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Discuss general religious issues that affect all of us in our daily lives.
By mbhimji
Hegemonic Masculinity is described as a “position in the system of gender relations, the system itself, and the current ideology that serves to reproduce masculine domination.” (Connell, 1987). This means this is a more dominant man than the other men where he is stronger and more inferior towards everyone. We learn this is mostly concerning men, however as the world begins to change rapidly, women are starting to enter and take over the dominant position and excel in sports, occupation, education and so forth. A simple can be women participating in the ice hockey tournaments in Canada, where they were interviewed regarding how they trained before approaching professional. They claimed that they had no limit towards body contact – just like male players – as well as an increase in the number of female hockey to players in the Canadian Hockey Association from 8,146 to 19,050 between 1990 to 1995. However, this is still not seen as liable in professional sports and society has given a norm that men bring out “the real thing” in sports (Theberge, 2015). Despite all this, an increased number of women in sports games/teams or female dominance towards it, leads to an increased in equality within society as the NHL model of hockey is now challenged between boys and girls hockey teams around Canada (Theberge, 2015). Although, there is still an outburst whereby women sports is still in question as men are more stronger in stamina and strength which makes the game very interesting unlike a woman. This also leads to sport system changes around the world such as The Tennis Open played in Real Madrid where they “claimed” to enable equality by having men play the best three out of five games while women play two out of three games, not only that, but also a decrease in prize money won by players not being equal to male players. Understandably, Men play longer than women thus they deserve a higher reward, but if the Tennis Match Corporations were to bring equality (every person being given their fair share that fits them) then women should also be given the same prize money if they are being treated equally as they cannot play like male players due to their low stamina and strength. This is therefore not the case and illustrates continuous inequality within women sports. Lastly, women indulging into sports, showcasing their strengths and talents within the game shows dedication and personal empowerment (Theberge, 2015) as this is another form of liberation towards the narrow-minded society that desires men more than women. Therefore, rejecting violence or threat towards them and other women involved.

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