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Is there any injustice taking place around the world? Iraq ring a bell? if so, how much injustice? Any war crimes? Who is to blame? What can we, the youths do about it? This is the place to dissect the truth, and rant on about politics.
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By qarrar
Quran 005:067

“O Messenger! Make known that which hath been revealed unto thee from thy Lord, for if thou do it not, thou wilt not have conveyed His message. Allah will protect thee from mankind. Lo! Allah guideth not the disbelieving folk."

The ayat above revealed unto the prophet when he was returning from his last pilgrimage, from which it can be noted that Allah chose Islam as the religion for the believers. Hasan Sadiq contrasts this ayat with the words of Imam Hussein (as) when he was leaving Madina on the 28th of Rajab when he was reported as saying my Salaams (farewell) to Islam. Expanding on this further he was referring to the state of Islam at the time and the Imam was dissociating himself with it. Hassan Sadiq goes on to explain what changed between the time of these two events and on which end of the spectrum of these both events do we modern Muslims lie.
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By qarrar
Did anyone see the recent headlines, Iran will harm the USA! I love it when the media put spin on matters. What the Iranian official actually said and I heard him myself and I am sure most of you did as-well was that if America chooses to inflict paid and suffering, it itself is susceptible to pain and suffering.
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By qarrar
Lecture by Prof. Abbas Edalat on ‘Stop the War on Iran before it Starts’. Lectures available to download from http://www.sicm.org.uk

(Abbas Edalat, Ph.D. is a professor of Mathematics and Computer Science at Imperial College, UK. He is a founding member of the Campaign against Sanctions and Intervention in Iran)
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By qarrar
France, Germany and the UK have drawn up a new draft of a proposed United Nations Security Council resolution aiming to curb Iran's nuclear efforts. The draft details which materials Iran would be banned from acquiring under possible Security Council sanctions. It also threatens Iran with unspecified actions if it does not suspend its enrichment of uranium, but is narrower in scope than previous drafts. Russia and China both said early drafts were too restrictive on Tehran.
Iran asks UN to take action against Israeli nuclear arms

UNITED NATIONS: Iran called on the UN Security Council on Tuesday to compel Israel to give up its nuclear weapons.

Iranian Ambassador to UN Javad Zarif wrote to the 15-nation UN body after Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, in a German TV interview, implied for the first time that his country had nuclear weapons.

Israel had never before acknowledged having atomic bombs and, unlike Iran, is not a member of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, known as the NPT.

Israel is assumed to have about 200 nuclear weapons, Hans Blix, former head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, the Vienna-based UN nuclear watchdog, said last June.

Olmert's statement triggered widespread criticism from Arab states that the West was working under a double standard in pressing Iran to suspend its nuclear activities while ignoring Israeli arms.

The Iranian letter marked the first formal call for action against Israel by the UN Security Council, which is currently negotiating a resolution that would impose sanctions on Tehran over its nuclear ambitions.

Tehran says its nuclear program seeks only to produce electricity but Western powers fear it is using a domestic nuclear program as a cover for making bombs.

Olmert's hint that Israel has a nuclear arsenal "has removed any excuse -- if there ever were any -- for continued inaction by the council in the face of this actual threat to international peace and security," Zarif said.

He urged the council to "compel it (Israel) to abandon nuclear weapons, urge it to accede to the NPT without delay and demand this regime to place promptly all its nuclear facilities under IAEA full-scope safeguards."

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, referring to Israel at an international conference questioning the Holocaust last week in Tehran, told delegates that "the trend for the existence of the Zionist regime is downwards and this is what God has promised and what all nations want."

"Just as the Soviet Union was wiped out and today does not exist, so will the Zionist regime soon be wiped out," he said.

- wilayah network -news
By Ustaz Hussein
Did you see how el-Baradie in his farewell speech, threw Iran into a hot boiling potato by saying:-
"Iran's nucleur programme is yet to be proved that it is peacefull and that Iran has engaged with us in the most better way....but our research tells us how IRAN IS TRYING TO ACHIEVE NUCLEUR WEAPONS".

This all is a game of America and the west. What is Obama? or elbaradie? They are just slaves serving the desires of those at the helm
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