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The Holy Month, one of the most sacred in Islam is here again. This is the place to discuss and post facts and everything else about fasting and Ramadhan.
By Sabriya Bharwani
CHARITY is storing away with your Lord and a deposit for which you will have no need for witnesses.

It is more appropriate for you to do it privately and keep the affairs between you and Him secret under all circumstances.

Charity Helps Solve Social Class Problems.
Islam aims to eliminate unjust social differences between the rich and the poor. It aims to establish certain means by which the standard of living of the poor people can be elevated to a point at which they can at least benefit from minimum living necessities. To achieve this It has established certain obligatory taxes such as the alms-tax and the one-fifth levy. It has also encouraged many voluntary forms of charity to help achieve this goal.
Attack on Gaza; a tragic mistake ?

Israel attack on Rafah on 26th May 2024 was the de[…]


The month of Dhul-Qa`dah is the first of the Sacre[…]

"The 12 Shining Imams" Series In this p[…]


Cambridge University’s Trinity College has m[…]

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