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Ustaz Hussein wrote:My name is Hussein. I was born on April, 1988 in Dar-es-salaam> (Tanzania). I loss my mother when I was 20days old n then my father> died when I was 2yrs old. From birth, I was an Ibaadhi Sunni. Ibaadhis> have beliefs like Sunnis (e.g, 4 Caliphs, Qadhaa n Qadar,> infallibility of Sahabas,etc),n they originate from Khawarij but they> aren’t Khawarij. My mother was an Indian Khurshid Parmar (the name> Parmar is from my mum’s lineage), my father was an Arab Syed. Mustafa> Abubakr al-Alawiy al-Hashmiil Qureyshi. Ibaadhis also have some acts> like that of Shiites (eg, praying with hands unfolded, not saying> ‘Amin’ after al-Hamd, believing that God is unseen, not raising the> finger 4 at-Tahiyyat). I was adopted by my grandparents. Since> childhood, I was a practicing Muslim n even a great researcherer.> After completing my primary studies, I went 2 a Sufi Madrasa were I> learned fluent Arabic, Quran n Aqaid.>> But it was when I was in this Sufi Madrasa where Dhikr, Tasawuf,> Nakshbandi n so on was practiced that I got some Wahhabi ideas. I> started 2 teach my friends that this all is Bida’h. I then converted 2> Wahhabism, doing my prayers in Wahhabi style, n ileft practicing> Maulid, Khitma, Barazngiy n such stuffs. The Sufi authorities told me> to leave the Madrassah. I then was at home, practicing Wahhabism n> preaching others 2 do so as I believed it 2 be the true Islam n I had> hatred on Shiism though I hadn’t read their books by that time. I used> 2 say,”Tell me 2 convert to Christianity, I will but not Shiism” or> “These all Bida’hs particularly Sufism originated from Shiism”, n even> I slandered some of the Shii scholars (which I hope God will forgive> me). On 2003, under the guidance of a friend, I went to study in> Arusha about Islam. But 2 my surprise, when I reached there, I saw> that it was a Shiite Howze. Therefore I couldn’t return back, I had to> be there. When I was there, I actively opposed Shiism (I hope my> friends in Arusha remember this well. Recently, I met one n I told> him,’I am a Shiite now’, he said,’No. I can’t believe it. The way u> were despising Shiism. U r lying 2 me’).>> But then there, I read Shiite books like ‘Then I was guided’ by> Dr.Tijani, ‘Tahqiq fil-wahhabiya’ by Jaffar Subhani, ‘History of> Islam’ by Shk. Mayunga,etc. But still, I was opposing Shiism till the> extent I considered them infidels. On July, 2003, I ran away the> Arusha Madressa of Ahlulbayt (as) centre n I took my bag n I abought a> ticket to run away to Dar-es-salaam (n this was the hatred I had on> the guidance of Islam, Shiism). The Shii authorities in Arusha found> out that I have escaped the Madressa n gone away. Then, once again in> DSM, I did a big research on each n every Shiite beliefs n the books> that I read in Arusha. I used to go to Shia Mosques n practicing> Taqayya (though Sunnis forbid it) so that I recognize them and what is> their belief. Finnally on the end of 2003, Alhamdulillah, I converted> to Shiism.>> My old friends started to say,’That boy is a munafiq. He used to> slander the Shiites while now he is with them. Money has taken him> there”. I said,”What money do I receive from the Shiites?”. I then> committed myself 2 the vilayah of Mowlana Ali ibn Abitalib, the Imam> of the easts and the wests (kw) n his Godly children, Imams of> guidance. I learned the praying in Shia’ style (which was almost> similar to the Ibaadhi style), the Wudhu’ in Shia’ n other acts of> worship in Shiism which they received them from the holy Prophet> Muhamad (saaw) through his purified household, I say,”Shias are the> real followers of the Sunnah, the original traditionalists” and “How> can someone from outside know what is inside? It is the people of the> house who know what is inside their house and of the book revealed to> them and the Apostle who guarded them, their grandfather” n ‘The Sunna> of Muawiyah is the Sunnah of Sunnis”. When I converted to Shiism, my> maternal uncle (who supervised our house)told me 2 go away,”If u r a> Shiite, get out of the house”. On 2004, I was told 2 leave the house.