'branding' sects, a neutral name maybe advantageous and in the interest of unity and usefulness of the site to do tabligh, however we may loose out the identity..but thats just me...feel free to think and suggest different
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By Muhammad
for tht reason i would go for MYN (MUSLIM YOUTH NETWORK) instead of SHYN
By keenfarhan
I was actually thinking of MYT .. u know... since it rhymes with MIGHT... just to show our strength... I thought of Muslim Youths Together or something lol... i know the together is not right but i just prefer something that is Muslim... shia seems like we r trying to separate ourselves... well thatz my view...

Hey hasin by the way... welcome back lol
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By sumayya
Beef not Pork ! (BNP)

although its kind of discriminating against pigs :(

Ask Foundation ! (AF)

United Muslims Association ! (UMA) [inspired by USA :o ]

Stay/ing Halaal Organisation/ Network ! (SHO/SHN)
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By Tayyaba
i am up for United Muslim Network (UMN) or United Muslims Association ! (UMA) ..UMA is really good sounds like UMMAH..cool
By keenfarhan
UMA is good... but its inspired from the US institution... i think we should b original
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By Umm.aly
Salaams.. I like the simple ASK that we have.. it really carries alot of weight on its own.. it cud prob stand for "Always Seek Knowledge" or sumthing like tht..
By sHahEEn
id like it if SHYN was the new name..

but that might be because my names pronounced 'shine'...so urmmm :D

seriously, i think ASK is best..its always been ASK and everyone knows it as ASK.

ive been in this kinda situation b4..where our youth body had to decide on a new name..but in the end it was best for us to keep our old name because it was more recognised and more ppl would respond to the old name than the new one..

good luck anyway!
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By Muntazir
Bismillahir Rahmaanir Rahim.
I begin with His name, the most Compassionate, the ever Merciful.

As Salaamu ‘aleykum warahmatullahi wabarakatu.
May He brings upon His Blessings unto the believers.

I’m indeed very much happy to hear about the “ASK” advancement. Surely, a lot of hard-work has been put into effort. May Allah give you more Taufiq insha’Allah.
Below is a little of my contribution. I hope it gives a small idea from a little much of what I offer:
ASK – the name “ASK” itself is a fine catch for the youths, however, let’s see what else we can come up with to give this idea a new look.
Firstly, we don’t want to remove the “three letter word” from the new name we think of, because the youth community already know what “ASK” stands for (which is perfect). If we remove the first 3 letters from the new word, it will be a hassle indeed which would bring a lot of editing, notifying, and advertising. Let’s try to come up with what I would suggest, “EXTENSIONS!”
For example: ASK.YO! (.) = The Dot sign is only used for an example. (It shall not appear at later)
Here are some more extensions:
ASK.SO! Shia Organization
ASK.US! United Shia(s)
ASK.WHO? We are Huge Organization
ASK.EM! Explore More
ASK.CO Communication Organization/ Overall/ CORPORATION/
ASK.DSM Dar es Salaam
ASK.B&G Boys & Girls
ASK.MC My Community
ASK.NO No Other
ASK = KSA Khoja Shia Adolescence (KSA is the opposite of ASK)
ASK.YAQ Your Any Question
ASK.FAQ Fast Answered Questions
ASK.AYO Ask Youth Organization
ASK.EASY East African Shia Youths
ASK.UN United

Other names:
ASK Forums
ASK For Real
ASK Youth Talk/ Chat
ASK Original
ASK & C / ASK & SEE / ASK ‘n’ SEE/ C
ASK 4 ALL/ ASK For All
ASK Professional

These are the only few names I could think of so far, let’s see if any of these could be a use.
Let me know of any help.

As Salaamu ‘aleykum warahmatullahi wabarakatu.

Muntazir Al Mahdi.
By mi_sheriff
thank u munttazir for the Mashallah long lecture and contirbution ... i still think MYN .. SHYN wud be great ...
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By abuali
Mashallah, we have had a great many suggestions...all of them wonderful.

We are now closing this topic and opening a poll to help the admins make a decision.

The first poll is going to have just three options: -

1. Ask
2. One of the other names suggested in the forums
3. I have another name suggestion

Take your pick...

Depending on the results...we may open another poll with the other names.

P.S. Farhan...thanks!
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By qarrar
sumayya wrote:Beef not Pork ! (BNP) Ask Foundation ! (AF)
BNP AKA British National Party, a very right wing political party…..and AF AKA Africa Federation….we would have trade mark issues with them.

I will still lobby for SYN or SHYN/SIYN but ulitimatly will allow democracy to take its course. :)
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By Tanveer
ASK itself sounds good...God! I have been soooooo totally out of this whole ASK business....I am surprised I still appear as the moderator for the Marshiyas and Nawhas section....

I haven't even seen these totally new changes from the depressing grey color (no offense) to this lively one...

Sorry guys... I feel so so bad for being just totally out of it....I am sure it's been more than a year.... :oops:

Anyways, I m back on track and I hope I remain here for quite a while now.... 8) ...

So yeh, ASK sounds good...
By sid
salaams,why not use the name ask itself and just insert a short motto or mission statement since it would be registerd as an organisation.
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