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Is there any injustice taking place around the world? Iraq ring a bell? if so, how much injustice? Any war crimes? Who is to blame? What can we, the youths do about it? This is the place to dissect the truth, and rant on about politics.

Beheading foreigners is

Cruel, ruthless and promotes a violent image of Islam
Most justified, considering the sufferings of our fellow muslims
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By abuali
Many people (muslims and non muslims alike) feel very anguished and angry at what has been happening all around the world. The US and ISrael in the name of freedom and safety, have engaged themselves in a ritual whereby they first breed fear among their people about threats that dont exist and then use that fear to justify their actions and injustices...(I use the word injustices, because there are no words to describe the inhumane murders and killings that are done of innocent people in the name of liberty and freedom) (To see exaclty what I mean by the statement above, I recommend that you watch 'Fahrenheit 911')
Being a Muslim, I'm bound to feel that no matter how ruthless, these actions have been provoked into being carried out and are absolutely justified.
I think being Muslims, we should feel exactly the opposite.

Its absolutely forbidden in Islam to kill/murder innocent people. Infact, Islamic laws disallow the killing of even an enemy when he/she is unarmed and cannot protect himself.

During the wars that the prophet was forced to fight when Islam and muslims were under attack or danger, when the enemy became defensless, regardless of however ruthless the enemy was (mass murderer etc), the prophet ordered them to be captured...and he also ordered the captives to be treated in a manner of respect and dignity...as humanely as possible.

Secondly to behead a man...a living creature created by God...is inhumane...there is no other way about it. Even the animals that are slaughtered are given their hearts content of drinking water, and the cut is restricted to the minimum pain. Islam most definitely looks down upon this imhumane act.

Plus, what makes you so sure that these acts are actually carried out by extremist who are muslims?

To understand what I am getting at, read the article on the site below:-


Plus, I really doubt that beheading foreign civilians will make any difference or as you say, 'drive them out of Iraq'. This would only happen if the government of these nations loved their people. Unfortunately the government and leaders of the invading countries have not a drop of love for their people. They have sent them out to die for selfish economic purposes (once again, watch 'Fahrenheit 911' to understand my point)

I think the best way about this problem is what the grand Ayatullah Seestani has taken. He has clearly expressed that he wants the 'invaders' gone, but he has also opposed violence...as violence will only be used by the 'liars' to make a reason for more war. And his strategy has been most effective. To understand a bit more about the influence he has had, have a look at the articles that appeared in the Time website ( a series of 5 articles) (I am quoting this article to give you a feel of the kind of strategy that can actually succeed from liberating Iraq as compared to the 'beheadings'- ofcourse, which again is arguable that it has been done by Iraqis, as the link i posted above will argue against.)

http://www.time.com/time/magazine/artic ... -1,00.html

Let me know what you think...and if you have any questions about this.
By eternal-jihad
Killing civillians is not islam...

wa salaam
Palestine is a different story as compared to Iraq.

In Palestine, mass injustice has been committed for decades! Many innocent people (women and children) alike have been mercilessly murdered...(people who did not have any means of protecting or defending themselves.)

This injustice has been going on for many decades...and currently, despite everyone knowing the situation and knowing that there is grave injustice against the Palestinian people in their own land, Palestine stands alone in its struggle for freedom.

Iraq is a different story. The situation is not as grave as is at Palestine. People are not being openly killed in masses. In Iraq there is every possibility of Iraqis to have power very soon. The time when the 'invader' attack is when they fear attacks. The Iraqi fighters are not in a position as Palestinian fighters are. Iraqi fighters still can cause harm to the enemies they face in other ways by targetting the army of the enemy...(thats ofcourse after debating whether currently an outright war is the right choice). It always has to eb remembered that War has to be the last resort...lives...everyones lives...muslim and non-muslim is very sacred...and in Islam...war or killings are allowed only upon Islam and Muslims being attacked first.

The issue of Martyr/suicide operations and beheadings are two totally different strategies.

One is attack on the oppressors (those who despite knowing the injustices, continue living on the land of the Palestine) by bombs tied to ones own body (due to lack of any advanced weaponry and due to lack of any other option)

The other is killing in the most merciless method an innocent bystander who is defenseless and may as well have come to Iraq to help its liberation.

Besides, as mentioned earlier in my other post, the beheadings might as well be another propoganda....

Do continue posting any thoughts or questions if my argument does not make sense.

Surely God knows best.
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By Yas
Personally I think it is totally wrong. Islam would never consider such beheading justified. You are however quite right to point out the massacre and slaying of muslims worldwide. This whole "payback time" theory is fine - provided you're getting back at those who are responsible for killing our innocent brothers and sisters in Palestine and elsewhere.

Which brings me to another incident. Have you watched any one of the beheading videos? The nick berg one is "supposedly faked" ... it's a very highly controversial issue - consider there's no blood "pouring" out and the accent of the "Beheaders" is slightly russian. But that's another issue. However, I recently got to see Ken Bigley's one. To all those reading this post - DO NOT watch if you are squirmish... takes quite a lot to digest a live murder. But anyway, my point is, if you watch the way they tie the beheadings to Islam.. it is SO convincing. What I'm saying is... imagine the consequences on Islam in general - the way the image of Islam is distorted...

By zafar
If you look at certain reliable news sites and source it is very much possible that beheadings were created for political gains especially of Berg. Many american doctors and crime specialist say that the video was fake due to the way blood came out, as for the live person when beheaded the blood would forcefully spray out and in this case it was either already a dead body or a dummy. The other thing is the timing of the release of Bergs video was very appropriate to divert the world's attention from abuse in Abu Ghraib prison and to make the world believe that insurgents are bad people and terrorists- look how they treat humans! So it is alright to abuse and bomb them. Well even we were fooled as some of our community were heard saying that this iraqis doing beheadings are the same generation of people who killed Imam husein!
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