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Our Holy Aimmah Tahereen foretold that in the last days before the advent of our Qaim; our Shia's shall be persecuted every where.
A question arises as to how could the enemies keep track of the eighty million Shias residing around the world?
It will not be difficult for the Sufyani to track down Shias nor would it be difficult for the Wahabi extremists to show up on our doors and execute us.
Would such sectarian violence envelope Africa too?
Well, if it has already spread as far as Malaysia and Indonesia; it is only a matter of time before it erupts here.
Wahabi extremism has progressed in East Africa and has gained a strong hold among their Youth wing as Al-Shabab. This of course is the manufactured and devised product of the West and gradually it shall be activated to wipe out Shias in Africa.
Go through the articles below for an awakening!

Facebook is CIA’s ‘Appalling Spying Machine’– May 5, 2011Posted in: US - Canada
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has accused almost all big US Internet companies such as Facebook, Google, and Yahoo of allowing the CIA to access user data via a specially designed interface.
Assange has further described social networking giant Facebook as “the most appalling spying machine that has ever been invented” in an interview for Russia Today.
In his words, with the storing of user generated information on Facebook, the US intelligence services and government have access to personal data of millions of people globally.
“Here we have the world’s most comprehensive database about people, their relationships, their names, their addresses, their locations, their communications with each other, their relatives, all sitting within the United States, all accessible to U.S. Intelligence… They have an interface that they have developed for US intelligence to use. Now is it the case that Facebook is actually run by US intelligence? No it’s not like that. It’s simply that U.S. intelligence is able to bring to bear legal and political pressure to them and it’s costly for them to hand out records one by one so they have automated the process,” Assange stated.
He stressed that by storing their information on a site like Facebook, users are doing free work for intelligence agencies.
In his RT interview Assange has reiterated his disputes with The Guardian and the New York Times over document editing. The Wikileaks founder attributes “nearly every war” in the last half-century to “media lies”.

Malaysian Wahhabi Extremists Attacked Shia Mourners, Detain 200
Monday, 20 December 2010 12:10
The gathering was dedicated to Imam Hussein ibn Ali a.s in commemoration of his martyrdom in Karbala. Commencing at 8:00 pm local time, the event started with the congregational prayers of Maghrib and Isya’, and proceeded with the Ziyarat ‘Ashura and a brief account of the Karbala event. This was then followed by a speech by Hujjatul Islam Mohsein Radmard of Iranian origin which was translated into Malay by Hujjatul Islam Haji Muhammad Kamil Zuhairi bin Abdul Aziz. The contents of the unfinished speech focused around the characters and attributes of the Muslim believers. At around 10:15 pm while the speech was going on, a group of people came in introducing themselves as enforcement officers from the office of the Selangor Islamic Department (JAIS). The officers called off the speech and started reading the search warrant justifying their raid on the premise. The search warrant however was found to be faulty as it permits search on the premise numbered 11C, whereas the premise where the event took place is 9C. Some of the officers came into the premise with their shoes on. This invited unnecessary anger from some of the members of the congregation to which the officers acted upon and removed their shoes. To cool down the tense, the congregation chanted Salawat on Prophet Muhammad and his family. The officers then requested the congregation to remain calm and silent while they proceeded with their search procedure. The identity cards and passports of all attendees were collected, together with some of the evidences of Shiite elements which include Turbah, Mafatihul Jinan, Quran, posters, banners, portraits, books and etc. Some of the attendees are lecturers, students, lawyers and government servants. The attendees were later served with a notice which required them to be present at the Selangor Islamic Department (JAIS) at Shah Alam to be further investigated individually in private sessions. When attended the sessions, they were again served with notice requiring their presence at the Syariah Subordinate Court scheduled in March 2011.Both Hujjatul Islam Mohsein Radmard and Hujjatul Islam Haji Muhammad Kamil Zuhairi bin Abdul Aziz were brought for investigation immediately after the raid which finished at around 2:00 am. They were later required to attend Shariah Court at Kuang at 10:00 am, on 16th December 2010 for their details to be taken down. Afterwards, they were released on bail pending for the Shariah criminal proceeding scheduled on 20th January 2011.Wahhabi’s Influences. It is obvious the Khusrin’s false charges are not true. Though, all these are his opinion that he accused Shia under the influence of Wahhabi thoughts which most of these Fatwas (religious verdicts) are registered in Selangor’s Mufti Fatwas! The Shia are under the pressure of Wahhabis by using the Fatwa as law. This comments printed as, special issue on Selangors Fatwas, in Selangors newspapers. Among published Fatwas in the newspapers there is a charge that: “Shia rejects the Sunni Hadith and also knows the companions of the Holly Prophet (s.a.w.w) as infidel”. The accusations, repeatedly has been answered and rejected by Shia clerics. According to Selangor’s Mufti Fatwa, Shia are diverted because some teachings of Shia are different from what Sunni believe in.Wahhabi extremist threaten Malaysia
Malaysia has about twenty thousand indigenous Shia. While more than thirty thousand Iranians live, work or study in Malaysia. These acts are extreme and false propaganda toward them and their life and security is on risk. Malaysia is playing with their economy and the popularity by these incorrect acts.
Malaysia is divided into 13 states (Negeri) and 3 federal territories (Wilayah Persekutuan). These are divided between the two regions of Malaysia, with 11 states and 2 federal territories on Peninsula Malaysia and the other 2 states and 1 federal territory in East Malaysia. The Federal Kings of Pahang, Selangor, Perak, and Negeri Sembilan, Kelantan, Kedah, Johor, Perlis and Terengganu and Federal Territories of Malacca, Penang, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya. All of them have their own law and Selangor is the only State in which these strange Fatwa and rules exists.

