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Anything and everything about the greatest miracle, The Holy Qur'an.
http://www.quran-islam.org/main_topics/ ... 1188).html

Just for the purpose of intellectual dialogue as i think this is the only way to examine things together.

This website reminds of the following verses in the quran:

Shall I seek other than God as a law maker, when He has brought down to you this Book fully detailed? 6:114

Follow what is revealed to you from your Lord 33:2

Or do they have 'shuraka' (partners) who legislate for them religious laws which were not authorized by God? If it were not for a decisive decree, they would have been judged immediately. Indeed the transgressors shall have a painful punishment. 42:21

We did not leave anything out of the Book. 6:38

We have brought the Book down to you providing explanations for all things. 16:89

He has brought down to you this Book fully detailed. 6:114

This being the case, the author argues that the rules of everything are in the quran, including the number of prayers/salaat, how to pray, etc.

Based on the verses above, the author argues that if a biology professor writes a biology textbook, it will not make sense for him to say "for explanation of this, ask my assistant." That would go against the verses above.

Take the example of zakaat for example:

- we are told zakaat is 2.5%, but as per the quran, it says:

They ask you what to give, say: 'al-affwoo'. God thus clarifies the revelations for you so that you may reflect. 2:219

- the author explains more about this in the website above. In short, it doesn't put any limit or ratio. If he could put a ratio in sura anfal about khums and even in inheritance, surely it would have been an easy thing for him to do so here. He didn't out of divine wisdom. In short the verse above means give what you can pardon (more details in the site).

Last but not the least, the Holy Qur'aan is the only book that Allah (s.w.t) has promised to protect. If His own books, Injeel, taurat, etc. were not give such protection and If He has mentioned in the Qur'aan "We did not leave anything out of the Book." 6:38 (and more), would he have really intended for legislation/regulations to be in hadith while it is clear that it's not a dependable source? Additionally, can we really 100% know that a hadith is true? logically - really?

Something to think about and dialogue about; not fight about insha'Allah.

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