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Is there any injustice taking place around the world? Iraq ring a bell? if so, how much injustice? Any war crimes? Who is to blame? What can we, the youths do about it? This is the place to dissect the truth, and rant on about politics.
We have been bombarded daily, over the last two weeks with news, news briefs, more news and more news briefs about the Middle East Crisis.

It is hard to say whether the major media companies, that are largely one sided (the top media companies in the world are owned by Zionists and their supporters), have embarked on a 'numbing' strategy or not.

In other words...by showing the people hours and hours of nothing (i.e only the surface without any coverage of the realities on ground), do they hope to numbe peoples attitude towards the crisis and hope that in time the people of Lebanon and Palestine will be forgotten and abandoned by the rest of the people of the world (who may be too busy in our daily lives and intricacies to worry about some family being blown to death a few thousand kilometers away)

The site http://www.fromisraeltolebanon.info shows what CNN and others will never dare to show. I must warn you that the pictures are not for the weak-stomach.

Are we still silent?
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By Muntazir
Assalamun Aleykum.

How are you and everybody else? Well, there's so much more these people don't show on t.v. I mean, it's insane. They hardly show anything on t.v. except "Innocent Israeli's being Killed", it's a big lie! Don't believe everything you see on Sky News and BBC. They are a total support on Israel and America. We know what the current situation is and how innocent people die every single day. They show nothing except a few building cracks. I wrote to Sky News earlier last week telling them how they've been supportive and they hardly send messages to the world on how innocent women and children die each day. All the International students had a protest here in Qum, few of the brothers and myself gave a speech on tv, but they didn't show it. Today, there will be a protest on the streets of Tehran, I hope they show it live. There's a lot these people don't show. I mean, they know it, if they start showing how innocent people die in Hizbullah and Lebanon, the world will come to realize the true skin of Israeli's and how America supports them. It's sad to see how the Muslim nation is being attacked.

We need to Unite! All Muslims around the world needs to Unite and fight for our rights. We need protests, messages sent to each and every country. We need to take actions. It's been forever since the community in Dar- es- Salaam has taken a serious action over things. I mean, I'm sure people down there must be busy with their lives. This is not the time to sit back and watch the news. No, we all need to think of something.

I wish I could update you more on this, but I'm really busy myself. We have protests, a lot of work, and a lot of studies. Things in Iran are pretty okay so far.

Please let me know if there's anything I can do.

Thank you.

Muntazir Al Mahdi
By keenfarhan
Walaykum salaam muntazir... We are quite fine alhamdulillah... what about you? Atleast compared to our fellow muslims in these terrorized places we should be very thankful to Allah (swt) for the situation here.

As far as the media is concerned im pretty sure all of us know how biased they are.
Its really good to hear how you people are reacting there in Iran.. Just giving you best wishes and praying to Allah (swt) to give you the strength and ability to do more.
By Filgga
what about from lebanon to israel. no information about that
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By Muntazir
As Salaamun Aleykum.

Well, I have been really busy the whole day today, but I'll try getting some headlines from the Iran News paper tomorrow Inshallah, as the Internet Cafe shuts down by 10 here in Madrassah.

So far, Israeli's are loosing, it's what yesterday's newspaper said. And King of Saudi is helping Lebanon $1.5b for the damage. I will try updating you more on the news.

Sorry, I have to go study for now.

May Allah guide us all.

Allah Hafeez

Muntazir Al Mahdi.
By mamu
Despite all the bombings it is not only distressful to see that muslim or Arab Nations are silent but on top of it, Iran was denied to use Saudi Airspace to fly in emergency aid to lebanon!!!
Muhammad Ladak
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By abuali
Filgga: I believe I may have misunderstood your question. Can you please clarify?

Mamu: Indeed...the old adage used during all oppression still stands true: 'divide and annihilate; divide and rule'

How arrogant can we muslims get that despite the countless blessings that the Almighty has showered upon us (Oil being just one of them), we fail to use these gifts when they are most needed to save the lives and dignity of fellow brethren.

Laanaallahi ala qaummil dh'aalimeen and shame to those who are keeping quiet when they can help actively.
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By abuali
I believe at this current stage, no sane person can deny that the USA government and their supporters and the Israeli regime and their supporters are not only wrong in what they are supporting and doing on ground, but that their actions are against all human and international laws as well as evil (due to the fact that they have killed so many innocent children and civilians ruthlessly and continue to do so).

I have been contemplating the reasons for what they do...for now I am sure they do not make the 'mistakes' accidently.

Only today, an Israeli government spokesperson was mentioning how sorry they were at the 'mistake'. The newsreporter made a sharp question which caught him off guard and in the spur of the moment he replied something to the effect of 'You have to know that the community (that they bombed) were not some peace loving people that were harmless and nice' before he realised his 'diplomacy' error and redressed it by saying something to the effect of 'ofcourse it was terrible and we are very sorry'

I thought and thought and could come up with no logical reasoning...until I realised I was not looking where Iwas supposed to look.

Tyrany has no logic. Hitlers action made no sense...except ofcourse for his greed for power, wealth and land.

hmm...is the israeli regime releasing its anger and frustation over the holocaust over the poor and helpless people of lebanon and palestine?

Is the USA supporting Israel (via funds and arms) because of its own foreign policy agenda of a 'democratic' (read as 'our puppet') middle east?
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By Muntazir
As Salaamun Aleykum.

Yes mamu, that really did happen. I mean, I'm not supporting Saudi, I was just giving out the headlines.

Try going through this website http://english.irib.ir/

Well, I have to get back with studie.

Allah Hafeez

I hope everything is going good down there.
In case of the continuation of Israeli attacks Muslim religious scholars might issue a fatwa calling for waging a jihad for defense of Islamic lands.

One of the prominent religious authorities in Iran, Grand Ayatollah Naser Makarem Shirazi, stressed Wednesday: if the brutal Zionist aggressions continue to repress the oppressed people of Lebanon and Palestine, Islamic ulema mighty issue fatwa for Jihad against the non-entity Israel.

Calling on ulema of both the Shi’ite and Sunni schools to launch coordinated moves in defense of the honor of Islam Grand Ayatollah Makarem said: “Although the dependence of certain Muslim governments on foreigners is preventing all-out support of Muslim countries for the Hezbollah movement, unity of approach by both Shi’ite and Sunni scholars can compensate such a shortcoming for the defence of Palestine and Lebanon.


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