> I was first sleeping at a Sunni Mosque (Qadri tariqah Mosque)n I was> eating at the house of Shk. Khalfan, an Ibaadhi Sheikh who was an> herbalist n was my Sheikh since childhood (he was also a Syed, n very> fortunate 4 me, he had love 4 Ahlul-bayt (as)n was very friendly 2> me). He, May Allah bless his soul, helped me so much. I was eating at> his house n used 2 past my time there. I couldn’t sleep there coz his> wife didn’t please it. Sleeping at the Mosque, I studied Shiism n> other secular studies. On late 2005, I went to the cultural centre of> the Islamic republic of Iran n I told them that I want 2 study Shiism.> Dr. Ranjbar, the councilor, said that he couldn’t take me abroad so he> enrolled me in the Bilal Muslim Mission Howza in DSM. I then was> sleeping at the Howza, learning Islam and staying there. I studied the> Shiite Aqida (doctrine), Fiqh (Sharia’h laws according to Shii) n> Taarekh (History of 12 infallible Imams-AS). On 2006, August, I heard> the news of death of my Sheikh, Shk. Khalfan, who used to aid me. It> came to me as a disastrous shock and I couldn’t control myself.>> By now the Howza has no sleeping resources, so I sleep at the same> Sunni Mosque n study, eat, past my time at Magomeni Howza. I even did> a deep research on other sects like Shia Ismailism (followers of H.H.> Agakhan), Qadianism (Ahmediyya), Bahaism (offshoot of Babism), Sikhism> (Guru Nanak Dev), Christianity, Hinduism, Saibaba n Bohoras (Fatimid> Shiis). I even studied the Nuseyris, Druze and Zaydis. During my> research period, I also attended the Christian Anglican prayer> services under pastor Diven (He was my best friend and a pre-Hindu. He> is a recognized Pastor). He used 2 pray 4 the healing of everyone. I> used to attend their prayers and sing their hymns every Wednesdays and> Sundays in the church of Pastor Diven. But then I saw it a stupidity,> whatever I saw in the church was a mere enchantment, Yoga,> brainwashing and theft (being committed by Priests worldwide in the> name of Christ) and not healing as they speak. I hope Pastor Diven> will accept Islam through me.>> I also attended prayer services at Gurdwara (Sikh Temple)n I saw their> worship n studied about their Gurus. I also attended Ismaili> Jamatkhanas in Darkhana. I studied the names n histories of their 49> disputed Imams. I went also to the Bahai’ centres (mashariq al-adhkar)> were I studied the life of the Bab n Bahaullah (Mirza Hussayn Ali> Noori). Finnally, wherever I went, I have seen one and only proper> sect which has no doubt and has guidance to all and that is Shia> Ithna-ashariya, the true way and the path of the 12 Imams and the true> way of paradise. The 12 Imams are the real successors of Rasulullah> (saaw). Propeht (saaw) said,” 12 Imams shall succed me, the first of> them Ali and the lsat of them will have a name like my name, he will> reappear after that he will go into seclusion and he will fill the> earth with justice and equality after that it will be filled with> oppression and injustice”. The Islamic republic of Iran was built on> three pillars:>> * The revolution, message and commemoration of Aba Abdillah> Hussein (as) and the Heroes of Karbala who gave their lives for> Islam, humanity and the oppressed class.> * The belief of the reappearance of a redeemer and a saviour, Imam> al-Mahdi (atf) as it is recorded in the old testament, Gospel,> the Zand Avesta, the Vedas, the Buddha Dadang, the holy Qura’n> and Sahih Bukhari (which was reaveled by Allah (swt) to the> Sunni Muslims through Abuhanifa, sent by God to Sunnis. Isn’t it?).> * The Authority of the Mujtahed. The supreme Islamic leader who> represents Imam al-Mahdi (atf).>> >> Finaally, I say “Praise be to Allah, the lord of the worlds”!>> >> +255 717 511280
I'm sorry Ustaz Hussein...but I've just been wondering...are you the original writer of the previous post? (all the > arrows make it look like it's been copy pasted from an email that's been forwarded :?)
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