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Is there any injustice taking place around the world? Iraq ring a bell? if so, how much injustice? Any war crimes? Who is to blame? What can we, the youths do about it? This is the place to dissect the truth, and rant on about politics.

I am now studying a religious Howza of Imam Khomeini in Syidah Zainab, Syria. We see millions of Iraqi and Palestinian children and most of whom are Shias, begging on the streets and some working as donkeys. We ourselves as religious students have problems here. Life is very tuff. Howza gives us nothing more than a place to sleep and 20 dollars monthly without food. Our Ramadhan this time is very sour. But our sadness increases when we hear Shias of our hometown, Tanzania are rich people and here we see Iraqi children begging for a bread and among them are Sadaats. I asked one Iraqi boy (aged 12 yrs)," Where is your father?". He told me ,"Was killed by Saddam". We go to one place for Iftar as religious students. They give us only arabian bread and soup. Outside the place, I was shocked to see Iraq children begging. I presented some food remains from inside unto them because I myself have problems. They thanked me, kissing my legs. I don't know what to say. If I were rich, we would come to comfort Iraqi children begging on the streets of Damascus but not abandoning their Vilayah on Imam Ali (as).

If that is the state of the refugees imagine what the state of the civilians is in Iraq and Palestine itself.

May Allah (swt) protect them.

I have heard of orgaizations and programs that are based in the middle east and provide services to the down-trodden.

An example is Najaf Campaign.

I am sure if you look around or ask at the Hawza, directions to offices of such organizations in Syria can be found and given to these people so that they can get the much needed help.
I was talking to one Shiite from Nasiriyeh in Iraq. He told his own feelings that how the Shiites are living in Iraq and how they are massacared like goats and sheep. But the strange thing, he wrote to me in chat "But tomorrow is Imam Ali's wafat. its our sad day. the Imam's most purified head was strucked with a poisoneous sword". Though the Iraqi's english wasn't good, but tears rolled upon my cheeks to see how very poor and desprate they are but their poverty doesn't make them forget about Imam Ali (as).

We, the Howza students are still living in poverty and we are not sponsored by anyone. Life in Syria is tuff. But when we see the Iraqis also begging and all of them are Shias, it hurts us. ITS A GREAT LIE THAT THERE ARE SUNNIS IN IRAQ. When u cum here, u will see that all Iraqi Arabs are Shias but SUNNI IRAQIS ARE NOT ORIGNAL IRAQIS. May Allah give them ease. Iraqi Arabs are very hospitable and good not like Syrian and Lebanese Arabs who are proud and cruel. We hope that Iraq be stabilized and be a great Shiite state in the world, more than Iran.

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