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Discuss general religious issues that affect all of us in our daily lives.
By peaceful_soul
One of my friends asked me y in Iran women are forced to wear hijab
So I made up this crappy reason
I said that every country has rules and regulations to maintain stability
For example in china ppl are not allowed to import rice from other countries similarly other countries have rules such as u can not throw garbage in the streets or u will b fined

So similarly in Iran in order to maintain a stable modest environment women must wear hijab

I donno if I gave the right answer

Also when I went home I was thinking about it and I remembered the verse in the quran in surah bakara “la ikraha fideen” there is no compulsion in religion

So now I m confused !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By FatemaC
its true that there is no compulsion in religion but dunno much abt iran.. Kulsham is there she must be knowing the answer...
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By qarrar
Indeed La Ikra ha diddeen, but when it comes to Iran there was a referendum after the revolution in 1979 to ask whether the Iranian people wanted an Islamic government which they overwhelmingly agreed to. Now under an Islamic government Sharia Law applies as religious scholars interpret it and hijab is one of many such enforcements.

Now for example under a very strict secular government Turkey being a good example you are not allowed to wear hijab in government buildings, schools or if you work for the civil service. So it depends country to country.
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By Muntazir Manji
Sura al Baqarah:256.

Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in God hath grasped the most trustworthy hand- hold, that never breaks. And God heareth and knoweth all things.

True, there is no compulsion in religion. BUt when it comes to establishing morality in the society, some rules must be IMPOSED. Hijab is one of those rules. Think outside hijab, although there is no compulsion in religion, there is a very strict penal code for Zinah! A certain numbers of lashes/stone to death! Why would this be necessary if there was no compulsion in religion!

Again, we need to understand this verse in a greater sense! Why would Namaz be wajib (Compulsory) if there was no compulsion in religion!

not to say i undestand it! someone please enlighten us!
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By Amreen
i was asked the same question....but how du we explain the non-muslims?
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By Muhammad Mahdi
One of my friends asked me y in Iran women are forced to wear hijab
Explain the importances of hijab; why Islam mandated it.
Explain that hijab is for both males as well as female.
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By jawad
I remember a question being posed to an Alim, in some ashra, in Tanga, using that Ayah as an argument. The answer was:

That Ayah No compulsion is for choosing religion. IE there is no compulsion, choose what ever religion you want. But once you accept a religion, the rules of the religion you ahve to abide to.
By peaceful_soul
when i asked my teacher in madresa about the verse "la ikra...."
she said that the verse only applies to non muslims
basicly if u are a muslim u mist abide by all the islamic rules

but if u r not a muslim then u cant b forced to become a muslim

i guess what muhtazir said "BUt when it comes to establishing morality in the society, some rules must be IMPOSED."

makes sense

but i was jsut wondering if any one knew

during the time of the prophet when the rule of hijab came down were all women in madina (muslim and non) forced to wear hijab

bcoz if the prophet did it then i can understand y iran is imposing islamic rules on society

just wondering
thanks everyone
By Fatimah Zahra Karim
I think Jawad's got it right. 'there is no compulsion in religion' means that there is no compulsion in what religion you choose. But once you choose Islam, you must abide by its laws. A relevant example...you have a wide choice of schools/work places. You are not forced to work with any particular one. But once you choose your school/work place, you have to maintain the rules that have been put in place.
By peaceful_soul
okay may b i m the only one not getting this

is there is no compulsion in what religon u choose then y do the non muslims who live in iran have to wear hijab ??

isnt it like kind of imposing our religous values on some one else
so they must follow our religon
By Fatimah Zahra Karim
The government is simply imposing what it considers modest dressing. I'm sure that you are not allowed to go around naked anywhere. There are fines for that. The government has the right to make rules like that. So in Iran the government decides that modest dress means hijab...that's all.
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By qarrar
Fatimah Zahra Karim wrote:... I'm sure that you are not allowed to go around naked anywhere.
Not entirely correct...some countries do allow nudity in certain places and others partial nudity everywhere, Germany and Canada are a good example.
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By Muhammad Mahdi
I'm sure that you are not allowed to go around naked anywhere.
It should have been everywhere :lol:
By Fatimah Zahra Karim
I'm sorry but I meant apart from the nudist colonies. And from what I know, you're not allowed to be dressed there! Rules there also. I don't see anything wrong with Iran imposing Hijab on all women. The decision for it to follow Islamic Shariah was a democratic one, anyway.


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