The present situation of Shia in Indonesia;
Shia Clerics Home was Attacked by Wahhabis / Wahabism Pressurizing Shia’s of Indonesia

On 10th April in Sampang , Madura island, East Java, the home of a Shiite cleric was attacked by a mob of more than 100 people. The attackers carried sharp weapons and attempted to enter the cleric’s home but were prevented from doing so by police. No-one was hurt.

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Yesterday Hundreds of People attended the funeral Prayer in absentia for the dead Terrorist Osama Bin Laden, which clearly shows the tilt and Influence of the Wahabism in Indonesia. As Osama Bin Laden who was the founder of Al Qaida, and was a coalition Partner of Taliban, and the related organization was a symbol of Wahabism. As all Terrorist Organization who are under the influence and sponsorship of Al Qaida or Taliban are funded by Ale Saud, who are working in the Interest of Zionist led US and the Western Power, which has even been admitted by the Hilary Clinton in her speech in the US Congress, that CIA created these Wahhabi Extremist Organizations to Break the Super Power USSR, to create Mercenaries.
On 10th April in Sampang, Madura island, East Java, the home of a Shiite cleric was attacked by a mob of more than 100 people. The attackers carried sharp weapons and attempted to enter the cleric’s home but were prevented from doing so by police. No-one was hurt.
Still in East Java, but on the mainland, on 20th April thousands of people in the town of Bangil, near Pasuruan, marched to the office of the Attorney General’s department demanding the banning of organizations which promote Shia Islam in Indonesia.
The protestors, marching under the banner of a group called “Pemuda Ahlussunah Bangil”, or Bangil Sunnah Followers Youth, had previously gathered in the town square after Friday prayers, and then went about the town putting up banners condemning Shia Islam. On their passage through the town the marchers menacingly passed by the offices and homes of organizations and people thought to be most responsible for spreading Shia Islam in the Bangil area.
The leader of the protestors, Habib Umas Assegaf, said Shia Islam was heretical and responsible for such outrageous teachings and practises of Mutah. He said if Shia organizations were not banned he would bring even more people out onto the streets in future.
Asis Widarto of the Attorney General’s office in Bangil met with representatives of the mob and said his department would take into consideration the concerns of the protestors. He asked the Pemuda Ahlussunah Bangil to provide the Attorney General with evidence that Shia Islam was indeed heretical and thereafter such material would be studied by the comically named “Tim Pakem” (Pengawas Aliran Kepercayaan Masyarakat, Overseers of the Peoples’ Beliefs), this august body being composed of policemen, state lawyers, and members of the National Unity Board (Badan Kesatuan Bangsa (Bakesbang).
Hasyim Muzadi of the Nahdlatul Ulama travelled to Bangil on 22nd April to attempt to calm the situation. He met with dozens of senior clerics in the town and attempted to explain the history of various Islamic sects, starting with Khawariji Islam, and moving onto the Shia.
Hasyim asked NU people in Bangil and Pasuruan to be rational, the differences between Sunni and Shia could not be solved by fighting. What was worse the NU was currently seeking to solve the Sunni vs Shia conflict in Iraq and the actions of NU members in Bangil were not helping.

Boycott Malaysian products.
Do not send your children to Malaysia for education.
Malaysia ready to send troops to Bahrain
Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razzak has said in an statement that his country is ready to send troops as part of a force to put down the revolution in Bahrain by Shiite Majority.
Razzak also backed Saudi Arabia’s brutally crack down against peaceful Shiite protesters.
“Malaysia stands ready to contribute to Bahrain, if invited to do so by the leadership,” Mr. Razzak said in a statement late Friday following a meeting in Riyadh with King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.
“Malaysia considers it a great honor to meddle in Bahrain” the prime minister said.
International rights organizations have asked Bahrain to release what it says are hundreds of protestors that have been detained since the unrest began.
Thousands of anti-government protesters have been staging demonstrations on Bahrain’s streets since February, demanding that the Al Khalifa dynasty relinquish power.
Bahraini regime forces, backed by Saudi army troops and mercenaries, have killed protesters and abducted hundreds of people, including journalists and opposition figures as well as doctors and nurses.

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