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Posted: 25 Feb 2007, 00:44
by Tayyaba
i think this is related to above..

Sura Maidah section 8 -Relation of the muslims with their opponents.

aya 51: O ye who believe! take ye not the jews and the christians for friends, they are the friends one of the other; and whoever taketh them for friends of you, verily, he is one of them; verily, God guideth not an unjust people.

can someone explain this aya to me?? i will post in tafsir 2mrw inshallah.

Posted: 27 Feb 2007, 22:47
by Tayyaba
Tafsir of Aya 51 Sura Maidah.

''Aulia'' is the plural of ''Wali'' which may mean much more than a friend. The word is used to mean a guardman also, even a lord or a Master, the idea of a supporter or a protecter being the chief element in the meaning of the word. If used for the meaning of a friend, it means a sincerely interested one whose support and protection can always be depended upon, and from whom there can never be expected the least harm or hurt or the apprehension of decieving or misleading at any time in any matter whatsoever. Such a quality can never be expected of any one of the camps hostile to Islam.
When two nations or people are hostile to each other for any cause common to them, any one from one camp being a friend to any one in the other camp is nothing but treason.
Friendship, when it gets intense, wields very great infleunce upon the individuals. Each one bound by the bonds of sincere love is liable to do anything for the other. This injunction of Islam prohibiting friendship with an unbeliever or a disbeliever, is to save the believer from the influence of infidelity or ''Kafr'' and keep him always attached to the truth, far from the evil influence of falsehood.
By loving a Godly man one is sure to copy Godliness and thus himself becomes Godly and similarly if an individual is bound by the friendship to a wicked being, the individual would copy wickedness by the continuous attachmment to the evils, and one day himself would be a wicked one.
It is based upon the natural phenomenon that Islam-Original (Called Shiasm) has it prescribed in the articles of the practice of the fait, 'Twalla', i.e., love ( Of the virtuous ones) and 'Tabarra' aversion to wicked ones.

Posted: 02 Mar 2007, 00:40
by abuali
Muhammad Mahdi wrote:I havent come to food yet. Just asking, according to the definition is my assumption correct?
1. One should be certain, or satisfied that something is najis. If one suspects that something may be najis, it is not necessary to avoid it.
In other words, no one is najis unless your 100% sure they are najis (without a single doubt).

The fatwa is very clear...unless you are sure...consider it not najis.

Hence...the action will differ from person to person. The person who is 100% sure of it being najis can take whatever action to avoid it and the rest do not have to avoid it...and they dont even have to find out for sure.

Tayyaba...its sometime very very dangerous to look at any single ayats of the Holy Quran out of context. You will notice that the revelation of ayats have a logical plan...they were revealed at the right times when needed over the 23 years. And they have a context.

You will also notice several ayats in the Holy Quran that if taken out of context, may seem to the unaware mind to contradict one another. for example the ayats about jihad as opposed to 'la ikra'ha fi din'. But once we look at the context, it makes sense.

Posted: 02 Mar 2007, 00:56
by abuali
Let me elaborate what I mean...

Say a believing Muslim man...does all the wajibats...and calls himself a lover of the Ahl Bayt...but has very bad habits.

Would keeping friends with him be ok?

Secondly, as Tayyaba explained 'Aulia' does not literally translate into 'friends'. And Allah (s) loves those who are merciful and patient towards others. Hence its wajib to always have a good disposition...even towards non-believers...unless ofcourse they harm you or attack you.

Its easier to invite others to your belief system with good manners than with any other means.

The bad effect is when one gets emotionally attached to a disbeliever and starts adopting his/her beliefs. This should definitely not be allowed...not with a disbeliever neither with any bad mannered person.

Posted: 02 Mar 2007, 08:50
by Muhammad Mahdi
And similar is the case of those who deny Prophethood, or any of the necessary laws of Islam, like, namaz and fasting, which are believed by the Muslims as a part of Islam, and which they also know as such.
Many laws of Islam are not followed by christians and Jews and also some sects of muslims. Do they then fall in the category of kafirs?

Posted: 02 Mar 2007, 10:12
by abuali
I would believe the above refers to Muslims only

Posted: 02 Mar 2007, 14:31
by Muhammad Mahdi
I would believe the above refers to Muslims only
But the masael does not restrict it to muslims only. :roll:

Posted: 02 Mar 2007, 20:39
by abuali
I think it does. What makes you think it doesnt?

Posted: 02 Mar 2007, 21:09
by Muhammad Mahdi
if it should include muslims only, I think, the masael would have stated it to be so.

Posted: 03 Mar 2007, 00:50
by abuali
I think it does. read it again.

Posted: 03 Mar 2007, 21:08
by Muhammad Mahdi
hasin wrote:I think it does. read it again.
perhaps you would care to show me? :lol:

Re: Kafir

Posted: 15 Sep 2009, 16:02
by Ustaz Hussein
In one of the question-answers book of Ayatollah Khamenei', he declared about the Ismailis:-
"If they believe Allah to be "The God" then they are pure but if they believe that either "Hazrat Ali (as)" or "The Aga Khan" is "The God" then they are Najis"

Re: Kafir

Posted: 15 Sep 2009, 16:44
by Muhammad Mahdi
If "muslims" who do this are najis then definetely ahlul-kitab fall under this category.


Posted: 15 Sep 2009, 18:37
by abuali
Muhammad Mahdi wrote:
hasin wrote:I think it does. read it again.
perhaps you would care to show me? :lol:
Sorry, never got down to this. Better late than never
And similar is the case of those who deny Prophethood, or any of the necessary laws of Islam, like, namaz and fasting, which are believed by the Muslims as a part of Islam, and which they also know as such.
The above statement clarifies that this is pointing to those 'muslims' whose claim of being 'muslims' falls short because of their denial of the basic tenets of Islam.

Re: Kafir

Posted: 15 Sep 2009, 18:42
by abuali
Anyone who associates anyone/anything with Allah(SWT) automatically becomes kaffir (unbeliever i.e. in oneness of Allah) and therefore najis (because the kufr has ways of rubbing off, and hence Allah(SWT) orders us to protect ourselves from najasat).

This is agreed.

However, the key points are:

1. You have to be 100% sure before labeling someone/something kafir/najis, and
2. 'Avoid them' does not mean shun them or treat them badly. It simply means avoid their beliefs (which can rub off you if you spend a lot of time with them).