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By azra
5th Jamadul Awwal
Birth Anniversary of Sayyeda Zainab (as)


Sayyeda Zainab(as), the daughter of Imam Ali (as) and Sayyeda Fatima (as), was an exemplary Woman of great ability, intelligence, knowledge , insight, courage and perseverance. She was born in the Prophet's (saw) family, the most outstanding figure in human history. The Prophet's wife Sayyeda Khadija was her maternal grandmother, and her paternal grandmother was Fatima daughter of Assad, who mothered and nursed the Prophet (saw).

Hazrat Zainab (as) was a brilliant star that received rays of holiness from the five suns (Panjetan Pak a.s.). It was through her holy origins and pious edification that she manifested so great a fortitude in Karbala (Iraq). The life of the daughter of Hazrat Al-Zahra (as) was always laden with hardships, but she never feared coping with difficulties and this enhanced her endurance and elevated her soul.
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