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By Zahra..
Recently you guys must have heard tht there is a group of people that has been preaching Islam by means of music.. This has been brought up in the forum before..Well i was just having a discussion with a few of my friends and this thing came up.. We all understand tht watever is being said in the song is tru but its the wrong way of doing it.. But recently people complain that the muslim world is falling apart.. The sins are increasing day by day and the the truth is trying to be hidden.. Lets take an example of the youths.. I mean lets admit it people do prefer listening to music these days rather than listening to the Quran ( p.s im not saying EVERYONE..may Allah (s.w.t) guide us all to the right path and reward those who are listening to the Quran).. So some argued that since music is now almost everywhere..it would be an effective way of letting people know about the truth.. I know this is wrong but I dono wot to say to them.. They also know tht it is wrong..but not everyone does..they feel tht the message will get to the people..and its true because in this way so many people have found out coz they have heard this song..so many people are talkin about it? Can u guys help me please??
Thanx alot..
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By abuali
Alaykum Salaam Zahra

From your post, I assume that you are of the opinion that Music is bad
Lets take an example of the youths.. I mean lets admit it people do prefer listening to music these days rather than listening to the Quran ( p.s im not saying EVERYONE..may Allah (s.w.t) guide us all to the right path and reward those who are listening to the Quran).. So some argued that since music is now almost everywhere..it would be an effective way of letting people know about the truth.. I know this is wrong but I dono wot to say to them
Hence, I will start my discussion based on this understanding. (please let me know if i assumed wrong)

The argument your friends have presented to you is very weak for a number of reasons: -

1. Just because a majority of people accept something or do something, does not make it the right thing to do. (even if the entire world agrees to it). This is a very basic principle that everyone (i hope) understands very well.

2. I personally doubt very much that MUSIC itself can add any value to spreading the word. Infact I believe that music may cause more harm to the propogation than to spread it...

3. Letting people know of the truth via music is a very feeble argument once again. It is the age of information...information is on everyones finger tips....So its not like MUSIC is the only solution, fullstop!

My personal belief is, the end does not justify the means.

There was a discussion regarding this issue earlier. You can have a look at it below...


Feel free to post any other questions or arguments.
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By Zahra..
Thanx alot hasin..for all ur help..and ur effort in trying to make me understand.. I get the concept and i hope ill be able to clearify the doubts of my friends..Thanx once again!!


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