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By Mazhar
Salams All
Was wondering when we are in heaven(inshaallah by the mercy of Allah) what are we going to be doing there??
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By Amreen
we r gng to get whatever we want...
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By Muntazir
Bismillahir Rahmaanir Rahim

As Salaamu 'aleykum

It all depends on your deeds.

Heaven is not what we normally think of, it contains levels. Every person has his own level depending on his good deeds. As well, there are different professions such as business men, land owners, pilots, fisher men, house wives, mechanics, engineers, mlimaji (if anyone can put this in English), wrestlers, lovers (Aashiq)… to Fakir and Ghareeb.

It will as well depend on one’s Jehaad un-Nafs (to what were you keeping away from).

For e.g. If you always kept away from Haraam food – you will be provided with so much to eat in different varieties!

If you always kept away from looking at non-mahram – your eyes will be filled with beauty you can’t imagine!

If you always kept away from Songs and Music – You will be gifted with Heaven’s beautiful creatures singing songs for you

If you always kept away from Zenah (Fornication) – you won’t complain!

If you kept away from Alcohol – What a sweet taste would the Wine of Heavens be like!!!

If you kept away from vain talks – you will be having a good reputation. You will please anything around you with your voice, and you will be pleased by theirs.

…and it goes on…

Although, people will still sin after knowing all this!

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

وَ الْعَصْرِ

إِنَّ الإِْنْسانَ لَفِي خُسْرٍ

إِلاَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَ عَمِلُوا الصَّالِحاتِ وَ تَواصَوْا بِالْحَقِّ وَ تَواصَوْا بِالصَّبْرِ
By Fatimah Zahra Karim
I always used to think that heaven would get boring after a while. What do you do forever anyway...until my mother pointed out an ayah from suratul waqia (i think) that says "peace, a word from the Lord". I guess we will still be learning about religion...if we want to, that is. I have also heard from an alim that everyday, in heaven, Allah (swt) will reveal a new aspect of Himself that we did not know about. That would certainly be intersting! There is also an incident about a very learned man who passed away and appeared in the dream of his friend. He told his friend that he was taking lessons from Imam Zainul Abideen (as). It's physical pleasures for those who want them, and the company of the Prophets (pbut) and the Imams (pbut) for those who want spiritual pleasures. :D
By Mazhar
Thanks sister fatemazahra i guess i had had the same worry and have found the answer i was looking for
By Fatimah Zahra Karim
wa alaykum salaam
you're welcome :)
By Esm'ail
Asalamalaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
Thanx sister Fatimahzahra, I also had the same kinda problem once. :lol:
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By abuali
I am sure most of us, in some way or other have learned about the minimal usage of our brain that humans make. One digit in percentage maximum. (If someone has references to such a research kindly provide the references)

That brings a similar question: why so much provided thats not used?

The Holy Quran has the answer. God did not create man but to worship him (paraphrased). We will need the maximum of our brain power to learn more about Allah (SWT) and since Allah (SWT) is the All Magnificent and the All Encompassing, it will take us an eternity to learn more about him. And Jannat is that eternity. The more we will learn, the closer we will come to Allah (SWT).

Makes sense?
By Fatimah Zahra Karim
wa alaykum salaam

The 'fact' that a human merely uses 10% of his brain is a myth. There are different theories as to how this myth arose. One is that 10% of the brain is in use at any one given time. Others can be found in the sites linked below.

http://www.sciam.com/askexpert_question ... =2&catID=3


It makes perfect sense, though, that since the purpose of our creation is to worship Allah (swt), we will continue to do so, even after death.
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By abuali
Thanks for the links..will check them at leisure and comment

Yea, our limited senses and intelligence can never encompass even the particle of noor of the Almighty let alone the entirety of His Being. Eternity is very little time to get to know our Magnificient Creator better
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